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RageFuel Cucks, foids, and trannies have ruined anime/gaming CONs



trannies should be shot on sight
Dec 12, 2019
I used to always look forward to Super MAGFEST (East Coast USA) every January/February as it's easily one of the best cons you can go to. Normally I would have already bought my weekend badge but I'm honestly considering skipping it for the first time in years.

I fucking can't stand it now as it has been thoroughly infiltrated by twitch and cosplay thots everywhere lapping up as much attention from simps as they can. Foid worshiping everywhere you look, especially in the table-top gaming area where you have turbo-neckbeards who would slit their mom's throat just to hear one of these bitches fart through a walkie-talkie.

There are also furries and trannies everywhere, complete with signs posted all around the hotel saying if you harass anyone you will be forced to leave by the staff. Meaning if I purposely misgender some tranny faggot because his life is just one pathetic LARP he can complain to staff and I will be kicked out of the event.

True story - two years ago I did a roomshare with some people on reddit needing another person to split a hotel room with. When I was paypalling them money they mentioned that it would be 3 guys, 1 girl, and me. Those 3 guys were in the bedroom, and the girl and me would be in the living room, one of us would get the floor and the other the fold-out couch. Obviously I was pretty excited about the prospect, so when I get to the room, you could imagine my CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT when the "girl" was really just a tranny who legit just looked like a homeless guy with long hair. A couple nights later we got drunk and the tranny said he would suck my dick if I wanted to but I turned him down.


TLDR women ruin everything.
Volcel if you wouldn't let him
Soys and neckbeard types seem have to infested many areas of life. Look at an AEW crowd. 70% of them are that generic fat bloke with the ginger beard, dark framed glasses and open mouth.
to hear one of these bitches fart through a walkie-talkie.

This also has become a meme...

True story - two years ago I did a roomshare with some people on reddit needing another person to split a hotel room with. When I was paypalling them money they mentioned that it would be 3 guys, 1 girl, and me. Those 3 guys were in the bedroom, and the girl and me would be in the living room, one of us would get the floor and the other the fold-out couch. Obviously I was pretty excited about the prospect, so when I get to the room, you could imagine my CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT when the "girl" was really just a tranny who legit just looked like a homeless guy with long hair. A couple nights later we got drunk and the tranny said he would suck my dick if I wanted to but I turned him down.

This is pure insanity.
Yeah, look at what they did to r9k. Those faggots will subvert any place they are allowed and contaminate with their mental illness, knajid is more than right to not allow faggots and trannies here.
fuck. Taths why i hate TwitchThots, damn cucks that pay their bills
Yeah, look at what they did to r9k. Those faggots will subvert any place they are allowed and contaminate with their mental illness, knajid is more than right to not allow faggots and trannies here.

And you can't just tell them to fuck off. The entire staff working the event are all SJW's and will always side with whoever is complaining about "bigotry." The worst part is the trannies know this, so they walk around like they are invincible because they can get anyone kicked out in a second as soon as they scream transphobia.
never went to one ngl
anime cons attract nothing but degenerate weebs and attention seeking cosplay thots
I hire Grogneck to escort me around where large numbers of nerds are gathered.. as when I do not pay homage to the M'Ladies with their retinue of neckbeards & other low status men ready to do M'Ladys bidding.. I need someone to defend me.

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Normie for having attended those things in the 1st place
Who the fuck goes to anime/gaming conventions in the first place, not any normal person I say
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Normie for having attended those things in the 1st place

Cons have historically been one of the few places that were truly devoid of normies, at least until 5 or 6 years ago when gaming/anime culture became "cool" thanks to women realizing there was a huge untapped market of beta men to exploit via cosplaying and twitch-thotting. Now they are absolutely infested but I still enjoyed going to them, obviously that enjoyment has waned and now I just want to shoot trannies on sight in minecraft.
Soys and neckbeard types seem have to infested many areas of life. Look at an AEW crowd. 70% of them are that generic fat bloke with the ginger beard, dark framed glasses and open mouth.
I wonder what Le Champion thinks of that spectacle maaaaannn?
small cons arent too bad tbh. a few show up but its not like the big ones where its an infestation.
women ruin everything they touch
women ruin everything they touch

Women don't even have real hobbies or interests. All they do is get mildly-interested in something to attract guys or tag-along with their Chad boyfriend because that's what he loves to do and as soon as that relationship is over, so is their "hobby."
It’s time to quit anime and gaming it’s full of soy.
Anime, gaming, and other nerd shit like that used to be OUR thing, but now it's fucking gay. It's better to just troll the internet, and play a sad violin by yourself.
I hire Grogneck to escort me around where large numbers of nerds are gathered.. as when I do not pay homage to the M'Ladies with their retinue of neckbeards & other low status men ready to do M'Ladys bidding.. I need someone to defend me.

View attachment 177110

(How much?)
Cons have historically been one of the few places that were truly devoid of normies, at least until 5 or 6 years ago when gaming/anime culture became "cool" thanks to women realizing there was a huge untapped market of beta men to exploit via cosplaying and twitch-thotting. Now they are absolutely infested but I still enjoyed going to them, obviously that enjoyment has waned and now I just want to shoot trannies on sight in minecraft.
Interesting, yes. I believe you.
I actually had a blast at the only anime con I’ve ever been to but that’s because the guys I hung out with were great

At least the female cosplayers save for one were very friendly tbh
I used to go to local anime conventions and most of the people there seemed ok to me. Haven't gone in years though since I had no one to go with and it got boring going alone
Also there’s allegedly orgies at anime conventions all the time. Though I’m not sure if only good looking guys get involved with that. None of the guys I went with got involved in that or parties AFAIK (we just drank a ton and played Cards Against Humanity and DnD).
fucking trannies are everywhere nowadays.
Also there’s allegedly orgies at anime conventions all the time. Though I’m not sure if only good looking guys get involved with that. None of the guys I went with got involved in that or parties AFAIK (we just drank a ton and played Cards Against Humanity and DnD).

This is definitely true at MAGFEST, I've heard and read about them for years.
Also there’s allegedly orgies at anime conventions all the time. Though I’m not sure if only good looking guys get involved with that. None of the guys I went with got involved in that or parties AFAIK (we just drank a ton and played Cards Against Humanity and DnD).
can you image the type of people attending those orgies...eek.
In AGDQ videos the male “announcer” voices sound like pure soy.
I went to a couple cons about 10 years back. Actually attended a "crossplay" panel. Some guy was cosplaying as Aerith from FF7. Didn't pass too well.

I initially got to sleep in a bed (we had 2 rooms) but then foid in other room wanted to avoid fighting couple in other room so she came here, so I offered her bed and I slept on the floor.

She invited me to sleep next to her so I did and did not touch her on the first night.

Then apparently she is FtM pre-op and doesn't want finger in vagoo.

Volcel if you wouldn't let him

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