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JFL Cosplayers hates ugly men but...



May 28, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/neckbeardstories/comments/5ascw8/why_i_hate_neckbeards/

Well the usual crap until I read she walks with a cane wtf? Then I said to myself that crippled Stacy is still Stacy but

MiDSsY0cE  kQZPxm w3awKJgWfhE1IZcPySoTIiZFU

Juggernaut law.
And then they shame us for having standards. like wtf
She wishes she was a Stacy so bad

Powertripping on the keyboard fantasizing and exaggerating her dull fatass life.
lol the picture says everything. Her whole rant is her trying to convince herself she’s desirable and that she has male attention coming out the ass.
"Even most of the guys who aren't necessarily good-looking..."

This right here is why I NEVER interact or even look at women...

They are so mind-numbingly vapid and have to bring up someone's appearance into a conversation where that is irrelevant.

Also, r/neckbeardstories is just a hate sub towards subhumans.
Nice subhumans, asshole subhumans, doesn't matter.
She wishes she was a Stacy so bad

Powertripping on the keyboard fantasizing and exaggerating her dull fatass life.
This is why her sort need us to be in our low position in society; they can't face the truth that they are no better than we are.
I hope she gets hang raped to death by twenty curry niggers.
She wishes she was a Stacy so bad

Powertripping on the keyboard fantasizing and exaggerating her dull fatass life.
lol the picture says everything. Her whole rant is her trying to convince herself she’s desirable and that she has male attention coming out the ass.
Vladimir Grutin


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"Even most of the guys who aren't necessarily good-looking..."

This right here is why I NEVER interact or even look at women...

They are so mind-numbingly vapid and have to bring up someone's appearance into a conversation where that is irrelevant.

Also, r/neckbeardstories is just a hate sub towards subhumans.
Nice subhumans, asshole subhumans, doesn't matter.
Fatass whore thinking she's Stacy tier, I saw this all the time
cosplayers are peak attention whores
Always has been. They knew this community known to be filled with "neckbeards", yet they went into it anyway simply because of some few chads who are into cosplays thinking he'll date them. Then, they cry about the majority of sub5s there. Peak fefail logic. Foids will always look everywhere just for chad.
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Who reads this? Are there really people on reddit who waste their time reading shit like this and replying?
>But then there are the "nice guys". Guys who say stupid ass things like "You don't need to get naked to get attention" and "insert slutty character here would look really great on you".

These guys are saying the exact opposite things to her and they're still being "nice guys".

Being a "nice guy" really means showing any amount of kindness and sexual attraction to a woman while being ugly.
I hope she gests murdered and raped
>It's because you're a shitty fucking person who thinks the world owes you something because you got picked on growing up. You think people are still picking on you, and they are. Because you haven't grown up yet. You still live with your fucking parents complaining they made you got a shitty job at Costco and pay for your own games and all the fucking other shit like snacks and "loot crates". You claim you can't get a good job because you either never went or flunked out of college, but the truth is you just don't want to put in any effort. I flunked out of college. I'm not fucking proud of it, but that's what happened. Instead of whining like a bitch, I kicked myself in the ass and WORKED. I work more than full time working one of the most emotionally draining jobs in the world (911 operator), I have my own apartment, and I cook REAL food every day. And you know what? Even if you do manage to stop suffocating your dick on your cumulative stained swivel chair and do something with your life, people are still going to pick on you. It won't be as bad as when you're a snivelling Otaku fucking your own high horse, but it'll still happen. You just learn to fucking deal with it. Call them a bitch and move on like a normal person instead of wasting 20 minutes of both of your time making up reasons you're better than them, because I can guarantee that they don't give a fuck whether your shit stinks or not.

Does this sound like a nice girl who really likes nice guys, not the ((("""Nice Guys TMs""")))? She's not even attacking their misogyny, she's making fun of them for being bullied losers. Toilets don't like genuinely nice guys because they're not genuinely nice themselves. But because I don't slay myself, I'm suddenly one of those ((("""Nice Guys TMs"""))) for saying the empress has no clothes.
Post is from 6 years ago. Howd you even find it
"Even most of the guys who aren't necessarily good-looking..."

This right here is why I NEVER interact or even look at women...

They are so mind-numbingly vapid and have to bring up someone's appearance into a conversation where that is irrelevant.

Also, r/neckbeardstories is just a hate sub towards subhumans.
Nice subhumans, asshole subhumans, doesn't matter.
To top it all off she follows up with "I would fuck him so hard." As if her golden vagina is the highest gift a man could receive. So arrogant too.
These men who inflate this horrendous looking toilets ego are to blame no wonder why she thinks she and tens of millions of others can act this way

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