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[Data] younger americans condemn older man younger woman age gap couples more than older americans do, study shows



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
In the study Why do people disparage May–December romances? Condemnation of age-discrepant romantic relationships as strategic moralization, it took a survey of 211 women and 190 men in the United States and asked them their opinions on age gap relationships, specifically ones where the man is older than the woman. The study reveals that younger American people condemn man-older age gap couples more than older American people do, regardless of sex/gender. Which means younger American people are harsher critics of man-older age-gap couples than older American people, regardless of sex/gender. Many people might be confused by this because younger people are more accepting of homosexuality, gay marriage and interracial marriage. But this doesn't confuse/surprise me at all. In the early-mid 20th century, age gap relationships were more common and more accepted while homosexuality and interracial relationships were less accepted. Age gaps didn't really get stigmatized or become rare until the late 20th century (1970s-1990s). YouGov also asked British adults about age gap relationships in 2011. The difference between younger people and older people's perception of age gaps in the UK is a bit different than in the united states.

Research has shown that age gap marriages are more likely to end in divorce and that the larger the age gap, the higher the odds of divorce are. HOWEVER, research has shown that it's actually the strong stigma against age gaps that causes divorce or break-ups, not the inherent nature of the age gap. According to research, age gap couples are only more likely to break up if they experience disapproval from friends, family or society in general. When they aren't exposed to this disapproval and their relationship is accepted by friends and family, they are less likely to break up and actually will have more relationship satisfaction and commitment. Research has also shown that man-older age gap couples have more satisfaction, less jealousy, less cheating, etc. than age-similar relationships. As a result, the idea that age gaps are harmful is a myth and instead it is obvious that man-older age gaps have benefits and are healthy because it conforms to the evolutionary perspective of man-older age gaps. Many believe this myth that women who date much older men have daddy issues, but research has found no evidence of this being true. As a result, the idea that women who date much older men have daddy issues is actually a myth.

Many feminazis and soyboy cucks try arguing that 18/19 year olds are still children because "brain doesn't finish developing until 25 :soy: " but the teenage brain is actually a myth, and a man named Robert Epstein (has NOTHING to do with jeffrey epstein) has written a lot about this. He writes that the teen brain isn't what causes teen turmoil, and that teen turmoil actually is what causes the teen brain. He says teen turmoil isn't intrinsic in teens, and that society's infantilization of teenagers is what really makes teens immature and engage in risky behavior. Laws restricting adult rights for teenagers didn't exist until the 19th century, and got more extreme in the 20th century (particularly the late 20th century). Researchers found that in preindustrial societies, teenagers were more mature and didn't show any signs of immaturity or recklessness, and that infantilizing teenagers actually causes immaturity and psychopathology in teenagers. In the early 1900s, many white 16 year olds are working instead of at school, and the vast majority of them began to be in school in the 1940s.

I've also seen foids on twitter whine about how "traumatized" they are from dating a man in his mid-late 20s when they were 18/19. But the reason they're "traumatized" is only because of society's strong disapproval of their age difference, it isn't the age difference itself that causes the trauma. Society teaches them that these men are evil predators and they're victims of abuse, which is what really caused the trauma. In the early 20th century, it was pretty common for young women to date a guy older than them. They weren't traumatized back then, and these marriages lasted. If this stigma didn't exist, they wouldn't be traumatized. I'm sure in the 1950s, white foids who dated black guys would later whine about being traumatized from dating black guys due to the stigma against interracial marriage back then. (In 1958, only 4% of Americans approved of a black person marrying a white person. The percentage is now at 87% as of 2013.)

Most guys would prolly be ok with dating a younger women if society approved of it. When interracial marriage became more accepted, interracial marriage also became more common. As homosexuality became more accepted, the amount of homos coming outta the closet skyrocketed.

If you're in your mid-late 20s (or even your 40s), go ahead and date an 18-23 year old. Nothing wrong with it. It's legal and completely ok. Below that is illegal in many states. Some states have the AOC at 18. If 18 year olds are old enough for war, they can fuck or date an older person or drink alcohol. full stop.

