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Serious Could "The Black Plague" be Responsible for Genetic Inferiority?



"You'll do this again, time is a flat circle..."
Mar 13, 2019

I know it sounds like a far out and ridiculous conspiracy theory, but please hear me out. The "Black Plague" at its peak infected and wiped out around 60% of the human population in the entire Mediterranean continent, even spreading it's way and reeking havoc in Russia, most of Asia, and Australia. This massive loss of life, and therefore human evolution was undoubtedly a massive setback. A setback that I personally believe we are able to see today with the abundance of genetically inferior people.

The Black Plague was an indiscriminate demon of death that claimed the lives of hundreds of millions. This disease did not care if you were a genetic freak, a Chad, a Stacy, a king, or a peasant. It killed indiscriminately and no "medicine" or medical expertise at the time period could have possibly saved you. Once you were infected? You were dead in 3-7 days. Coughing up chunks of your dissolving bloody lungs as your lymph nodes swelled up to the size of eggs and you puked up blood as your hands and feet rotted off. It wiped out entire cities once considered to be cornerstones of civilization in months. The absolute devastation The Bubonic Plague caused per capita in the human population during this time period is unrivaled to this day.

In my humble opinion, it is this event and the aftermath of it that has led to genetic inferiority that humanity is still recovering from. After The Plague began dying off as the majority of its human and rat hosts has parished, humanity began to rebuild. You're sexual market value as a male or female did not matter a single bit at the time. If you had survived The Black Plague you were of utmost importance, you could have looked like fucking Shrek and still found some poor widow to bear you a child.

Just think about it. Hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. All gone. Because some horrific disease wiped over half of us out. It's not too far of a leap to suggest this setback our evolutionary timeline, and that's why we see such an abundance of ugly and sub IQ genetic bloodlines that have been able to propagate so well, until now. Which is why we're seeing the whole Incel and Blackpill culture come about. We're trying to evolve again. Trying to remedy our bloodlines that were long ago ravished.

Well that's the end of my drunken rant. Hopefully it didn't bore you too much and you found some entertainment in it.

Heres some early illustrations showing the devastation of The Black Plague:






After black plague, your value was your contribution to society.
That's why wars make men equal. Women need men to run the society.

WW3 should start ASAP
The Black Plague and its culling of the Western European population is actually what enabled Western Europe to become the most advanced region of the world!

The death of agricultural laborers is what spearheaded innovation and ultimately automation in that sector, which is what then enabled industrialization.

Just let pathogens kill people is a legit theory, and in this century we can only hope for Super-Gonorrhea to have similar beneficent effects.
It doesnt explain why most deathnics are so subhuman.
JFL, looks like the Black Death put that wristcel out of his misery....
It doesnt explain why most deathnics are so subhuman.

Most ethics have had thier own versions of viral and bacterial plagues that indiscriminately ravaged their genetic bloodlines. The Hispanics had flu's carried to them by Europeans who survived the black Plague and sought new lands to colonize. The Native Americans had small pox and other viral infections brought to them by the early colonists.

Sometimes as much as 90% of these primitive and tribalistic groups were killed off in these pandemics.
After black plague, your value was your contribution to society.
That's why wars make men equal. Women need men to run the society.

WW3 should start ASAP

The Black Plague was a potential extinction event for humanity. It's kind of downplayed these days in history books but it was truly devastating. Imagine your entire city suddenly becoming violently ill with a sickness from a direct contact and airborne bacteria, and just 3 months later 75-90% of your city was dead, and the few grieving survivors became nomadic wanderers desperately looking for refuge. Only to find out that most other major cities had suffered the same fate. That puts it into perspective a bit. They literally believed it was the wrath of God at the time. They believed that humanity was going to perish.
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Most ethics have had thier own versions of viral and bacterial plagues that indiscriminately ravaged their genetic bloodlines. The Hispanics had flu's carried to them by Europeans who survived the black Plague and sought new lands to colonize. The Native Americans had small pox and other viral infections brought to them by the early colonists.

Sometimes as much as 90% of these primitive and tribalistic groups were killed off in these pandemics.

The Black Plague was a potential extinction event for humanity. It's kind of downplayed these days in history books but it was truly devastating. Imagine your entire city suddenly becoming violently ill with a sickness from a direct contact and airborne bacteria, and just 3 months later 75-90% of your city was dead, and the few grieving survivors became nomadic wanderers desperately looking for refuge. Only to find out that most other major cities had suffered the same fate. That puts it into perspective a bit. They literally believed it was the wrath of God at the time. They believed that humanity was going to perish.
Whites and small pox literally fucked up native americans
We need STD viruses to do be our hERos and do our ERs!!!
It doesnt explain why most deathnics are so subhuman.
Like anyone else, they adapted to their environment. It's unnatural for them to immigrate to the west.

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