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Venting Copemax incels are low iq and anyone promoting coping should be banned



Jul 24, 2018
No point in roping. Many of us suffer more than you and still havent roped. Calm your ass down and see what you can fix.

start coping full time because you dont have anything to lose, try to be the bext boxer in the world, the biggest criminal in the world, etc...

Nice normie argument basically so niggers in africa die from aids i should not complain on my suffering, lmao

There is absolutely nothing you can do when you are incel, peroid. if you were not born into the family lottery sticking around is pointless. The goal should be ending it, not trying to extend your shit life in this experiment doing whatever lame activities society permits you to do while u are withering away

If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.
Lol at this subhuman calling me out.

I am on psl much longer than you are, from sluthate to lookism to now here.

Money can bump your happiness in life by a large margin.

Low bodyfat + muscles can give you 2 full points if done to the max, going from 4 to 6 is night and day difference.

With that money, build up a bigger chin, wider palate, and you are a 7 now.

A 7 with money can slay EVERYTHING in sight
Lol at this subhuman calling me out.

I am on psl much longer than you are, from sluthate to lookism to now here.
literally means nothing

you keep repeating this over and over this is how i know you are fake and larping because it literally means nothing

your normie status is showing because your trying to be part of the in-group.

>If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.

this lmao
>If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.

this lmao
>If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.

this lmao
Lol if you believe in roping so much then why haven't you done it yet? Seems like you are just as low IQ as him then.
Lol if you believe in roping so much then why haven't you done it yet? Seems like you are just as low IQ as him then.

because i do not have the courage. i can openly admit i do not have the balls to do it because of the unknown factors. There is a level of dependence and comfort with coping.

By coping you are admitting defeat and going along with what the society want you to do which is rotting instead of gtfo this bad experiment
mfw a 60 post late-july cel is telling me to rope
mfw a 60 post late-july cel is telling me to rope
View attachment 32147

another failed normie trying to be apart of a group.

oh oh look at me i joined incel before you once i saw it on the front page of reddit 4 months ago

imagine being such a pathetic loser you try to larp and pretend to be part of the incel group
lets get rid of the normie
another failed normie trying to be apart of a group.

oh oh look at me i joined incel before you once i saw it on the front page of reddit 4 months ago

imagine being such a pathetic loser you try to larp and pretend to be part of the incel group
Who is your waifu?

Nice normie argument basically so niggers in africa die from aids i should not complain on my suffering, lmao

There is absolutely nothing you can do when you are incel, peroid. if you were not born into the family lottery sticking around is pointless. The goal should be ending it, not trying to extend your shit life in this experiment doing whatever lame activities society permits you to do while u are withering away

If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.
You should rope
literally means nothing

you keep repeating this over and over this is how i know you are fake and larping because it literally means nothing

your normie status is showing because your trying to be part of the in-group.


Yeah man, just LDAR/Rope that definetly Will show normies you're legit 100% trucel !!!!!
Stupid fucking thread. Literally everything humans do is a cope in the fear of death. Off yourself, faggot

Nice normie argument basically so niggers in africa die from aids i should not complain on my suffering, lmao

There is absolutely nothing you can do when you are incel, peroid. if you were not born into the family lottery sticking around is pointless. The goal should be ending it, not trying to extend your shit life in this experiment doing whatever lame activities society permits you to do while u are withering away

If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.
just rope you stupid IT julycel
hurr guys rope look at me im truecel btw :))) i have 60 posts in 1 day btw :))))
fuck off and rope then
Lol at this subhuman calling me out.

I am on psl much longer than you are, from sluthate to lookism to now here.

Money can bump your happiness in life by a large margin.

Low bodyfat + muscles can give you 2 full points if done to the max, going from 4 to 6 is night and day difference.

With that money, build up a bigger chin, wider palate, and you are a 7 now.

A 7 with money can slay EVERYTHING in sight

Even if that doesn't work you at least get to learn a skill . I still practice music and I've played in a bunch of bands. Even while be am ethnic subhuman. Same with gymcelling and running Sprints, I'm healthy.

