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RageFuel Cuck donates his kidney to Tinder noodlewhore



truest slavcel of them all
Nov 10, 2019

I think I found the biggest cuck the world has ever seen :feelsree:. Reminder that 1 kidney costs $262,000, and operation has a lot of health risks, potentially death. JFL if she'll leave him for chaddier chad.

TOP COMMENT: "I love how he pointed out that even if she breaks up with him, he still would not regret giving her his kidney".
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Just donate one of your kidneys bro.
this bitch is gonna cuck him for sure kek.6/10 at best normie who seems to be pretty wealthy.this is top kek material.
He mogs noodlewhore hard.
At least she accepted a part of his body into hers. If I were to offer a sick foid my kidney, she'd probably rather die.
If you're surprised you aren't blackpilled
My gawd. This is how subservient men have become. I just can't believe this. I really can't. Like, what's making men bow down to women in this fashion? Why are men giving their money, the organs, their time, energy, and their entire lives to women? Just fuckin' why? For the unrequited hope of sex? For love? For what??

Volcel if you wouldnt donate one of your kidneys to an ugly currywhore.
This actually made me rage. What a fucking faggot. I hope his other kidney stops working.
TOP COMMENT: "I love how he pointed out that even if she breaks up with him, he still would not regret giving her his kidney".
Be a cuck to your last breath, little man!
Not a very intelligent move, he doesn't have any more spare kidneys for when she divorce rapes her and he has to find another noodle with an otherwise terminal illness
Volcel if you wouldnt donate one of your kidneys to an ugly currywhore.
Good luck getting cucked by chad :feelstrash:
Not a very intelligent move, he doesn't have any more spare kidneys for when she divorce rapes her and he has to find another noodle with an otherwise terminal illness
He has liver and blood. Although this cuck also requires transplant, a fucking smarter brain

I think I found the biggest cuck the world has ever seen :feelsree:. Reminder that 1 kidney costs $262,000, and operation has a lot of health risks, potentially death. JFL if she'll leave him for chaddier chad.

TOP COMMENT: "I love how he pointed out that even if she breaks up with him, he still would not regret giving her his kidney".

This is epic cuckdom - the only thing more cucked than this is getting a vasectomy
JFL if she'll leave him for chaddier chad.

TOP COMMENT: "I love how he pointed out that even if she breaks up with him, he still would not regret giving her his kidney".
Cucks gonna cuck
Wow giving your organ to a random tinder whore, just wow.
just run kidney game bro

its over for kidneycels
he mogs her, crazy that he has to donate an organ to keep an average noodle around
Omfg how cucked can you get :feelskek:

Cuomo slowlaugh
That dude’s an idiot. It’s not even about being a cuck at this point, he’s just straight up retarded.
Time to sell mine, spend all of the money on copes and then kill myself.
An interesting idea. Enough money to rot and even if you die a bit earlier, so what?
An interesting idea. Enough money to rot and even if you die a bit earlier, so what?
The other kidney compensates by hypertrophy so you won't die faster, although there are large risks with operation. For me it's win - win: I either die OR I get 200 k to chill and then suicide.
wow massive cuckold. bitch isn't even married and he already doing this.
americanised asian foids are well known to be whores. if she leaves him she probably won't even feel any guilt. lets be honest the only reason he did this for her is because she is a foid and he is a cuck.
5 years later, she leaves him for a real CHAD. Or at least puts him in an open relationship, so she can feel free to explore her options.
This guy thinks he'll be able to handle getting cucked and/or just shrug off an emotionally draining breakup with this girl. LMAO, we'll see.

He should have donated his liver!

He has two of them... lol.
If i had some type of kidney cancER id give the whore the kidney
TOP COMMENT: "I love how he pointed out that even if she breaks up with him, he still would not regret giving her his kidney".
What kind of stupid low t fags and whores would upvote that shit? (((Cucktube))) must be behind it.
I want to see the jbw maxxers reaction to this tbh.

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