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Daily reminder if you're doing this you are LITERALLY making yourself subhuman

Do you mouthbreathe?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 15 46.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Peter Parker
Feb 19, 2018
There is only defining thing that marks a subhuman:

mouthbreathing. I just watched some video on this forum where someone mentioned it and I thought I'd help any unaware brothers out.

Just close your mouth

or don't:
brb constricted blood vessels
brb reduced CO2
brb reduced oxygenation
brb slouching
brb anxiety and stress
brb biochemical stress
brb literally breathing in dirt

Our nasal passages are made to humidify, clean and warm the incoming flow of air due to the layers of protective mucus. This thin layer of mucus can trap about 98-99 percent of bacteria, viruses, dust particles, and other airborne objects.

seriously if you're mouthbreathing, you should just rope because there's no difference. (obviously there are times like heavy exercise but otherwise, rope)

inb4 chad mouthbreathes - 8th dimensional cope because Chad absorbs air by pure diffusion.
This is the one thing I noticed anywhere - the incel is literally drowning, gasping for air trying to hold onto his life whereas Chad breathes once every 2 minutes.
underrated post
I never ever ever mouth breath cause im high iq.

Also, beeber barker :feelstastyman:
I only mouth breathe when I'm sick and my nose is blocked
how should I breathe when running?
I think I do it uncontrollably when I sleep.
I have narrow nostrils. Makes it hard to get enough air through the nose.
I think I do it uncontrollably when I sleep.

you need to fix that before you die in your sleep

I have narrow nostrils. Makes it hard to get enough air through the nose.

cope chad breathes with all his nostrils blocked
but seriously, you would just get used to needing less oxygen
Never, i rarely mouthbreathe when i exercise though.
Rarely, when there is a lot of stuff in my nose and I can't breathe entirely by my nose.
i can only breathe through one nostril, is this normal ?
I don't even know how people do that shit, it is literally difficult for me, it requires more effort to do than to simply breathe through your nose. Like how the hell does one develop such an inefficient habit.
Mouth breathing makes your nose bigger and longer, your midface longer, your chin more receded, and fucks up your bite.



But the black pill here is that these issues are caused during the early to mid stages of puberty (when you are undergoing the most of your craniofacial development) if you mouth breathe.

So if you were mouth breathing during childhood and your early teens...the damage has already been done. Its not like your midface is going to get shorter and your chin is going to get more projected if you stop mouth breathing as an adult.

TL;DR If you're just learning about this at age 16 or older, it's already far too late.
This thread is dumb. People who become retarded looking from mouth breathing do so while asleep, so the poll is useless. I mouth breathed while sleeping and wasn't even aware of it. It's honestly not hard to fix, usually double jaw surgery, although you'll never look as good as if you'd just never mouth breathed.
Lmao, that doesn't mean people should keep mouth breathing, that will make the issue worse and besides, it is an inefficient way of breathing.

Cope, there are many people that do it when awake and a few in this thread.
Lmao, that doesn't mean people should keep mouth breathing, that will make the issue worse and besides, it is an inefficient way of breathing.

Cope, there are many people that do it when awake and a few in this thread.
If you mouth breathe while awake you truly are subhuman.
Lmao, that doesn't mean people should keep mouth breathing, that will make the issue worse and besides, it is an inefficient way of breathing.

If you're already an adult, it's not going to make changes to your bone structure.

Mouth breathing IS unattractive though...but you don't seem to understand why most people mouth breathe in the first place. Most people who mouth breathe do it because they have physical problems breathing through their nose, such as narrow sinus passages leading to frequent inflammation, enlarged turbinates and/or nasal polyps.
If you're already an adult, it's not going to make changes to your bone structure.

Mouth breathing IS unattractive though...but you don't seem to understand why most people mouth breathe in the first place. Most people who mouth breathe do it because they have physical problems breathing through their nose, such as narrow sinus passages leading to frequent inflammation, enlarged turbinates and/or nasal polyps.

I was never talking about looks in this thread, just health. But continuing to mouthbreathe would just make you more subhuman both in terms of health and looks.

Also breathing through the nose widens nostrils over time. It's one of the ways how nostrils develop, just lol at mouthbreathers not developing the correct nostril width and causing nose problems then saying "I can't nosebreathe, my nose doesn't work right"
just lol at mouthbreathers not developing the correct nostril width and causing nose problems then saying "I can't nosebreathe, my nose doesn't work right"

Nasal polyps don't just disappear if you try to breathe through your nose enough...nor will your turbinates shrink or your sinus passages get wider. These are all things that require surgery to address...and nasal polyps have a high recurrence rate.

It's extremely obvious at this point that you have zero knowledge of nasal anatomy and that you're just parroting stuff you heard on lookism.net.
Well, I'm 23, so... it's too late to fix the damage that's done. I do in fact breathe through my mouth, but not realizing it. Awe well, time to die..
That's literally the point of exericse, to get a high oxygen debt so that when you recover, your debt isn't as big because you don't need as much oxygen.

"ridiculous" are you sure you run?
You might as well put a plastic bag over your head a few times a day for maximum gains. Whatever it takes.
Nasal polyps don't just disappear if you try to breathe through your nose enough...nor will your turbinates shrink or your sinus passages get wider. These are all things that require surgery to address...and nasal polyps have a high recurrence rate.

It's extremely obvious at this point that you have zero knowledge of nasal anatomy and that you're just parroting stuff you heard on lookism.net.

