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RageFuel Cuckrdian hates blonde lolis

To koniec

To koniec

Soon to goon to goonerfall
Apr 14, 2020

now we poles are considered aryan, just 80 too late :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

The British tend to make caustic comments like this. I can tell that meme was made by an American
Brutal Slav lands will be browned by (((them))) next as they already did to the eternal anglos.


Ok there’s so much wrong with this.

1. “”””Aryan”””” is NOT Nordic, it’s a term used to describe Indo Europeans. Just because someone is blonde does not make them Aryan, pure bullshit. PLENTY OF SLAVS HAVE BLONDE HAIR, POLAND IS NOT A NAZI COUNTRY, MANY POLES WERE KILLED BY THE NAZIS IN WW2

2. The guardian is full of shit.
these niggas are mentally insane
You’re aryan according to the guardian :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Jfl @ anglocucks
it's literally fake opposition created only so that the goyim think they vote anti-system not knowing it's all in someones' hands
This. Jfl @ niggas who think that voting will change anything. You can't vote government officials or (((judges))) who have significantly more power than 90% of all politicians
I don't vote. It's a meme
Voting is (almost certainly) a meme.

But like Pascal's wager about god, if voting doesn't bring anything voting gives you no advantage but if voting brings something you get a tiny advantage.
This means the expectation value of the random experiment is always >0, which means playing is recommended.

I voted AfD with a double voice for a) making normalfags/the media seethe, for b) showing the farce of this "democracy" (they either ignore the will of the voter and form retarded coalitions to prevent AfD influence - showing everyone that this is a joke or they implement their policies) and for c) decelerating social decline (so that I can acquire more money before fleeing the sinking ship).
For me voting AfD is the most logical thing to do. Of course it won't change anything most likely, but all the effort it took me was a few seconds and two crosses with my pencil.
Lol this is what passes for "conservative" politicians nowadays. I mean why even be racist and far right if you're gonna allow dykes into your creed.
AFD is technically not racist, soylets just accuse them of being racist. They have these typical cuckservative takes, but they spice things a little bit up by saying edgy things. Soylets always talk about "the rise of the far-right" but in reality the real far-right died in 1945. It's truly over, buddy boyo
AFD is technically not racist, soylets just accuse them of being racist. They have these typical cuckservative takes, but they spice things a little bit up by saying edgy things. Soylets always talk about "the rise of the far-right" but in reality the real far-right died in 1945. It's truly over, buddy boyo
This. It's CDU/CSU ("conservative" "christian" party) from 20 years ago which is considered Far Right/:soy: in that soyified shithole nowadays.
Voting is (almost certainly) a meme.

But like Pascal's wager about god, if voting doesn't bring anything voting gives you no advantage but if voting brings something you get a tiny advantage.
This means the expectation value of the random experiment is always >0, which means playing is recommended.

I voted AfD with a double voice for a) making normalfags/the media seethe, for b) showing the farce of this "democracy" (they either ignore the will of the voter and form retarded coalitions to prevent AfD influence - showing everyone that this is a joke or they implement their policies) and for c) decelerating social decline (so that I can acquire more money before fleeing the sinking ship).
For me voting AfD is the most logical thing to do. Of course it won't change anything most likely, but all the effort it took me was a few seconds and two crosses with my pencil.
Makes sense to some extent.

a) Soylets seethe even if you just vote CDU.
b) 57% of all voters (according to ZDF) disproved all the coalitions which are currently an option. It doesn't expose anything, the average normienigger doesn't give a fuck anyway.
c) They call themselves an opposition party and nobody wants to work with them because if their retarded PR moves. They will never be in the position to stop anything.
Fucking britbongs!!
This. It's CDU/CSU ("conservative" "christian" party) from 20 years ago which is considered Far Right/:soy: in that soyified shithole nowadays.
Boyo, check out what Helmut Schmidt did back in the 60s when he was the big boss in Hamburg. His positions were objectively more based than every western right-wing politician nowadays, regardless of the country despite him being a social democrat
Fucking britbongs!!
This. @Pancakecel , why do you always have to ruin everything?
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AFD is technically not racist, soylets just accuse them of being racist. They have these typical cuckservative takes, but they spice things a little bit up by saying edgy things. Soylets always talk about "the rise of the far-right" but in reality the real far-right died in 1945. It's truly over, buddy boyo
I was reading their profile. They have been opposing same sex marriage and gender equality(or so wikipedia says). Wouldn't make sense to have a dyke banker among them. Throws the whole message out the window.
I was reading their profile. They have been opposing same sex marriage and gender equality(or so wikipedia says). Wouldn't make sense to have a dyke banker among them. Throws the whole message out the window.
It's over, buddy boyo. They do the same retarded shit like the republicans in the US, desperately trying to convince voters who will never vote for them anyway to change their minds by hiring token minorities.
That's infuriating even I am a non-white, what does she expect Poles to look like:lul:? I guess Poland needs some diversity t00. (insert jew Pepe here).
the Americas were a mistake
But like Pascal's wager about god, if voting doesn't bring anything voting gives you no advantage but if voting brings something you get a tiny advantage.
This means the expectation value of the random experiment is always >0, which means playing is recommended.
low iq

if you are living in a population of millions of people the only way voting could matter is if the end result of the voting was identical and that your vote made the difference

on top of that you have to wait in line for hours to vote for the mere chance of a finite gain.

Meanwhile pascal's wager is about eternal consequences. So any slight chance, multipled by infinity, becomes infinity in value.

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