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Soy Cuck Pool said NEETs should be kicked out their houses so they can get jobs



Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018
Fuck this cuck, he does nothing but give milquetoast 90 iq takes on normie news articles. Why don't you get a real job Tim?
just work goy!
didn't watch
Fuck this cuck, he does nothing but give milquetoast 90 iq takes on normie news articles. Why don't you get a real job Tim?
He'd be a fat old skater bum if he didn't get lucky with youtube. Jfl at him acting like he works hard.
JFL that's not how it works, if you've been NEET for a long time you'd be lucky to find a place which will even hire you. His advice is to basically make NEETs even worse off by making them homeless as well, great stuff. That said, I can see where he's coming from, but I mean can you imagine having parents go from letting you be a hiki to outright kicking you out of the house? That's a complete 180.

Seems like he thinks that because his parents let him become homeless, that it's somehow a reasonable way to do things. It's not. Just have your kids get a job, be in education, or be looking for a job if they want to live in the house, problem solved. Can't stand the whole culture of kicking your kids out when they're 18, it's wasteful and ridiculous.

Btw, the fact that we need to experience suffering to be able to cope with life should tell you a lot about life's value.
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Sorry bucko, not all of us can make a living being a jewtubber and stealing content from /pol/.
this cunt can put on a dress and get some breast implants and go to a truck stop and get pounded by a homo,trans truckie fucker. i own my caravan which i bought with my own money and as for the ones living at home i have been homeless and no one will help you when you end up homeless so don,t listen to this cock munching magpie molester
Ex-NEET and homeless, wow, what a catch. The HR whores will sure give this man a great job.
Tim Pool is a baldcel who lives in a van, JFL. Imagine being a guy who wears a beanie 24/7 in a desperate, obvious effort to hide his subhumanity lecturing losers about how to live
if you've been NEET for a long time you'd be lucky to find a place which will even hire you.
Exactly. If you're such a hopeless perma-NEET you don't even have anything to put on a resume, there are no jobs for you. Then if you ask why you're not just given a job, you'll get screamed at for being entitled. If you're a NEET and fine with it, you're a leech, but if you're a NEET who wants to work, you're an entitled whiner. Once again, the untermensch can't win. Might as well be a proud leech. We don't owe the world anything.
Wage slave to eventually take ingrate foids on a helicopter adventure. JFL.
this cunt can put on a dress and get some breast implants and go to a truck stop and get pounded by a homo,trans truckie fucker. i own my caravan which i bought with my own money and as for the ones living at home i have been homeless and no one will help you when you end up homeless so don,t listen to this cock munching magpie molester
based and factual
Tim Pool is a baldcel who lives in a van, JFL. Imagine being a guy who wears a beanie 24/7 in a desperate, obvious effort to hide his subhumanity lecturing losers about how to live

JFL I had no idea he was bald.
JFL at his if you play video games all day advice "just live stream bro!" "just be one in one hundred thousand success story bro!"

this fag thinks all NEET's live in their mothers basement rent fee. i pay board you bald fat cuck, its smart of me to stay home and save my NEETbux instead of wasting it on way more rent. Anecdotal example at its finest
This is the same shit the military tried to pull off when they used men who had an iq less than 85 and that shit failed.
He was always a tradcuck knew it when I first watched him.
Fuck Tim Pool. I hope some leftist caves his head in with a brick.
JFL that's not how it works, if you've been NEET for a long time you'd be lucky to find a place which will even hire you. His advice is to basically make NEETs even worse off by making them homeless as well, great stuff. That said, I can see where he's coming from, but I mean can you imagine having parents go from letting you be a hiki to outright kicking you out of the house? That's a complete 180.

Seems like he thinks that because his parents let him become homeless, that it's somehow a reasonable way to do things. It's not. Just have your kids get a job, be in education, or be looking for a job if they want to live in the house, problem solved. Can't stand the whole culture of kicking your kids out when they're 18, it's wasteful and ridiculous.

Btw, the fact that we need to experience suffering to be able to cope with life should tell you a lot about life's value.
Right. i agree with everything you said. I'm dogging homelessness everyday because of this fuckers mentality (my parents think the same way) and im actually trying to find a job too but nobody will even give me a fucking chance. Isn't it amazing begging to be a slave, begging to be treated like shit eventually, which has been the case at every job I've worked so far.

"Can't stand the whole culture of kicking your kids out when they're 18, it's wasteful and ridiculous."

Me neither...... Key word you said is culture... People do not even realize that this way of thinking is fucked up.
(it is a modern culture phenomenon not normal in all of human history until now.)
Families in the past stuck together with many generations of family living in the same house hold.
This modern culture wants noting but isolated working drones with no family ties, and people fucking fall for it thinking it is the right way to be.
It is not!
Normies do not understand cause and effect.

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