Seriously, what is your problem? Anytime, you disagree with anything, your fetish with lookism.net comes out...
Dude, you can have that fetish but I really don't care about it so can you just leave me and others alone with that shit.

Your nostrils do become wider with more use of them IF YOU'VE NEVER USED THEM BEFORE. However, I don't know if that is only seen in kids.

I also never said nasal polyps dissapear or turbinates shrink, are you even reading? It is obvious you should get surgery for those things, but only one PERSON has reported "nostrils being too small", you are just assuming that anyone mouthbreathing must have destroyed their nostrils, sinuses or nose. Obviously, you should attempt to get surgery for those things as they actually affect your health.

All of this information is from various sites on the internet, not everything is your precious lookism.net, you're a mod so please be more mature. I know you love it so much because you brought LOOKS into this thread even though I never mentioned it but just give it a rest.

You might as well put a plastic bag over your head a few times a day for maximum gains. Whatever it takes.

Well not really, doing sprints all the time would be maximum gains and you'd raise your DHT too. So stupid that you and @Kointo want to mouthbreathe during exercise for more oxygen EVEN though when you mouthbreathe OXYGEN ABSORPTION IS LOWER.

None of you genuinely realise the seriousness of this issue. Enjoy your diseases, germs, dulled sense of smell, lower body oxygenation, smellier breath, dehydrated body (wrinkles and dry skin) and worst of all: STRESSED OUT BRAIN (due to the activation of the sympathetic system - fight or flight because CO2 is lost too quickly with mouth breathing)
Seriously, what is your problem? Anytime, you disagree with anything, your fetish with lookism.net comes out...
Dude, you can have that fetish but I really don't care about it so can you just leave me and others alone with that shit.

It's not that I disagree with you it's everything about the way you're behaving in this thread. The lingo you use, the presenting of yourself as an expert when you know far less than you think you do, the condescension of anyone who disagrees like this:

just lol at mouthbreathers not developing the correct nostril width and causing nose problems then saying "I can't nosebreathe, my nose doesn't work right"

Not only is this a blatant display of stubbornness and condescension, but it's exactly how lookismers talk down to the "just lol at".

I also never said nasal polyps dissapear or turbinates shrink, are you even reading?

The previous quote in bold strongly implies you are completely dismissing the idea that someone is physically unable to breathe through their nose, or was physically incapable of doing so during their craniofacial development as a result of issues I previously stated...especially because you said that in your reply to me pointing out said issues (nasal polyps, enlarged turbinates) being the reason why they were mouth-breathers in the first place.

you are just assuming that anyone mouthbreathing must have destroyed their nostrils, sinuses or nose.

I never said they destroyed their sinuses/noses. Genetics largely determine the size of your turbinates and how prone you are to nasal polyps, though I'm sure environmental factors play a role as well.

Given that it's more comfortable to breathe through your nose (provided you physically can get enough air in), how it's more comfortable to have your mouth closed than open, and how mouth breathing will dry out your mouth and throat...obviously if someone mouth-breathes, there must be a reason for it. So let me ask you, what do you think that reason is?
It's not that I disagree with you it's everything about the way you're behaving in this thread. The lingo you use, the presenting of yourself as an expert when you know far less than you think you do, the condescension of anyone who disagrees like this:

Not only is this a blatant display of stubbornness and condescension, but it's exactly how lookismers talk down to the "just lol at".

The previous quote in bold strongly implies you are completely dismissing the idea that someone is physically unable to breathe through their nose, or was physically incapable of doing so during their craniofacial development as a result of issues I previously stated...especially because you said that in your reply to me pointing out said issues (nasal polyps, enlarged turbinates) being the reason why they were mouth-breathers in the first place.

I never said they destroyed their sinuses/noses. Genetics largely determine the size of your turbinates and how prone you are to nasal polyps, though I'm sure environmental factors play a role as well.

Given that it's more comfortable to breathe through your nose (provided you physically can get enough air in), how it's more comfortable to have your mouth closed than open, and how mouth breathing will dry out your mouth and throat...obviously if someone mouth-breathes, there must be a reason for it. So let me ask you, what do you think that reason is?

1) Never presented myself as an expert. Mouthbreathing is objectively wrong and it makes you subhuman because you can't even operate the human body as it is supposed to be used. Why do you think mouthbreather is used as an insult?

2) Because laughing at someone is stubborn. LMAO. I laugh because I find a lot of things funny, but I find it funny how we all like to be condescending to Inceltears, femoids and bluepillers but suddenly can't take being condescending to each other.

3) No but that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about how mouthbreathing destroys your health and you should do your best to stop it. If you can't, then there is surgery and if you can't get that, then just know what you are doing is harmful. That is all, we don't need a PhD thesis about nasal anatomy even though I know you are not a doctor or a rhinoplasty surgeon.

4) For a mouthbreather, leaving your mouth open, breathing through your mouth - it is more comfortable. There are many reasons why people start mouthbreathing - some allergies, some coughs and cold and they picked up habits they never dropped them. Some have convinced themselves MORE breathing is better (even though it's the opposite, the less you need to breathe, the more oxygenated your body is) and others may have had smokers in the house and they didn't want to smell it (ironic that the nose would have filtered the smoke a lot better). Others can't physically nosebreathe but there is always surgery for these kinds of things. My point is don't DERAIL the thread, if you can stop mouthbreathing, then stop doing it, simple. This is about health not looks.
I've seriously been working on it.
Not a youngcel

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