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Blackpill "Dating coaches" are integrating parts of the blackpill now. Video on why Tinder has destroyed the dating market.



Dec 15, 2017
Youtube knows I'm incel as fuck so they suggested this to me:

Which was actually a good video. In it, a normie tier "dating coach" breaks down why Tinder has destroyed the dating market. His perspective is essentially the same as ours, but he veneers it over in a more publicly acceptable manner by pretending no specific gender is to blame. In the end he concludes: "Just do cold approach IRL bro!" (because that works so much better and totally won't get you arrested in 2019...)

Read the comments. They're blackpill top to bottom. Even average normal guys are putting 2 and 2 together and realizing they are totally fucked:
"man, I have no idea more what to do. There are lots of dating channels out there saying that cold approach isn't worth it because you will have to approach a hundred women before finding someone worth it. Then there are others channels saying that the best way to find girls is by a circle of friends (a friend know someone and introduces her to you) And then there are channels saying that you should go on tinder because it's less work. My god guys, I just want a girlfriend. Those channels make it look harder than getting a phd in math."

"Online dating has definitely made me view women in a more negative light. After a man writes well thought out messages to women letting her know that he read her profile, liked what he read, and expresses interest in getting to know her better only to be completely ignored seriously dampers a man's enthusiasm. Then there is that OK cupid study that shows that women only find 20% of the men attractive really makes me feel that women are not worth the effort to date them. Women have seriously over valued themselves in the dating scene going after the top 20% of the guys and then wonder why those guys don't want to commit, settle down, and be monogamous when 80% of the women are chasing them."
"this guy does not get the big picture. Women have made things so unbalanced and thats why there is kickback with mgtow. Women need to come down to earth most are not just gold diggers they think they are the cats meow. case and point they think 80% of the dudes on ok cupid are straight up unattractive. The delusion and imbalance at the moment is stemming from women. They are fools to go for the top 5% of dudes as those guys are leaving a swath of destruction, It again is the womens fault for going for the top 5-10% thinking there is going to be a positive outcome"
And it goes on and on like that. It seems we don't really have to do anything to blackpill the masses of men. All men need to do is try Tinder and witness women's true nature firsthand. The fact that even "dating coaches" who make money off the bluepill are starting to acknowledge "it's over" (ie. blackpill) shows how obviously over it really is.

Society is toast.
all you need to know is all women only go for the best guys

nothing else matters
all you need to know is all women only go for the best guys

nothing else matters

Yeah honestly that's the blackpill in a single sentence. And people are figuring it out everywhere.
oy vey goyim you're spotted

Soon they'll start rounding us up into internment camps.

Although by the time it gets to that point there will be so many of us they won't even have enough space.
Online dating has definitely made me view women in a more negative light.
Tinder is the strongest blackpill.
Imagine how differently men would think if they were required to test Tinder with a Chad profile pic and an ugly truecel profile pic but had to use the same text.
First you need to know that no sane real woman would have a tinder profile.
Imagine being an academic or having a high wage job as a foid.
Due and thanks to men society you have a reputation and prestige to maintain if you want to keep that life so you cant go full Tee Hee sucking random chad dicks every weekend like most GLORIFIED 24/7 GYM NEET WOMEN do.
That shit would ABSOLUTELY destroy your life if someone spreads rumours about it.
But because there are betabuxxer idiots willing to marry modern roastie NEETs (specially dyed blondes) they dont suffer the consequences of not having worked a single day to anyone during their shitty life outside of gym and social media.
First you need to know that no sane real woman would have a tinder profile.

every woman has a smart phone and a version of social media

all social media allows hot guys to message women and exposes women to hot guys

those are two immutable facts and they are not up for debate.
every woman has a smart phone and a version of social media

all social media allows hot guys to message women and exposes women to hot guys

those are two immutable facts and they are not up for debate.

bullshit. you dont know how social media works.

Instagram's real purpose is to elevate women's ego. They dont see 20,000 men liking a photo. They only see some strange digits and the more the better, therefore it's not for dating. A lot of studies conclude that their active users are all narcissists.
Twitter's is to seek social approval. Vomit a bunch of words including "women, are, better, than, men" in that order as a foid and you will get public figures acknowledge your shitty existence.
Nobody uses facebook anymore.
Snapchat is the same as IG except its mostly used for drug trafficking and ilegal shit (CP)
bullshit. you dont know how social media works.

Instagram's real purpose is to elevate women's ego. They dont see 20,000 men liking a photo. They only see some strange digits and the more the better, therefore it's not for dating. A lot of studies conclude that their active users are all narcissists.
Twitter's is to seek social approval. Vomit a bunch of words including "women, are, better, than, men" in that order as a foid and you will get public figures acknowledge your shitty existence.
Nobody uses facebook anymore.
Snapchat is the same as IG except its mostly used for drug trafficking and ilegal shit (CP)

i guess all the experiments where they take an ugly woman's pics, make a new facebook or IG account and gets hundreds of a messages in the first day are clearly bullshit

or you're completely delusional

i wonder which

edit: also on tinder profiles you commonly see "message me on IG" which shows how it's often men are messaging women on there
Tinder blackpilled me fucking hard.
Lol at the cope that no sane women use tinder

Well you do know tinder and dating app combined probably have 500M+ downloads, which is pretty much a large part of the earth population

Secondly virtually all foids have a smartphone hence you see them doing stupid shit like selfies.

