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RageFuel Dad’s boomer-tier delusions about dating



The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018
JFL my dad went to an electronics store kind of like Best Buy and he told me on the phone when we were talking that there this was this “cute geeky girl I talked to in line that would be a perfect GF for you”.
I just humored him and said “yeah hehe.. you should have goften her number”
Because it was literally that easy to date as a boomer. Find a girl you thought looked nice and ask them out, and she usually said yes. There was no feminist garbage and tinder poisoning the world for sub 8 men yet. Go to work at a cement factory, earn enough money to own a house and 2 cars, be reliable betabux for a girl that usually looked better than you, who was for the most part loyal. Dating as a boomer in America was that easy.

I didn’t want to blackpill him and explain how that “cute geeky girl” had has hundreds of offers from men, all of which she turned down, tons of attention online simply for being a cute girl, dozens of men actively trying to get into her pants whom she interacts with, and more options than he can imagine, and thus would never need to resort to anything other than the top 20% of men in terms of looks, and that I have no chance with her. Fuck, I hate boomers and their god damn Uber easy mode lives, buying mansions for $40,000 that are now worth 2 million dollars. I hate how stupid easy it was to find romance as an average man just 70 years ago. No generation has had it easier than boomers when it comes to romantic and financial success, that’s why there was such a huge explosion in the population, everyone was getting laid no matter how hideous because they could provide for a family with some shitty steel mill job.

The worst part is boomers think all failures of men today are their own fault. It’s their fault they’re poor working a wageslaving McJob that doesn’t pay enough to live on, it’s their fault for not having a girlfriend because they think we’re not out pursuing women or “just talk to her bro!”.

I don’t know if anyone here has the seen the movie “blast from the past” but it’s about a guy who grew up in an underground shelter during the Cold War and was isolated from the outside world with his family for many years. When he finally re-emerged to join society, it was completely alien to him and he was oblivious to anything and everything. This is how I view boomers. “Out of touch” doesn’t even begin to describe them.
yeah my father just wants me to work for shekels and says everything will happen naturally
yeah my father just wants me to work for shekels and says everything will happen naturally
Everyone from that time period is a bluepilled cuck, and honestly they’re pretty happy generally.
Bluepilled oblivious cuck who is still happy > blackpilled incel imo.
"kid, just be persistent. Your mother was already with another man when i fell in love with her, but i persisted and i waited, i got my degree and got a good job, thats when the love of my life left those other guys and came running to me"
"kid, just be persistent. Your mother was already with another man when i fell in love with her, but i persisted and i waited, i got my degree and got a good job walked into a food cannery and got a job that paid enough to support 5 people
thats when the love of my life left those other guys and came running to me"
Fixed tbh
I wonder if I'll ever become that out of touch tbh. It's weird to imagine.
Just remember this, several boomers die everyday on average, not much longer before they're all wiped out :blackpill::feelsgah:
JFL my dad went to an electronics store kind of like Best Buy and he told me on the phone when we were talking that there this was this “cute geeky girl I talked to in line that would be a perfect GF for you”.
I just humored him and said “yeah hehe.. you should have goften her number”
Because it was literally that easy to date as a boomer. Find a girl you thought looked nice and ask them out, and she usually said yes. There was no feminist garbage and tinder poisoning the world for sub 8 men yet. Go to work at a cement factory, earn enough money to own a house and 2 cars, be reliable betabux for a girl that usually looked better than you, who was for the most part loyal. Dating as a boomer in America was that easy.

I didn’t want to blackpill him and explain how that “cute geeky girl” had has hundreds of offers from men, all of which she turned down, tons of attention online simply for being a cute girl, dozens of men actively trying to get into her pants whom she interacts with, and more options than he can imagine, and thus would never need to resort to anything other than the top 20% of men in terms of looks, and that I have no chance with her. Fuck, I hate boomers and their god damn Uber easy mode lives, buying mansions for $40,000 that are now worth 2 million dollars. I hate how stupid easy it was to find romance as an average man just 70 years ago. No generation has had it easier than boomers when it comes to romantic and financial success, that’s why there was such a huge explosion in the population, everyone was getting laid no matter how hideous because they could provide for a family with some shitty steel mill job.

