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Venting Cyclists Are Scumbags.



nevER lose your smile⚡︎⚡︎
Nov 20, 2022
I just went to a Gas Station to grab myself a Monster, and on the drive back I had to deal with some of them.

There was around three of them or so, all riding behind each other on that stupid side of the road(just a white line with barely any space, which most Americancels will be familiar with)

Cars ofc had to move over and/or run the risk of having to slow down: I put my blinker/turning signal on, and moved over, which ofc prompted the Dumbfuck boomer in his shitty SUV to honk at me.

After I passed them, I have them the finger: I fucking hate cyclist scumbags, they're the foids and/or faggots of the road.

Think about it:
-Wear tight fighting bright clothing
-Cause issues just by existing
-Expect/demand everyone to pander to them
-Generally a pain & pest to handle

We need TCD(total cyclist death) it's the only solution.
What's your opnion on Motorcyclists?
Verily, those fags are worse than mosquitos in a hot summer night.
Dem niggas are just real mad that they broke haha
I hate when they ride on roads like that as well. I cycle a lot, but only on designated bike roads (roads where cars are not allowed), sidewalks, and very low traffic city streets. I never inconvenience drivers by riding on a high traffic multi lane road where they'd have to merge lanes to avoid me. That's just stupid. I was crossing a multi lane bridge in my car a while ago, and a cyclist was riding right in the car lane (this bridge has no bike lane on the road because there is a wide pedestrian/bike path on the side that is separated form the car road). I hated this asshole for riding there when there is a perfectly good (and safer) bike path right on the side. He was literally disrupting cars on purpose. Hope worthless scum like that get what they deserve
I hate when they ride on roads like that as well. I cycle a lot, but only on designated bike roads (roads where cars are not allowed
That's how it should be everywhere.
), sidewalks, and very low traffic city streets. I never inconvenience drivers by riding on a high traffic multi lane road where they'd have to merge lanes to avoid me. That's just stupid. I was crossing a multi lane bridge in my car a while ago, and a cyclist was riding right in the car lane (this bridge has no bike lane on the road because there is a wide pedestrian/bike path on the side that is separated form the car road). I hated this asshole for riding there when there is a perfectly good (and safer) bike path right on the side. He was literally disrupting cars on purpose. Hope worthless scum like that get what they deserve
Yeah fuck those faggots, they truly have the entitlement level of foids
That's how it should be everywhere.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Yeah fuck those faggots, they truly have the entitlement level of foids
For real. Hate their level of entitlement. I literally had to go as slow as he was and wait till after the bridge to pass because there was a whole row of cars in the other lane and moving over was not possible. Fuck these assholes. You know what else pisses me off a lot? When I'm riding my bike on the bike/ pedestrian path, and some idiot couples walking side by side towards me don't move over. Like, bitch, I'm going 25 miles per hour on a 29 inch rim mountain bike. You do not wanna get hit with that.
Kill cyclists . Behead cyclists . Roundhouse kick a cyclists into the concrete. Slam dunk a cyclists baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy cyclists. Defecate in a cyclists food. Launch cyclists into the sun. Stir fry cyclists in a wok. Toss cyclists into active volcanoes. Urinate into a cyclists gas tank. Judo throw cyclists into a wood chipper. Twist cyclists heads off. Report cyclists to the IRS. Karate chop cyclists in half. Curb stomp pregnant black cyclists . Trap cyclists in quicksand. Crush cyclists in the trash compactor. Liquefy cyclists in a vat of acid. Eat cyclists . Dissect cyclists . Exterminate cyclists in the gas chamber. Stomp cyclists skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate cyclists in the oven. Lobotomize cyclists . Mandatory abortions for cyclists . Grind cyclists fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown cyclists in fried chicken grease. Vaporize cyclists with a ray gun. Kick old cyclists down the stairs. Feed cyclists to alligators. Slice cyclists with a katana.

in GTA
I just went to a Gas Station to grab myself a Monster, and on the drive back I had to deal with some of them.

There was around three of them or so, all riding behind each other on that stupid side of the road(just a white line with barely any space, which most Americancels will be familiar with)

Cars ofc had to move over and/or run the risk of having to slow down: I put my blinker/turning signal on, and moved over, which ofc prompted the Dumbfuck boomer in his shitty SUV to honk at me.

After I passed them, I have them the finger: I fucking hate cyclist scumbags, they're the foids and/or faggots of the road.

Think about it:
-Wear tight fighting bright clothing
-Cause issues just by existing
-Expect/demand everyone to pander to them
-Generally a pain & pest to handle

We need TCD(total cyclist death) it's the only solution.
I agree, TCD

(Replace the peeps by bikers)
They should stay on the pavement. It’s hell when there’s busy traffic and you can’t overtake
i have some funny videos of cyclists getting hit by cars (both accidentally and intentionally) i will post some here later
i have some funny videos of cyclists getting hit by cars (both accidentally and intentionally) i will post some here later
Based thanks, need some of that after today.
Never tried my luck with biking in traffic because I know someone is gonna get me. I rode mountain bikes so I if I had to off-road for a bit because the sidewalk randomly ended I could.

Commutercels are different from Cicyclecels
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On you're left!
It’s not the cyclists that piss me off, it’s the people coming the other direction.

Even if I slow down and let them go, the other drivers always give me a dirty look. I’m not supposed to speed up and I’m not supposed to slow down.
Today there again was a nigga who used the road instead of using the fucking cyclist way. I thought about complaining to the cops, but it would probably be just a waste of time
Based thanks, need some of that after today.

Had to ride my bike to work for a year. Fuck people like you. Almost got killed several times.
Had to ride my bike to work for a year
Brutal, sorry to hear that
. Fuck people like you. Almost got killed several times.
Hey now boyo, I was obeying all the road laws it's these cunts(weren't even going to work) who broke the rules & inconvenienced others. No need to be a prick here, 2024fag
Brutal, sorry to hear that

Hey now boyo, I was obeying all the road laws it's these cunts(weren't even going to work) who broke the rules & inconvenienced others. No need to be a prick here, 2024fag
Yeah whatever
I'm glad i don't live in an area with many cyclists. They're the worst in America
somewhat realted: i get to see motorcyclists get absolutely oblitirated on the highway daily and honestly these guys are pretty fucking retarded and they get what they deserve.
somewhat realted: i get to see motorcyclists get absolutely oblitirated on the highway daily and honestly these guys are pretty fucking retarded and they get what they deserve.
Where i live, they can ride their motorcycles without helmets. So it's even more foolish here
Had to ride my bike to work for a year. Fuck people like you. Almost got killed several times.
If you paid attention to the context, GrAY, I very strongly implied it was the recreational cyclists.

And I obeyed traffic laws, it was these guys who inconvenience everyone
If you paid attention to the context, GrAY, I very strongly implied it was the recreational cyclists.

And I obeyed traffic laws, it was these guys who inconvenience everyone
He's clearly not gonna be reasonable, judging by his response
they are out of control here in the sf bay area

they regularly blow past stop signs and redlights. they dont obey the rules of the road like they should

there aren't much blacks at all in san francisco so they don't get run over as much except in the bayview/hunters point area

in berkeley and oakland there are tons of blacks and tons of cyclists (who are mostly white ppl) so they regularly get ran over

they are anti-motorist and have turned many streets that were once two lane roads (on each side) into one. now there are cyclist lanes adjacent to those streets with hardly any cyclists and the streets are backed up with traffic because now they're single lanes instead of double.

Speeding blacks and drunk hispanics run them over from time to time
I remember my drivers ed instructor raging every time he saw a cyclist. He had a thick slavic accent which made it funny

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