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Day in the Life of Stacey



Mar 13, 2022
- 07:00. Stacey wakes up, ruffels her hair, and takes a pic for Instagram. Within 1 minute she has 100 comments telling her how she is the most beautiful person in the world
- 07:15. Stacey showers and puts on make-up and does up her hair, improving her looks 100-fold. She uploads her makeup bill to Twitter and gets it immideatly paid for
- 07:30. Stacey orders some *Brunch* from UberEats, using her Father's Credit card. Because she tried a fad diet one time at 14, her Father now pays all her food bills at 24. Sure he only makes $50K a year but because of patriarchial wage gap Stacy thinks it is justifiied
- 07:45. While waiting for and eating *Brunch* Stacey scrolls through Tinder examining her offers. She matches with and sets up a $24 conversation fee with Betas, collects $2,400, and unmatches
- 08:30. Stacey puts on her $1000 perfume, grabs her $5000 purse, and walks towards ger $50,000 sports car and drives to work. Being Stacey she faces no traffic as she drives in the bus and carpool lanes, the shoulder, and the wrong side of the road. She just flashes a smile at all the drivers and flirts at any cop who gets in the way.
- 09:00. Stacey arrives at work and heads to the her Starbucks. The guy behind her pays for her Grande low-fat caramel macchiato soy match Pumkin Spice Chai latte and she gives him the number of the local suicide hotline.
- 09:15. Stacey walks into the office in her LuLuLemon leggings and sleeveless crop top. She is cold since the mysogonistic guys in suits keep blasting the AC so she walks in the CEOs office and threatens a sexism lawsuit unless they turn the AC off, which they immideatly do
- 09:45. Having just won a victory for feminsm, Stacey makes an Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr post about it and gets 100,000 likes by the end of the day. She spends the next hour complimenting her fellow Stacies in the fight against the Patriarchy
- 10:45. Stacey decides it is about time she gets to work. Now she works as a software engineer making $150K a year but of course has no idea how to code. Being a Stacey she just sent her resume to a STEM job and got hried on the spot due to diversity mandates. Not knowing hot to do her job, she asks Billy Beta if he could take them on and gives him a shoulder squeeze. Enamored and alwasy wanting to help his best friend, he accepts
- 11:00. Delegating like a #GirlBoss, Stacey spend the rest of the morning planning her sorority intiation event where they would lead on nerdy STEM guys, kick them in the nuts, and take their cash. Laughing about humiliating asian and india subhumans makes her realize that her virtue signal bar is dropping so she makes a tiktok on how #BlackLivesMatter restoring her bar
- 12:00. Stacey has her eyes on Premium Steakhouse and organizes a team lunch there for herself and some of the Beckys around. Billy Beta, Raj BetaSingh, and Wang BetaChang are all invited to come and pay the bill and give them relationship advice about all the Chads they are seeing. She expresses how greatfuls she is to her friends for always taking her out and how she always all the guys she likes were like them. She talks about how much is expected of her as a Woman and if they would be willing to take on more work to ease the expectaions.
- 13:00. Having had completed more projects than anyone else in the team. Stacey is given a raise to $250K a year and a 100% performance bonus. After pointing out that the highest paid male employee, the lead enginner who co-founded the company makes 10 times as much, Stcey gets a retroactive adjustment to $2.5M a year plus a 30% wage gap premium
- 14:00. Having delegated her work like the #GirlBoss she is, Stacey makes an inspirational YouTube Video and LinkedIn post and immidiately gets 1M likes and 100 job offers. She decides she has earned her #SelfCare time off and heads to the mall where she meets her friend Brad
- 14:30. Needing new clothes - can't be seen wearing last month's fashion - Stacey has no time to loose. She tells Brad how she is so happy to have her bestfriend take her shopping that she loves having a bestfriend to compliment her and carry her bags. Having left her card in her car, she knows she can always rely on her best friend to spot her this one time. As always, Brad tells Stacey how he feels and Stacey tells him how she cannot bear the though about loosing him as a friend but that he desrves a big wonderful best friends forever hug. She then asks Brad to store the stuff in his apartment as she needs to get ready for her dates tonight
- 17:30. After telling a losser homless man to check his male priviellege, Stacey drives home to get ready for her date
- 18:00. Feeling insulted that her date Claude came to meet her in a bus, Stacey makes a TikTok on how Claude insulted and sexually assaulted her. Claude gets immidetely imprisoned. Stacey then sets up another date with Brent
- 18:30. Brent arrives a rented limo - finally a gentelment who knows how to court a Woman. He takes her to a 7-star restaurant, par for the course and standard of course, and he listens and takes interest in her and her life. A solid 7, will keep him around as potential boyfriend. She graces him with a kiss and they partways, her saying that she wants to keep it slow
- 21:30. Stacey then hops on Tinder, matches with a local pro 10/10 chad Athlete, and fucks him through the night. She refelcts on how the Athelte is richer than her and how the patriarhcy still runs the world and how she and her next gen feminists have a lot of work to do going forward. She hopes that this NHL player would commit, but just like the NBA and NFL players she dated before him, none of them would. She can out comprehend why all the Men of her league are all trash and wonders if she could ever find a good Man
Day in the life of OP
This isn’t an exaggeration. This is 100% true
Life on tutorial mode with cheats
In the time you took to write all that, Stacy has had 10 men message her looking for some type of companionship; all were ignored, save for a few Chadlites. :feelshaha:
this makes me want to cheer when niggers gangrape and brutally murder white women.
Now that's a solid Graycel post:feelsokman:
5000 purse is for Beckies, for a real stacy (8/10) it's 50k purse.
One thing: I don't think real stacy is in to feminism. They are too busy fucking giga chads.
Tone it down 70% and It would make sence . They live Life on Insert CD Mode.

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