Even if I remain a virgin for years I Will just escortcel. This idiot Is probably a lul farme for Inceltears
You should rope

>my life is so bad, being an incel sucks, but i still enjoy all of things wonderful things i can do with life like

sitting in a chair for 24 hours
playing boring video games only low iq people find fun
staring at a screen for 18 hours
watching mongolian finger painting cartoons
masterbating 10 times per day
spending all day talking to other failure reject idiots

wow cope is so awesome!!!!!!!!!
Stupid fucking thread. Literally everything humans do is a cope in the fear of death. Off yourself, faggot

its not cope for them, its called living life like normal human being
just rope you stupid IT julycel
hurr guys rope look at me im truecel btw :))) i have 60 posts in 1 day btw :))))
fuck off and rope then

another moron who found out about inceldom in 2018 from the front page of reddit

mentally ill failed normies want friends so bad they try to become incels in hopes of having a group to belong too
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another moron who found out about inceldom in 2018 from the front page of reddit

mentally ill failed normies want friends so bad they try to become incels in hopes of having a group to belong too
>Joined Nov 10, 2017
I've been in PSL since 2016 what are you on about lmao
LARPing wannabe cunt that thinks people will accept him just because he calls OGcels out
>my life is so bad, being an incel sucks, but i still enjoy all of things wonderful things i can do with life like

sitting in a chair for 24 hours
playing boring video games only low iq people find fun
staring at a screen for 18 hours
watching mongolian finger painting cartoons
masterbating 10 times per day
spending all day talking to other failure reject idiots

wow cope is so awesome!!!!!!!!!

Jajaja what a fucking idiot. Such low IQ that thinks those things are the only way to cope. Self-improvement Is the best cope, learning skillz Is the best cope. Just rope already
>Joined Nov 10, 2017
I've been in PSL since 2016 what are you on about lmao
LARPing wannabe cunt that thinks people will accept him just because he calls OGcels out
lookism and psl shit is full of good looking people and fakes, they make fun of incels and have for years lmfao

i made my first account on here the first week the site was open, i was on the incel sub in late 2016, the time you find out about incel means nothing no one takes pride in this unless you are larping, which you are

Jajaja what a fucking idiot. Such low IQ that thinks those things are the only way to cope. Self-improvement Is the best cope, learning skillz Is the best cope. Just rope already



any more motivational drivel you moron?
lookism and psl shit is full of good looking people and fakes, they make fun of incels and have for years lmfao

i made my first account on here the first week the site was open, i was on the incel sub in late 2016, the time you find out about incel means nothing no one takes pride in this unless you are larping, which you are



any more motivational drivel you moron?

I've been practicing music way before the blackpill, no reason to stop now. Go ahead, you are not convincing anyone "trucel" jajajaja
There's nothing wrong with coping. If you want to die that badly, just neck yourself :p
Seriously though, what else do you want us to do (besides suicide, since no, I'm not fucking killing myself)? Any suggestions?
"Coping" is the only way for an incel to live semi-properly in western society
There's nothing wrong with coping. If you want to die that badly, just neck yourself :p
Seriously though, what else do you want us to do (besides suicide, since no, I'm not fucking killing myself)? Any suggestions?
"Coping" is the only way for an incel to live semi-properly in western society

I want to badly but i cannot, many people have this problem but as time goes on I realize this feeling becomes less pronounced. I have the utmost respect for those who had the courage to do it anyway they did. I do not really have any suggestions i am just stating that the coping that people recommend on here is worse than death. they are only so low iq and retarded domesticated human being incels that they don't realize the hell their "coping" is. I do not want you or anyone else to kill themself if they do not want to but i cannot take any more of the shit counter advice for suicide.

I've been practicing music way before the blackpill, no reason to stop now. Go ahead, you are not convincing anyone "trucel" jajajaja

must be nice to have a natural talent, i have none of those, anything else you want to brag about?

99.9% of incels cope maxing are doing what i listed because they CANNOT have any improvement or have any natural abilities or skills to put their time into.
totally btfo me

wow how will i cope now?

because i wont kill myself that means i'm wrong... because i will not jump first that nullifies anything i say about coping lmao

for as much whining about how shitty life is, it seems most self described incels are actually fairly content with the life you given
I want to badly but i cannot, many people have this problem but as time goes on I realize this feeling becomes less pronounced. I have the utmost respect for those who had the courage to do it anyway they did. I do not really have any suggestions i am just stating that the coping that people recommend on here is worse than death. they are only so low iq and retarded domesticated human being incels that they don't realize the hell their "coping" is. I do not want you or anyone else to kill themself if they do not want to but i cannot take any more of the shit counter advice for suicide.

must be nice to have a natural talent, i have none of those, anything else you want to brag about?

99.9% of incels cope maxing are doing what i listed because they CANNOT have any improvement or have any natural abilities or skills to put their time into.