The worst part is boomers think all failures of men today are their own fault. It’s their fault they’re poor working a wageslaving McJob that doesn’t pay enough to live on, it’s their fault for not having a girlfriend because they think we’re not out pursuing women or “just talk to her bro!”.

I don’t know if anyone here has the seen the movie “blast from the past” but it’s about a guy who grew up in an underground shelter during the Cold War and was isolated from the outside world with his family for many years. When he finally re-emerged to join society, it was completely alien to him and he was oblivious to anything and everything. This is how I view boomers. “Out of touch” doesn’t even begin to describe them.
Kids these days don't want to work and can't handle strong women!

Said the bastard boomer cuck fucker observing guys not wanting to work for 2 dollars per hour and marrying a girl at 35 through betabuxxing while she had multiple partners and now will sex starve you after marriage and divorce rape you after having cucked you
Just remember this, several boomers die everyday on average, not much longer before they're all wiped out :blackpill::feelsgah:
Great, can’t wait for the soymaxxed snowflake millennials to take power :feelsrope::feelsautistic:
Just remember this, several boomers die everyday on average, not much longer before they're all wiped out :blackpill::feelsgah:
So basically we stay and live on with the disaster they created
I fucking hate them so much, fuck boomers.
It was not easy for me.
Maybe your father was good looking, so for him it was easy.
Maybe he made good money, or maybe he was funny, or a good personality.
He sounds exactly like my buddy Jerome. He used to always have a dingleberry hanging out of his angus.
Boomers have literally ruined the west. They're all about as sheltered as libtard millenials.

Blackpilled boomers do exist.
the boomers had life so easy, you could've bought a house for like 100k and now its worth 700k in todays economy
I learned very quickly that the older generations have no concept of what it's like for young, physically defective men in today's times. My mom didn't get it. My grandma didn't, either. My Dad was the only person who finally understood, but that's because I spent so much time with him (we were very close), so I had plenty of opportunities to really spell it all out in detail. He was horrified at how much the game had changed between my generation and his.
Boomers = easy mode
boomers are bluepulled but funny asf
if you ever mention something about losing weight and not being fat to a boomer, you'll trigger them to whine like a little baby about how it's all genetics and life is unfair
Very true. My parents are bluepilled to the core and think dating today is just as easy as it was 30+ years ago. I'm constantly told to just be confident. It pisses me off how delusional boomers are
I frequently get similar shit from my boomer dad. He will come home from the shops and tell me about some foid cashier he saw that's around my age. Once I was at the supermarket with him when he pointed out one of those foids to me and said that I should ask her for her number. She was at least 7/10 meaning that she probably is able to get in with chads all the time. I told him that there's a bigger chance that I will walk out of the shop and get struck by lightning then there is that I would get a number off that foid which seemed to shut him up from that point on.
Kids these days don't want to work and can't handle strong women!

Said the bastard boomer cuck fucker observing guys not wanting to work for 2 dollars per hour and marrying a girl at 35 through betabuxxing while she had multiple partners and now will sex starve you after marriage and divorce rape you after having cucked you


I'm always seeing boomers insulting "millennials" for not talking to women, or not being "man enough to handle a woman". Fucking braindead retards man, just fucking die already you idiots.

I'm always seeing boomers insulting "millennials" for not talking to women, or not being "man enough to handle a woman". Fucking braindead retards man, just fucking die already you idiots.
No, you have to be THANKFULL to them for what they did FOR you! They liberated the west from the horrible hatred and bigotry and social constrictive norms! Isn't life so much better today in terms of sex and jobs opportunities?

Just fucking kek at those old authoritarian fags blaming you because they don't want to acknowledge the mess they made with western civilization
Let's tally a list of baby boomer accomplishments:
  1. 2nd and 3rd wave feminism
  2. creation of the welfare state
  3. the rise of single motherhood
  4. affirmative action introduces women into the work force, effectively doubling the amount of labor while cutting wages in half
  5. birth control and abortion sparks the sexual revolution
  6. Gay rights movement and AIDS
  7. fueling a consumer-based economy with no net savings leads to a massive speculative housing bubble that destroys the economy
  8. falling fertility rates which force the government to import migrants to fund the welfare state
  9. Not allowing entitlement reforms, which will bankrupt America by 2020
  10. #METOO
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Preach, brother. I couldn’t have put it better myself.

High IQ

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