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It's Over Coof Pandemic And Fertility Rates Still Declining Everywhere.



Feb 11, 2021
So, you would think that with half the world being under lockdown that people would be in their homes with nothing better to do other than sexual intercourse, right? Wrong, apparently even with all of that fertility rates are still collapsing everywhere where not even half the world being under lockdown can affect the over all curve of negative sub-replacement population levels concerning fertility rates. It would seem massive depopulation and a majority of men being sexless incels is here to stay unless some act of 'God' or a planetary asteroid event intervenes.

Welcome to the planet of Children Of Men.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MjFHqohaHYU


  • https___images.saymedia-content.com_.image_MTc5NzQ5NDY3OTIxMDY1MjQw_more-deaths-fewer-births.png
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I always roll my eyes when I hear end of times and collapse of society copers but there is actually some solid and growing evidence that something big is brewing. There is no way some sort of societal collapse doesn’t occur if these trends continue.
I always roll my eyes when I hear end of times and collapse of society copers but there is actually some solid and growing evidence that something big is brewing. There is no way some sort of societal collapse doesn’t occur if these trends continue.
Soyciety is on the way to eating itself alive. I want to be living in SEA with some harmless ricecels as my neighbors by the time that happens
I always roll my eyes when I hear end of times and collapse of society copers but there is actually some solid and growing evidence that something big is brewing. There is no way some sort of societal collapse doesn’t occur if these trends continue.
I'm use to this kind of skepticism when talking about my favorite subject of civilization and societal collapse [A prolific personal hobby of mine], so allow me to introduce you to two things.

1. Global economy will collapse in six years or less, United States included.
2. In most western nations (U.S. included) a majority of the population is the 40+ crowd in age demographics where they will be dying off massively within the next 10-25 years. Older people in western nations typically account for 55% of the whole general population total.
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I'm use to this kind of skepticism when talking about my favorite subject of civilization and societal collapse [A prolific personal hobby of mine], so allow me to introduce to you two things.

1. Global economy will collapse in six years or less, United States included.
2. In most western nations (U.S. included) a majority of the population is the 40+ crowd in age demographics where they will be dying off massively within the next 18-30 years. Older people in western nations typically account for 55% of the whole general population total.
The U.S has been slipping for awhile now. We cope in the country but you can kind of get the notion from both political parties that our time is coming to an end. The stage is set for China to take over within the next decade.
The U.S has been slipping for awhile now. We cope in the country but you can kind of get the notion from both political parties that our time is coming to an end. The stage is set for China to take over within the next decade.
Much less than a decade I think. We're a nation full in population of a majority of geriatrics where the younger women of breeding age hardly ever reproduce whatsoever. They think as in all other western nations they can mitigate this with foreign immigration and automation, they're wrong.

1. The more multiracial and multiethnic a nation becomes in balkanization the more internal conflict arises as racially motivated tribal competition is a real thing despite what the social utopian demagogues say.

2. With automation comes more unemployment or minimum wage service sector jobs. Where does the internal tax revenue money come from? Where does the unemployment money come from? How do low income wages keep up with constant price inflationary forces?

Concerning universal basic income, who pays for it all? Where does the money come from?

Also, will people like being a stay at home slave living off of the corporate plantation model? More than likely not.

3. With no new generations being born in large numbers that means paying the burden of older generations pensions, retirement, social security, and medical care extremely difficult.

Bottom line, this shitshow cannot go on forever.
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Much less than a decade I think. We're a nation full in population of a majority of geriatrics where the younger women of breeding age hardly ever reproduce whatsoever. They think as in all other western nations they can mitigate this with foreign immigration and automation, they're wrong.

1. The more multiracial and multiethnic a nation becomes in balkanization the more internal conflict arises as racially motivated tribal competition is a real thing despite what the social utopian demagogues say.

2. With automation comes more unemployment or minimum wage service sector jobs. Where does the internal tax revenue money come from? Where does the unemployment money come from? How do low income wages keep up with constant price inflationary forces?