@Mainländer @Robtical @FidelCashflow @nazianime @RREEEEEEEEE @Personalityinkwell @Diocel @zangano1 @ordinaryotaku @nxdismycope @goydivision @FinnCel @Barnacle @Transcended Trucel @MountainGorilla @ThoughtfulCel @Dionysus @ionlycopenow @Ropemaxx @truthpill @Sparrow's Song @MuslimCell
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Younger people are brainwashed as fuck
Younger people are brainwashed as fuck
exactly. they just believe whatever the feminazi media tells them. i always see stupid foids in their early 20s on twitter whining about a guy their age dating an 18 year old because "people under 21 are innocent toddlers :soy: ". nowadays, a 25 year old man can't even have a one night stand with an 18 year old foid without being called a "pedo". if a 25 year old man and an 18 year old foid married in the early 20th century, nobody would've cared.
It takes a fully developed 200 IQ brain to comprehend the deep complexities of benis in vagina. Well, only if said penis is attached to an older guy, of course. If it's attached to a teenager, than it's simple and anyone can understand.
It takes a fully developed 200 IQ brain to comprehend the deep complexities of benis in vagina. Well, only if said penis is attached to an older guy, of course. If it's attached to a teenager, than it's simple and anyone can understand.
Younger people are brainwashed. These days even a 22 year old dating an 18 year old is seen as bad by some people
Youths these days have been brainwashed by the bluepill.
Younger people are brainwashed. These days even a 22 year old dating an 18 year old is seen as bad by some people

Youths these days have been brainwashed by the bluepill.

pretty much if Ik had the chance I’ll fuck a 15/16 year old but sadly Ik don’t have shit at all:feelsbadman:
here before this thread gets 250 replies :feelshaha:
If you had tagged me then you wouldn't have needed to bump your own thread

My parents have no problem with me dating a 16-18 yr old if I ever surgerymaxx.

I guess my parents are pedophile who molested me as a kid according to IT...
My parents have no problem with me dating a 16-18 yr old if I ever surgerymaxx.

I guess my parents are pedophile who molested me as a kid according to IT...
IT is so paranoid about “pedos”
True but way I’m from 16 is legal (Europe) But it works really weird like no older than 4 years basically
Actually in European countries you could be 30 and won’t get arrested but only for 16/17 year olds
Good afternoon Edmund.

My parents have a bigger than average age gap so I was never against it. I assumed it was normal until I started finding out how most people's parents don't have an age gap like that.
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Good afternoon Edmund.