Let's face it. Tinder is the norm.
Lol at the cope that no sane women use tinder

Well you do know tinder and dating app combined probably have 500M+ downloads, which is pretty much a large part of the earth population

Secondly virtually all foids have a smartphone hence you see them doing stupid shit like selfies.

Let's face it. Tinder is the norm.

the fact you can link your IG to tinder and foids ask chads to bring the convo to IG just shows how integrated online dating is with everyday life
some of you still haven't realized that online dating is becoming the norm.
This is also a good video from him on the same subject. He made this first then the one above after:

Interesting point about how Tinder basically stops showing your profile to anyone past day 2-3 unless you pay for Boosts.

He goes full bluepill at 5:50 on "what women want" and at 10:00 about how any guy can get into the top 10-20%, but otherwise it's correct.

His solution which is basically to enforce online monogamy is interesting too but will never happen as he admits.

When incels, normies, MGTOWs, PUAs, and even "dating coaches" are all on the same page for what is destroying dating and society we're reaching total male consensus. That's gotta count for something.
First you need to know that no sane real woman would have a tinder profile.
Imagine being an academic or having a high wage job as a foid.
Due and thanks to men society you have a reputation and prestige to maintain if you want to keep that life so you cant go full Tee Hee sucking random chad dicks every weekend like most GLORIFIED 24/7 GYM NEET WOMEN do.
That shit would ABSOLUTELY destroy your life if someone spreads rumours about it.
But because there are betabuxxer idiots willing to marry modern roastie NEETs (specially dyed blondes) they dont suffer the consequences of not having worked a single day to anyone during their shitty life outside of gym and social media.
(((They))) are working towards making it acceptable to have a reputation and be able to publicly suck random Chad dicks without consequences.
JFL at Youtube. Even good looking guys are complaining about Tinder.

I think he's just playing it up. A guy like that gets sex off Tinder guaranteed. But probably with 3-4/10 fat chicks given how things are going.
Online dating was what finally broke what remained of my soul.
all you need to know is all women only go for the best guys

nothing else matters

...and the romantic and sexual desires of all the rest are under permanent scrutiny and increasingly demonized if not even outright criminalized.
lmao at the stupid cuck who thinks dating is hard as phd..
yes its gonna be hard if youre a below 8 subhuman.. meanwhile chad doesnt even have to do anything
Society crumbles
Society crumbles
Society crumbles
*clap* *clap*
in the second video he is actually blaming men/chads and defending women

when both are to blame

enough Jewtube
Yeah honestly that's the blackpill in a single sentence. And people are figuring it out everywhere.

This time next year the :blackpill: will be so mainstream that even public politicians & figures will be discussing it. With every bit of scientific research that comes out.
(((They))) are working towards making it acceptable to have a reputation and be able to publicly suck random Chad dicks without consequences.
And "they" will succeed.

You have to understand how generational demographics in this country are changing. The only people who cared about a woman's "reputation" were the WWII and Silent Generation (those born roughly between 1910 and 1945). They were the people holding the moral fabric of our society together.

Sadly, these people are now dying off.

They're being replaced by the depraved Baby Boomers, Generation-X, Millennials and Gen Z (those born between 1945 to 2010). These later generations are not cut from the same cloth as the old guard. They couldn't care less about a woman's 'reputation' because they themselves have fucked up values. If anything, they're going to condone deviant behavior, not denounce it. These people are 100% responsible for all the degeneracy we've witnessed in America over the last 40 years.

Let my words sink in.
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And "they" will succeed.

You have to understand how generational demographics in this country are changing. The only people who cared about a woman's "reputation" were the WWII and Silent Generation (those born roughly between 1910 and 1945). They were the people holding the moral fiber of our society together.

Sadly, these people are now dying off.

They're being replaced by the depraved Baby Boomers, Generation-X, Millennials and Gen Z (those born between 1945 to 2010). These later generations are not cut from the same cloth as the old guard. They couldn't care less about a woman's 'reputation' because they themselves have fucked up values. If anything, they're going to condone deviant behavior, not denounce it. These people are 100% responsible for all the degeneracy we've witnessed in America over the last 40 years.

Let my words sink in.
Yes, they are the proverbial cucks, so they even get off knowing that some woman has been fucked by a small army and that can even increase her reputation.
Do you want to know the truth? Most you-tubers read forums and then they come out spreading other people’s thoughts like they came up with those ideas by themself.

Dating coaches are not influential anymore. They had their golden years in the past decade, but now they are outdated. Of course they need to elaborate new theories, because the dating market changed and now a lot of young people are using dating apps as a primary resource to find girls.

Those coaches started to sell things like the “chat game”, or they sell their phone backup with scripted chats.

Spreading the blackpill is useless if someone like those coaches will milk money from it.

Just look at what’s the redpill now. The redpill is another blupill, covered in red. Everything those online marketers touch becomes shit, they are worse than feminists.
Just look at what’s the redpill now. The redpill is another blupill, covered in red
In the beginning, there were only 2 pills: The Red Pill and the Blue Pill.

The Red Pill meant that you are aware of reality in all of its brutality.
The Blue Pill meant that you were blissfully ignorant of reality, and lived in a fairy tale world.

Over time, the PUA's co-opted the Red Pill and distorted its meaning. Because of these delusional dipshits, we had to invent another pill: the "Black Pill".

But to me, the Red Pill will always retain its original meaning. Red Pill=Black Pill.

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