Concerning universal basic income, who pays for it all? Where does the money come from?

Also, will people like being a stay at home slave living off of the corporate plantation model? More than likely not.

3. With no new generations being born in large numbers that means paying the burden of older generations pensions, retirement, social security, and medical care extremely difficult.

Bottom line,this shitshow cannot go on forever.
Exactly. I think the birth rate for white women in the country is the lowest it’s been in history lol. Forgot what it was but it’s pitiful. You rarely see a whites woman with any more then a single child these days and many don’t even have children at all. Meanwhile every ethnic woman I see has at least 3 kids. The difference between white women and ethnic women in the u.s is just unbelievable. Whenever you try to point out the catastrophic drop off in birth rates among white Americans you get accused of being a racist and misogynist it’s a joke. This country is done and that was before corona Chan started fucking us up it’s even worse now lol.
Earth's population is still increasing despite what they might tell you. All these jigaboos are breeding like rats in third world countries
Exactly. I think the birth rate for white women in the country is the lowest it’s been in history lol. Forgot what it was but it’s pitiful. You rarely see a whites woman with any more then a single child these days and many don’t even have children at all. Meanwhile every ethnic woman I see has at least 3 kids. The difference between white women and ethnic women in the u.s is just unbelievable. Whenever you try to point out the catastrophic drop off in birth rates among white Americans you get accused of being a racist and misogynist it’s a joke. This country is done and that was before corona Chan started fucking us up it’s even worse now lol.
Yup, it's called foreign immigration and births as a way of financially subsidizing White women's proclivities of working in a cubicle everyday or paying for their abortions.
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I'm use to this kind of skepticism when talking about my favorite subject of civilization and societal collapse [A prolific personal hobby of mine], so allow me to introduce you to two things.

1. Global economy will collapse in six years or less, United States included.
2. In most western nations (U.S. included) a majority of the population is the 40+ crowd in age demographics where they will be dying off massively within the next 10-25 years. Older people in western nations typically account for 55% of the whole general population total.
Idk how it's in your country, but in mine (Spain), average age is like 40 something and people over 65 is a very big group. There are fewer youngers to work and more elders to keep. This is going to blow up sooner than later and I've been telling this to my family for 4 or 5 years, they used to think "no way that system is going to collapse", and for 2 years or so I've been seeing on the news politicians starting to shyly talk about it because people are so sheep they don't know what's coming. This system is a pyramid scheeme and the new layers aren't being added quick enough to sustain it.

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Just another move by the kikes
Every move a Jew Mr SamSON, that there chapMAN, very cunningHAM of them in the GREEN.

The man, the ham & the son, gotta have a name with some colour, a place or a product to be a good crypto Jew.

The lamb of God & the son of man, insulting Jesus at every opportunity they canaan. israEL & the virgin birth, the sun gives life, many times over the tale repeats across the land in multi faceted religious bands, each a product of their culture yet very similar in their nature.
They should import a shitload of women from third world countries until the rates become 3 female to 1 male. Then maybe, just maybe, we'll cease being incel.
Idk how it's in your country, but in mine (Spain), average age is like 40 something and people over 65 is a very big group. There are fewer youngers to work and more elders to keep. This is going to blow up sooner than later and I've been telling this to my family for 4 or 5 years, they used to think "no way that system is going to collapse", and for 2 years or so I've been seeing on the news politicians starting to shyly talk about it because people are so sheep they don't know what's coming. This system is a pyramid scheeme and the new layers aren't being added quick enough to sustain it.

It's the same in the United States as it is much for the western world, it's also why in the U.S. the democratic political party is very eager for open borders with Mexico, Central America, and South America.

