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Curry takeover



Nov 8, 2017
As of recent years, curries are already the ruling elite of the British Isles (Rishi Sunak, Humza Yousaf, Leo Varadkar), and are even starting to establish dominance in American politics (with Vivek being a curry, and Kamala a half curry). Curries need to take it up a notch, and once they have enough people in the important political positions they should start passing laws formally designating curries as the elite ruling class, and whites as second class citizens who must submit to and obey curries. If a curry wants to have sex with a hot teen white girl, the law should be such that she must do it, and if she refuses then the police can be called in to hold her down. This will solve the incel problem for curries once and for all.

Whites did this to blacks in colonial America, so it would only be fair for curries do this to whites, once they gain political control of Western countries.
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Once a curry gets into power he becomes a massive faggot. Look at how much of a kike puppet Vivek Ramaswamy is
we don't need any more ziokikes in american "politics"
fuck curries
New Overlords. They should've stay out of WW3 and rule after.
Curries are just bunch of a fucking mutt

Nobody likes you guys keep coping

Literal Jewish bootlicker
have enough people in the important political positions they should start passing laws formally designating curries as the elite ruling class, and whites as second class citizens who must submit to and obey curries.
That's a BIG escalation lol
Tories picked rishi because he was the fall guy same with Yousaf

Look at Labour, Keir the white man
Curry copes and retardation never ceases to amaze me

Whats yout justification in regards to slavs and celts

They havent done shit to curries

Curries shit up everything they touch and not even curries like each other, so why would a self hating race want to spread their own bullshit everywhere else

Curries hate india so they move to the west, but then they turn where ever they move to akin to the shithole they came from
Curry copes and retardation never ceases to amaze me

Whats yout justification in regards to slavs and celts

They havent done shit to curries

Curries shit up everything they touch and not even curries like each other, so why would a self hating race want to spread their own bullshit everywhere else

Curries hate india so they move to the west, but then they turn where ever they move to akin to the shithole they came from
In a few years, you’ll have to be proficient in hindi to get a job anywhere. At my last job, I had trouble understanding a lot of the curry customers.
Curry copes and retardation never ceases to amaze me
to be fair, we cannot blame them too much since most curries have an average IQ which borders on mental retardation.

And no, it's not due to "muh biased IQ tests" or whatever-look up the Ravens-Matrcies test, which is based upon predicting spatial recognition & the such.
Whats yout justification in regards to slavs and celts
When both of these groups were oppressed & subjugated themselves, by Whites & Non-Whites.
-Vikings raided their lands & enslaved them
-Anglos drove the Celts out; look up highland clearances, potato famine, etc.
-Roman-Latinis & Germanics also pushed the Celts out of their land in Europe.
-Arab slave traders raided both lands & took slaves
-Ottoman Turks occupied the Balkans & ran a massive slave trade.
-Mongols occupied Russia & the Baltics.
-Teutonics fought many wars with the Slavs
They havent done shit to curries
USSR actually helped Curries, and the IRA fought the Anglos under the same pretense of being "anti-imperialist" fighters.
Curries shit up everything they touch and not even curries like each other, so why would a self hating race want to spread their own bullshit everywhere else
Just google the Hindu-Sikh riots in Canada.
Curries hate india so they move to the west, but then they turn where ever they move to akin to the shithole they came from
Import turd-world, become turd-world; simple as.

@wereq @ChudMasterofBation
They should stick to importing their most brightest and intelligent representative specimens of their kind if indians want to scheme and manipulate with political intrigue like jews.
What do you get out of these dumb nigger threads
What do curries get out of migrating to the West & turning it into shit?
They get more money from sitting here in welfare than they do for working 10 hours every day there you dumb cunt

The only problem is being poor is shit no matter where you go
They get more money from sitting here in welfare than they do for working 10 hours every day there you dumb cunt

The only problem is being poor is shit no matter where you go
So you admit they are a drain on the system, thus making it worse for those of us who live in the areas you migrate to.

Thanks for confirming what I knew:

2024 05 19 140001

2024 05 19 135953

Yeah u faggot, except a lot of these retards do contribute through taxi work or delivery or whatever other mundane shit, for the corporations benefit the corporations who are run by Jews you dumb faggot retard
Jfl I like how you're getting worked up over this, which is kinda proving my point tbh.

The graphs I showed indicated it doesn't really help & costs everyone more lmfao.

And yeah I know they're ran by Jews jfl, no need to sperg out like you're in a COD lobby. :feelskek:
Jfl I like how you're getting worked up over this, which is kinda proving my point tbh.

The graphs I showed indicated it doesn't really help & costs everyone more lmfao.

And yeah I know they're ran by Jews jfl, no need to sperg out like you're in a COD lobby. :feelskek:
Stfu dude what do you want me to say oh noo we ar here to suck your money because I can speak for all 1 billion of them

There's more curry doctors and shit than white anyway dumb cunt. Yeah I'm here to drain your system though fuck going to university and doing that gay shit. This world is made for adventure and exploiting not sitting there like a fag doing papers. I'll leech your money until I can go on my own adventures then I'm pretty sure I'll make more for the faggot country than you ever did

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