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Discussion Creating my own philosophy and religion



TeacherCel/ ActivistCel
Oct 29, 2021
do you think it’s possible to create my own philosophy and or religion to cope with my lack of sex and inceldom? What options do I have? What are the current ideas behind religion and philosophy in this culture?
You could just believe in Jesus and get saved while giving it a personal touch, like putting an apple on the table while you read the bible.
You could just believe in Jesus and get saved while giving it a personal touch, like putting an apple on the table while you read the bible.
Could you explain putting an apple on the table please? Giving it a personal touch?
Could you explain putting an apple on the table please? Giving it a personal touch?
It was just a joke based on your avi. But the believing in Jesus part was serious.
I’d rather just be more spiritual than to cope that hard and believe in a biblical man or some shit. It seems delusional to believe in a man with super powers and shit
You could just believe in Jesus and get saved while giving it a personal touch, like putting an apple on the table while you read the bible.
Fuck off christfag

OP your religion should contain the philosophy of at least 5 government mandated guns and a dynamite vest for any male 6/10 or under as well as the first born daughter of the closest neighbour to be handed over to you as a slave to do with what you will as payment for leaving their home alone
Stop recommending F111 dark holes to people. The guy is s Lord of Darkness just like sauron.
Christfag is a new one. And murder is the philosophy you propose. How about something ethical? And tone it down please.
I strongly recommend you to read about Marcion of Sinope's christianity

It's highly interesting and a lot different from catholicism and other mainstream christian branches

Spoiler: it involves more than one god :feelsLSD:
do you think it’s possible to create my own philosophy and or religion to cope with my lack of sex and inceldom? What options do I have? What are the current ideas behind religion and philosophy in this culture?
Peace and relaxing religion
You can always LDAR like a Taoist
Stop recommending F111 dark holes to people. The guy is s Lord of Darkness just like sauron.
What are your thoughts on his religion?

What are your thoughts on his religion?

This is absolutely beautiful. What are these files? Did this guy make these himself is he an incel? I need context?
Also, I’m thinking of something for personal use more philosophy based than religious but somewhat religious. Where do I start?
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What are your thoughts on his religion?

It's Freak 111 'everything wrong'. It has F010 exclusivity, meatiness, worship and uniqueness + F101 contradictions, and nonsense, thus F111 exclusively nonsense aka everything wrong.

Among marvelous things this archetype has, I include necrophilia (the contradiction of an action of producing life with a dead body), FUD, Satanism (LaVey), predatory marketing, folie à deux, gnats, frogs, cockroaches and other kinds of filth.
I've always fantacized about making my own religion and brainwashing people.
It's Freak 111 'everything wrong'. It has F010 exclusivity, meatiness, worship and uniqueness + F101 contradictions, and nonsense, thus F111 exclusively nonsense aka everything wrong.

Among marvelous things this archetype has, I include necrophilia (the contradiction of an action of producing life with a dead body), FUD, Satanism (LaVey), predatory marketing, folie à deux, gnats, frogs, cockroaches and other kinds of filth.
What are you talking about? Is that what is inside this Bible?
You would have done it already. A religious prophet doesn't ask, he's just manifesting his singular essence.
I have my own unique ideology that no one else on Earth has and no one in human history has ever had, that many see as contradictory. I get called a fascist in left-wing circles and a leftist in right-wing circles. This is because I don't try and base my ideology "top-down" by coming up with some uniting, all-encompassing single value that I base all my beliefs on (like "hierarchy", "equality", "liberty", "community", etc.), nor do I take the same "approach" to any issue with regards to whether I want to take the "masculine" or "tough guy" or "feminine" or "tender" approach.

I just look at each issue individually, completely isolated from all other issues, and decide for myself what I think about it, not based on a value I have, but essentially by looking at both sides and understanding their arguments better than they do, trying to come up with a radical, never-before-tried solution neither side has considered, and seeing if I can justify any of the myriad of ideas that come into my head. If I can't, I will see which of the two, three, four or more sides' beliefs I find it impossible to explain why they are wrong, and adopt that view. Rinse and repeat for each and every single issue, thousands of them potentially.

One important note that I have discovered is that every philosophy, religion, and civilization on Earth that wants to be sustainable in the long-run must have a continuatistic outlook, even if it is atheist or even antinatilist, as I explain here:

[UWSL][UWSL]"So, I've come up with this general philosophy that can (and should) be used to apply to all things. [/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Continuatism is the practical idea that, essentially, if you wish to see your philosophy, whether it be religious, political, a lifestyle, or anything else, spread among the population, be implemented by the government or prevailing social systems, or even just not completely die out, one has a moral responsibility to breed because this is how philosophies (religious, political, or otherwise) are primarily spread and sustained over any period of time.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]The problem continuatism contends to address is the massive problem of the societies that I personally believe are the best (such as those in the West or Japan) are dying out; those philosophies which I believe are the best (such as atheism) are dying out. "Dying out" because there are more deaths than births and they are declining as a percentage of the global population and often in absolute terms. In addition, the refusal of Western Europe, the USA, Japan, and other wealthy countries to heavily shame all women who have had fewer than 3 children and are over 30 has resulted in the people with the highest IQs having the fewest children, see the negative correlation between fertility and IQ. The inevitable result of this WILL eventually be idiocracy, it would be impossible or unfathomable for it not to. This is a HUGE problem, and NEEDS to be addressed. The problem of our current, dysgenic society.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Concisely, it is easy to point out Mormons v.s. the Shakers-the Mormons continued and growing relevance is statistically primarily because they breed and indoctrinate their children, whereas the Shakers refused to breed and thus died out.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Continuatism also makes the assertion that certain genes that are more likely to lead to certain philosophies are likely to exist, and thus by breeding, one is more likely than not protecting the integrity of one's philosophy, WHATEVER it may be, both genetically and environmentally. Thus continuatism is perfectly compatible with determinism.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]If one simply does not breed when one is capable of doing so, one is contributing to the downfall of one's own ideology, as other ideologies CAN and WILL breed and crowd one's own ideology out.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Even antinatalists ought to breed in order to spread antinatalism, so that in the future, rather than going the way of the Shakers (atheists, for example, are declining as a percentage of the global population. This is bad for atheism), they would be a significant force, able to enforce antinatalist policy GLOBALLY on non-antinatalists. Even this, continuatism posits, would only be good for antinatalism if it was applied equally to all populations, so that antinatalists do not end up anti-natalisting themselves out of existence.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]If even antinatalism can be looked at through a continuatistic lens, then what's YOUR philosophy's excuse?[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Any philosophy, be it Christianity, Islam, atheism, agnosticism, natalism, antinatalism, efilism, progressivism, conservatism, communism, fascism, anarchism, libertarianism, etc., are best off adopting a continuatistic outlook. Many religions already implicitly or explicitly do, so we have to beat them in the arms race, otherwise, we will be conquered and destroyed by ideologies more concerned with toxically hypermasculine domination than anything deep or meaningful.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Continuatism posits that, just like how pacifism is immoral and that, if one wishes to preserve justice, one has a responsibility to become violent in self-defense to the utmost degree to defend against the aggressively unjust whether one wants to or not, to not breed and spread one's own genes (presuming that one believes that they are the most just or lead to the most just outcomes compared to other philosophies) is the moral equivalent of pacifism, and thus immoral in the same way pacifism is immoral. We take a "peace through strength" outlook on the world.[/UWSL][/UWSL]
[UWSL][UWSL]Some people may say that this will lead to a world of fighting and conflict; however, I believe it will lead to an idyllic world of peace, because the best minds put their heads together and figure out how to outbreed the worst ones, thus improving the gene pool. It is a eugenic philosophy, as all things should be.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Some may say that this sounds like eugenics, and the Nazis did eugenics, therefore eugenics bad. However, the Nazis only "did" eugenics for one generation. We've never seen what happens when eugenics are tried for, say, ten generations. Furthermore, unlike what the Nazis did (eugenocide), there is nothing inherently violent or genocidal about continuatism.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL][UWSL]Some may say that this will lead to overpopulation. However, when intelligent people are breeding, there is never an overpopulation issue. A world with 100 billion Elon Musks would not suffer from overpopulation; they would just put their heads together and establish a LOGICAL solution, that us normies couldn't possibly imagine. But a world with 100 billion Ugandans would be a humanitarian disaster, due to poverty and all the violence, warfare, disease, and starvation that would ensue (see: Malthusianism). I am not a Malthusian when it comes to the RIGHT kinds of people, but I AM when it comes to the WRONG kinds of people. Ayn Rand would have made a good point, if only she would have advocated for her multi-ethnic group of elites to breed, thus defeated the "enemy" (the low-IQ, barbaric hordes)."[/UWSL][/UWSL]
:feelsokman: I will have to come back to this but the beginning seems decent.
:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: the world doesnt suffer from over population but unbalanced population distribtution

replace any shithole countries like africa and SEA with Norwegians and Swedes and you'd have extremely prosperous civilizations.

too bad the cumskins have too much empathy and never actually even tried to exterminate low life low IQ shitskins and we end up in the clown world we have today :feelsclown:
Thanks, broski. :feelsokman:

I'm not in favor of actual extermination of brown people, but I'm strongly in favor of abolishing foreign aid, cutting free trade and immigration down to less than 5% what they are today, stopping fighting wars to protect countries from themselves, leaving cucked organizations like the UN, NATO, and NAFTA (and the EU if you're a Western Euro), and various other reforms to make brown people essentially bear the load of the destruction caused by their reproduction in full.
:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: the world doesnt suffer from over population but unbalanced population distribtution

replace any shithole countries like africa and SEA with Norwegians and Swedes and you'd have extremely prosperous civilizations.

too bad the cumskins have too much empathy and never actually even tried to exterminate low life low IQ shitskins and we end up in the clown world we have today :feelsclown:
How the fuck do you blame another country for inceldom? It’s not that broad. You’re reaching

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