My parents have a bigger than average age gap so I was never against it. I assumed it was normal until I started finding out how most people's parents don't have an age gap like that.
When did your parents get married? Age gaps were pretty common in the first half of the 20th century
JFL stop tagging everyone like an autist. That's why all of your "water is wet" posts get 250+ replies.
This isn’t water is wet this is interesting data
@Robtical thoughts?
've also seen foids on twitter whine about how "traumatized" they are from dating a man in his mid-late 20s when they were 18/19. But the reason they're "traumatized" is only because of society's strong disapproval of their age difference, it isn't the age difference itself that causes the trauma.
That proves all they want is attention and victim points when they complain about this nonsense. Or they're angry they can't get the same men they did when they were 18. We have way bigger problems in the world than stupid teen whores giving their used pussies to an adults. Jfl if they expect sympathy from uncucked men because of that nonsense. Once they learn no one gives a fuck, they'll stop being "traumatized".
But they want granny & young guy, the state of it all, if humans go extinct it'll be our own fucking doing.
inb4 moved to Must Read Section
That proves all they want is attention and victim points when they complain about this nonsense. Or they're angry they can't get the same men they did when they were 18. We have way bigger problems in the world than stupid teen whores giving their used pussies to an adults. Jfl if they expect sympathy from uncucked men because of that nonsense. Once they learn no one gives a fuck, they'll stop being "traumatized".
it's funny how sex is seen as the best thing in the world but sex crimes are supposed to be worse than murder
it's funny how sex is seen as the best thing in the world but sex crimes are supposed to be worse than murder
It's like they're trying to be progressive but stuck in the medieval ages at the same time.
It's like they're trying to be progressive but stuck in the medieval ages at the same time.
i remember some idiot on twitter condemned a 19 year old dating a 16 year old saying: "who cares if they're only 3 years apart? one of them is a minor muh age of majority *puking emoji typed 3 times* :soy: "
i remember some idiot on twitter condemned a 19 year old dating a 16 year old saying: "who cares if they're only 3 years apart? one of them is a minor muh age of majority *puking emoji typed 3 times* :soy: "
Those fags are such lawcucks they might as well suck the law's dick.
Those fags are such lawcucks they might as well suck the law's dick.
these retards only agree with what most of society says. if they lived in the 1950s, they would've hated homos for example
these retards only agree with what most of society says. if they lived in the 1950s, they would've hated homos for example
They have sheep mentality, so they justify whatever the shepherd tells them. The shepherd is cnn and politicians and celebrities.
They have sheep mentality, so they justify whatever the shepherd tells them. The shepherd is cnn and politicians and celebrities.
and they all are so gullible they believe any myth society tells them. they all think that sex offenders are raped/murdered in prison. if that was true, nobody would even be on the sex offender registry.
and they all are so gullible they believe any myth society tells them. they all think that sex offenders are raped/murdered in prison. if that was true, nobody would even be on the sex offender registry.
They're also think all foid beaters are cowards, yet it takes five of them to beat one up.
They're also think all foid beaters are cowards, yet it takes five of them to beat one up.
foid beaters don't beat foids because foids are vulnerable, it's because they are angry at the foid for doing something bad. most foid beaters can easily handle fights with men, in fact, hypermasculine men and men who play in aggressive sports are more likely to be domestic abusers according to studies, the idea that only scrawny manlets are foid beaters is laughable.
and they all are so gullible they believe any myth society tells them. they all think that sex offenders are raped/murdered in prison. if that was true, nobody would even be on the sex offender registry.
Sex offenders might not get raped in prison, but they are absolutely treated like shit in jail. Its not hard to find out what somebody is in for and inmates look down on sex offenders, particularly child molesters. Used to watch a youtube channel by this ex-con tyrone and he would talk all the time about how sex offenders were treated in jail
Sex offenders might not get raped in prison, but they are absolutely treated like shit in jail. Its not hard to find out what somebody is in for and inmates look down on sex offenders, particularly child molesters. Used to watch a youtube channel by this ex-con tyrone and he would talk all the time about how sex offenders were treated in jail
that tyrone (Fresh Out i assume) only talks about what his prison is like, not prisons in general, and not all prisons are violent. he went to a high-security federal prison and most sex offenders in federal prisons are usually in low security ones (the federal prison sex offenders only go to high-security ones if they had a long crime history). sex offenders in state prisons i think are usually in medium ones. but in a survey of prison wardens, many said that sex offenders aren't attacked in prison, many said they are, but more said they aren't. they usually get verbally abused the most i think.
foid beaters don't beat foids because foids are vulnerable, it's because they are angry at the foid for doing something bad. most foid beaters can easily handle fights with men, in fact, hypermasculine men and men who play in aggressive sports are more likely to be domestic abusers according to studies, the idea that only scrawny manlets are foid beaters is laughable.
Lol it is laughable. Those are facts IT cucks won't be willing to confront. I hope the "whiteknights getting beaten up" compilation comes out soon so we can send it to any cuck who says foid beaters are cowards.
that tyrone (Fresh Out i assume) only talks about what his prison is like, not prisons in general, and not all prisons are violent. he went to a high-security federal prison and most sex offenders in federal prisons are usually in low security ones (the federal prison sex offenders only go to high-security ones if they had a long crime history). sex offenders in state prisons i think are usually in medium ones. but in a survey of prison wardens, many said that sex offenders aren't attacked in prison, many said they are, but more said they aren't. they usually get verbally abused the most i think.
Yes it was fresh out. I suppose his experience in particular isn’t indicative of what all prisons are like. But its not just fresh out. There’s another guy, Shaun Attwood, who made an enitre video about how sex offenders are sometimes targeted by other inmates. I used to watch a lot of videos about prison and the common theme i got was that being a sex offender in jail is the last thing you want to do
Yes it was fresh out. I suppose his experience in particular isn’t indicative of what all prisons are like. But its not just fresh out. There’s another guy, Shaun Attwood, who made an enitre video about how sex offenders are sometimes targeted by other inmates. I used to watch a lot of videos about prison and the common theme i got was that being a sex offender in jail is the last thing you want to do
again, attwood went to some high-security prison or something. also he said AM would be murdered in prison but the inmates were pretty friendly to AM.
Lol it is laughable. Those are facts IT cucks won't be willing to confront. I hope the "whiteknights getting beaten up" compilation comes out soon so we can send it to any cuck who says foid beaters are cowards.
and bluepillers often said foid beaters are hated in prison even though many ex-prisoners said this isn't true at all. foid beaters are everywhere in prison and nobody cares in prison if that's your crime.
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