IT is the least of my worries. They’re out of touch with reality. There’s no point in arguing with them. They think a 5’2” balding Indian janitor—whose body is oozing with pus, blood, vomit, diarrhea, urine, and mucus in floods packed with wriggling maggots, flies swarming around him, vomit gushing out, urine spraying in yellow streams, and diarrhea pouring in messy bursts—can date models. His face is a rotting mess, with a rotting, decaying nose leaking pus and maggots as flies dig in, vomit shoots out, urine flows freely, and diarrhea splashes everywhere. His mouth is a nasty hole where broken teeth drip with pus, flies lay eggs in his throat, maggots crawl from his gums, and vomit, urine, and diarrhea spill out. His ears drip with pus and maggots while flies buzz loudly, vomit sprays, urine pours, and diarrhea trickles from hairy patches. His butt bursts with sores and maggots as flies feed, vomit splashes, urine soaks his skin, and diarrhea pools in craters. His skin, torn open by disease, is covered with flies; maggots pop out, vomit crusts over, urine seeps, and diarrhea coats him. His spine, twisted and leaking pus, houses nesting flies and maggots chewing inside, while vomit runs down, urine squirts, and diarrhea floods out. His armpits stink with vomit-covered hair and maggots as flies swarm, vomit drenches them, urine reeks, and diarrhea oozes through.