No I dont have the talent, I've seen talented people way better than me. Just practice but seems like you're just a lazy idiot to practice something and too coward to kill himself.
No I dont have the talent, I've seen talented people way better than me. Just practice but seems like you're just a lazy idiot to practice something and too coward to kill himself.

hurrrrrrr you can learn anyskill you want just put in 10,000 hours to become an expert

nice normie advice.

>too coward to kill himself
and now you insult 99.9% of incels who are also all too much of cowards with no balls, but only after bragging about how you don't give up lmaoooo. Do you visit a motivational speaking therapist by chance?

of course i am lazy because i can do as much work as another and have nothing to show for it while because of their natural talents, skills, and abilities will have something to show for it.
hurrrrrrr you can learn anyskill you want just put in 10,000 hours to become an expert

nice normie advice.

>too coward to kill himself
and now you insult 99.9% of incels who are also all too much of cowards with no balls, but only after bragging about how you don't give up lmaoooo. Do you visit a motivational speaking therapist by chance?

of course i am lazy because i can do as much work as another and have nothing to show for it while because of their natural talents, skills, and abilities will have something to show for it.
It's not normies advice. It's common Sense. You practice something you become better a t it. I Will never get a gf and I Will always be emotionally bad by that. But skillz and women are to separarte things.

You are just bad at shitposting. Doesn't matter , in all sense, I'm right and you're wrong. Dont worry just keep LDAring

Time to gymcel now (my other cope) tell me lateehow the LDAR was , have fun
Retarded recruit who knows nothing
It's not normies advice. It's common Sense. You practice something you become better a t it. I Will never get a gf and I Will always be emotionally bad by that. But skillz and women are to separarte things.

You are just bad at shitposting. Doesn't matter , in all sense, I'm right and you're wrong. Dont worry just keep LDAring

Time to gymcel now (my other cope) tell me lateehow the LDAR was , have fun

its common sense for people who can improve, you obviously can, so maybe you do not belong here (as most don't).

"I'm right and you're wrong"

thanks for proving how low iq you really are.
Retarded recruit who knows nothing

good rebuttal
I support roping, but only if you tried everything else to improve and it didn't work out for you. I prefer rope over LDAR, because if you LDAR you will never live a happy life, you will always see happy couples and things like that that will constantly trigger you and remind you that you are a failure in life.
What is it with week old accounts and trying to start a ban train? Fuck off.

>muh secret club i joined first. i found out about incel from the front page of reddit in 2018 im an oldfag
Lol at this subhuman calling me out.

I am on psl much longer than you are, from sluthate to lookism to now here.

Money can bump your happiness in life by a large margin.

Low bodyfat + muscles can give you 2 full points if done to the max, going from 4 to 6 is night and day difference.

With that money, build up a bigger chin, wider palate, and you are a 7 now.

A 7 with money can slay EVERYTHING in sight

You're on crybabies.me now, you'll have to adapt to the cultist circle jerk mentality now. Also I don't remember you on SH but def on lookism
Earning money, statusmax, giving orders to chads and stacies, writing some high IQ stuff in news papers, traveling the world. There are a lot of things out of the vagina.
mfw a 60 post late-july cel is telling me to rope
View attachment 32147
:lul::lul::lul: based mongol
Earning money, statusmax, giving orders to chads and stacies, writing some high IQ stuff in news papers, traveling the world. There are a lot of things out of the vagina.
Literally this, oldcels know whatsup
>If you can play the jewish video games and jack off to anime and this is all you need to do to forget about being incel you are so low iq you should be exterminated for that reason alone.

this lmao
because i do not have the courage. i can openly admit i do not have the balls to do it because of the unknown factors. There is a level of dependence and comfort with coping.

By coping you are admitting defeat and going along with what the society want you to do which is rotting instead of gtfo this bad experiment
Yeah same here. So what are we doing right now since we aren't tying a rope? Posting on incels.is (cope). Maybe you'll masturbate (cope) later, unless you're doing no-fap (cope). Maybe do some thinking about what genetic trash you are (cope), or try to do some good (cope) by encouraging incels to end their lives. Wallow in depression (cope), philosophize (cope), do something intellectual (cope) yeah I think you get the point.
I love watching retard newfags bicker at each other over petty disagreements on an internet board. Can we have pit fights but with retarded newfags please? We can use it as a fundraising strategy to fund our NEET lifestyles :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

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