You know, because becoming Mexico, Central America, or South America overtime entirely in population replacement is a politically progressive notion.
They should import a shitload of women from third world countries until the rates become 3 female to 1 male. Then maybe, just maybe, we'll cease being incel.
Yeah, funny thing about that, when I was living in urban areas in the past it only took Mexican females the second generation to adopt radical feminism after their family immigrated over, by the third generation they adopt the childless mindset completely as do all other ethnic females. So with non-white ethnic females the prospects aren't all that much different at all.

In fact, beyond White people in the United States Mexicans and Hispanics over all are experiencing fertility declines as well. It went from being a White people issue solely in the very beginning to being an everybody issue [all different races or ethnicities] overtime.

[African American fertility in decline also.]
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Who would want to have kids in these times?
That's just normies not being able to use their social circle card priviledge anymore, wait till this shit ends
This is such a Jew movie. It takes place in Great Britain yet the British are made to celebrate the birth of a black baby.
The end game of all of this is something out of THX 1138, it's the kind of transhumanist master slave world they're constantly aspiring towards and seem to be only happy in the general direction of that completely destroys the natural biological human spirit in favor of horrific lifeless artifice and to do that they must destroy humanity's natural proclivity to simply biologically reproduce itself.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn-Sa0MlFkg

In order to succeed they must destroy men's natural biological sexual libido transforming a majority of males into socially isolated, alienated, and barely functioning cogs of the machine concerning their master horrific grand design, a majority of men reduced to inconsequential working drones, consumers, or caged sedated remnants of an obsolete historical past. Visions of a dark future if they succeed in their project ambitions.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U0YkPnwoYyE
Who would want to have kids in these times?
And that is the very mental sentiment that they want to take hold in the population, a feeling of utter hopelessness in a world they have an absolute stranglehold upon.
This is such a Jew movie. It takes place in Great Britain yet the British are made to celebrate the birth of a black baby.
It's prophetic in many ways, always the hidden messages even in film or cinema, and now in present time the only fertility rates in increase is continental Africa while the fertility rates for the rest of the world outside of Africa declines into negative decimals. Almost like the film was ahead of its time predicting the current future we are currently living in.

How odd and strange, pure coincidence of course.
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why the fuck you fuckers care about birth rate so much?

you're part of the births, prob from boomers. are you happy? guess not, since ur here. better never been born, no?

on a more serious note, imo, the birth rate is low coz lots of normies think having children is "expensive" and require lots of efforts.

for example, day care is expensive, housing is expensive, college, etc. for some families maybe even food

boomers back then had low standards. they could pop out 3-4 kids, no problemo. but the problem is increased incidence of abusive/neglient family, and lower standard of living for the kids. so more miseries, more incels, more social problems, lower value of life in general.

so i think the normies stupidly suck into this stupid "too expensive to have kids" mentality isnt neccsarily a totally bad thing.......... it ensures the kids they do have, will tend to have higher standard of living and care, since normies these days often feel obligated to be "ready" to have kids. so less incels, less misery.

honestly, fuck that social pressure. lots of people dont deserve to have kids, and its GREAT to have that social pressure removed. in my generation there are many people who dont have kids, some even married and choose to go DINK (duo income, no kids). good for them i guess. i cant imagine what the kids will suffer under those narcissistic potentially abusive cunts.

if you're incel and you are like 100% pro high birth rate then you're very low IQ. there are pros and cons in high/low birth rates. and having it low isnt totally a bad thing as i explained.
For starters, if you're a White European where the over all collective agenda is to kill you off the planet because your entire culture or history has been reduced to white devilry being viewed as an evil stain that needs to be removed the thought of foreigners out reproducing you to make that happen is disheartening or displeasing. But really, it's a testament to modern females that in their narcissism of self hood they would rather destroy the very historical societies they come from pursuing individually their own mindless self indulgences instead. This whole large majority of females being childless and unmarried is an entirely new phenomena in the context of human history very unprecedented especially concerning the majority of us incel men.

We live in a world increasingly where family, marriage, sex, and children is only afforded to the very wealthy of men where the majority of men by contrast who are not wealthy by any means are banished to sexless individual atomization without any purpose other than to slave away, pay taxes, and simply die alone.

