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[Cringe] when you try to black pill a Chad



Big Papí
Jun 11, 2018
Basically it’s this 6 2” faggot telling me the only thing getting him laid is “muh personality” and that I should sit back and accept my role as an incel


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I hate seeing the delusion on them
Chads and stacys are just like normies when it comes to their personality and IQ
Jfl at chads thinking they are doing anything to get the foids. Tutorial mode
Obese and 6'2" yet still slays.... JFL height is everything. I bet he's white as well.
''If ThIS is H0W yOU ReaCT IrL, i caN sEe wHy WomEN av0iD yoU.'' - Your local 8/10 man in status, looks and social circle - who had coitus with plenty of females. Seriously, he sounds like a fucking female. it is always the same phrases over and over again. by the way, such phrases are only brought up towards men, NEVER towards females.
Chads are low IQ , Dont care about blackpill
He lives in a different universe
Ohh man.. They do not owe you anything brah. Then how about he stops having coitus with them since females do not owe him any of it after all. I cannot stand this bullshit any longer. Those people are absolutely full of trash, absolutely hypocritical.

By the way, when he brings up the ''entitlement meme'', jsts reply with, he should follow his own words and he should stop haivng coitus since females do not owe him anything. Also he is not entitled to coitus. There is no point in talking to him, just pull out straight up fact and show him his own flaws in his argumentation.
Hes 340lbs at 6'2". Tell me how that is "not that fat". Thats extremely obese
Probably has a large frame, high muscle mass, just naturally heavy. Yea he’s still fat tho
"You can hide all the bitterness/hatred you have. Women can pick up on that shit"

Typical reddit fag. He should swallow the Meekspill.

I missed the 340 lbs part. What kind of hideous monstrosities has this idiot slept with? JFL
''If ThIS is H0W yOU ReaCT IrL, i caN sEe wHy WomEN av0iD yoU.'' - Your local 8/10 man in status, looks and social circle - who had coitus with plenty of females. Seriously, he sounds like a fucking female. it is always the same phrases over and over again. by the way, such phrases are only brought up towards men, NEVER towards females.
Probably has a large frame, high muscle mass, just naturally heavy. Yea he’s still fat tho
You dont understand. 340lbs at 6'2".... Even jacked respectiable steroid users still look fat (above 20% bf) at that weight and height. Elite sterioud users at 6'2" 300 - 350lbs still look a little fat (20%+ bf) So imagine how fat the OP is....

340lb at 6'2" is not just obese, but EXTREMELY OBESE. You cant fucking call that "just a little bit fat". JFL.
340 lbs with just a "little bit of a double chin" Chad bones confirmed.

I'm 165lbs gymmaxxed and have almost no jawline definition.
tbh hes probably a high tier normie or chadlite. chads usually understand looks matter to some degree
You dont understand. 340lbs at 6'2".... Even jacked respectiable steroid users still look fat (above 20% bf) at that weight and height. Elite sterioud users at 6'2" 300 - 350lbs still look a little fat (20%+ bf) So imagine how fat the OP is....

340lb at 6'2" is not just obese, but EXTREMELY OBESE. You cant fucking call that "just a little bit fat". JFL.

Exactly. I bet this guy is lying on top of that. He is talking like a typical moralizer and yet nothing of it is true in the first place.
White, good face, probably not that fat
Anyone notice how quickly Ethereal_Umbreon pivots from self-describing as "ugly as shit" to "not that cute".

"that cute" might mean a 10, so all I see in final statement is admission to not being a 10
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everyone coping in this thread lmao
340 is terrible. weirdo outliers are cracks in the BP
I don't think this guy is a chad. Just a fat soyboy tallfaggot, he's bragging like a retard.
When you try to blackpill a bluepilltard
B-but incels.co told me Chads are BASED and BLACKPILLED???
Real chads are blackpilled. If he was chad the 7 girls would be fighting eachother to fuck him. Real chads knows it's their looks, they are just happy about it because it works for them.
Please for fuck sakes tell me that you told him the only reason he gets laid is because he's 6ft2 and that tall people live life on tutorial mode.
Dude, i don't even know why you were arguing with a bluepiller in the first place, let those people think whathever they want, their whole arguments revolve aroun the same thingss: Accusing us of ridiculous things, spewing out platitudes and bluepill bs, and cherrypicking. Of course, if that's what you like to do in your free time, then go for it, but other than that, save yourself some time and patience, leave those MFers alone, they don't understand you, and never will.
Doubt someone named "Ethereal_Umbreon" is slaying. Dude is probably fucking landwhales (which would be reasonable because he's obese), he's statusmaxxed/moneymaxxed, or is straight up LARPing.
If women had such great personality detectors and intuition why do so many of them come out of "abusive" relationships only to go into another one? I guess that 6'3" tyrone with a jaw that cuts glass and a fist that punches women just didn't have all that bitterness and hatred us inkwellz do.
I guess he feels good with himself thinking that he has sex with many whores because he's a good person. And that way is easy to blame us, we are just bad people
>"I'm 6'2"

Of course he's fucking tall.
Heightpill is real. This guy is obese but he's tall and he still slays.
They choose to be deliberately dense to keep his system broken in his favor.
People only admit a problem when it's one they want resolved, and other than that they just want it pervaded.
Hes 340lbs at 6'2". Tell me how that is "not that fat". Thats extremely obese
It is possible he downgraded himself inorder to proove his shitty point
If women had such great personality detectors and intuition why do so many of them come out of "abusive" relationships only to go into another one? I guess that 6'3" tyrone with a jaw that cuts glass and a fist that punches women just didn't have all that bitterness and hatred us inkwellz do.
Trying to segway the center of a conversation on anything negative with a liberal or normie is like trying to keep a fishing bobber with a hole afloat.
this cunt knows nothing and he sounds like a white knight soy boy feminist loving fatty pounder. its mating season for whales land ahoy.
340lb at 6'2" is not just obese, but EXTREMELY OBESE. You cant fucking call that "just a little bit fat". JFL.
A 6'2 guy can weigh half of that, 170 lb, and be normal weight. He's fat as shit.
JFL at incels who think chads are blackpilled. When you have everything handed down to you on a silver platter, you don't question it. You simply take it for granted. People don't question what they have, people question what they don't have.
I think that the foundation of blackpill thinking is the body of scientific evidence supporting our point of view. Whenever I choose to get into argument with people I always cite scientific evidence to support my point of view, shuts them up pretty quick. Go to the blackpill wiki and search for the articles under height, these will help reinforce your point of view. When it comes to facial appearance there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support us, so thats what I choose to get into arguments about primarily.
dude seems like a larp but good on you OP for calling him out on this bullshit. srs 340lb at 6,2 is fucking fat even with frame. I'm fucking fat right now, strong as fuck (hence muscle mass), huge frame and 5'10'' AT 210lb, so this guy is gonna be comically obese.
dude seems like a larp but good on you OP for calling him out on this bullshit. srs 340lb at 6,2 is fucking fat even with frame. I'm fucking fat right now, strong as fuck (hence muscle mass), huge frame and 5'10'' AT 210lb, so this guy is gonna be comically obese.
face and height are everything
NOOO DETERMINISM CAnNOT be True, all I ACHieved is due purely to my own will not my top tier genes and nice middle class family upbrining!! :bluepill::bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill:

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