Overpopulation is all hype, outside of Asia and Africa in countries like western European nations there is no overpopulation, if anything we're under populated which is why they've been opening the immigration flood gates over here for decades.

By essentially supporting a childless future you're only supporting their agenda because in reality they want a majority of the world's population to die off in their ambitious quest to have the entire world to themselves, that in the end is what it is all about. They view a majority of people [us] as no longer being necessary to merely exist which is why they seem content on making a majority of men in the west and elsewhere around the world into incels.
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For starters, if you're a White European where the over all collective agenda is to kill you off the planet because your entire culture or history has been reduced to white devilry being viewed as an evil stain that needs to be removed the thought of foreigners out reproducing you to make that happen is disheartening or displeasing. But really, it's a testament to modern females that in their narcissism of self hood they would rather destroy the very historical societies they come from pursuing individually their own mindless self indulgences instead. This whole large majority of females being childless and unmarried is an entirely new phenomena in the context of human history very unprecedented especially concerning the majority of us incel men.

We live in a world increasingly where family, marriage, sex, and children is only afforded to the very wealthy of men where the majority of men by contrast who are not wealthy by any means are banished to sexless individual atomization without any purpose other than to slave away, pay taxes, and simply die alone.

Overpopulation is all hype, outside of Asia and Africa in countries like western European nations there is no overpopulation, if anything we're under populated which is why they've been opening the immigration flood gates over here for decades.

By essentially supporting a childless future you're only supporting their agenda because in reality they want a majority of the world's population to die off in their ambitious quest to have the entire world to themselves, that in the end is what it is all about. They view a majority of people [us] as no longer being necessary to merely exist which is why they seem content on making a majority of men in the west and elsewhere around the world into incels.
:cool: High IQ. You're a fart smella
:cool: High IQ. You're a fart smella
That's the curse of living alone for several decades with nothing to do having too much time on my shoulders. Your only escape is for your mind to wander and agonizingly reading about this doomed world we live in. Too much time on my shoulders with nothing to do other than think and get lost in my own thoughts. Some ways a blessing, but in more ways a curse.

Havamal- "Pity the smartest men amongst us, for their lives are often the most miserable."
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The end game of all of this is something out of THX 1138, it's the kind of transhumanist master slave world they're constantly aspiring towards and seem to be only happy in the general direction of that completely destroys the natural biological human spirit in favor of horrific lifeless artifice and to do that they must destroy humanity's natural proclivity to simply biologically reproduce itself.
You know where I can watch this? I've heard of it before recommended to me.
You know where I can watch this? I've heard of it before recommended to me.
It's created by George Lucas, the same creator of Star Wars. It's pretty easy to find as it is pure classic science fiction. [And also a glimpse into the world (((they))) eventually want to create eventually.]
There will be a collapse, but it will be one from overpopulation and lack of sufficient resources. The human plague grows each day, especially so in India and China, and as quality of life goes up, so do the amount of energy and resources needed to sustain it. Electricity, food, and most importantly... oil. We are draining the planet of the precious, finite oil it holds beneath its skin. It is used in everything. Without oil, there is no modern industrial civilization. It is only a matter of time.
There will be a collapse, but it will be one from overpopulation and lack of sufficient resources. The human plague grows each day, especially so in India and China, and as quality of life goes up, so do the amount of energy and resources needed to sustain it. Electricity, food, and most importantly... oil. We are draining the planet of the precious, finite oil it holds beneath its skin. It is used in everything. Without oil, there is no modern industrial civilization. It is only a matter of time.
Nope, they have to collapse the current world order right now and utterly cut the population of 7 billion plus people in half or less to otherwise ration dwindling, disappearing, peaking, and used up natural resources for themselves only in their quest of travelling off world and eventually their godlike dreams of digital immortality via humanity merging with machines concerning their technological singularity inner ambitions. They have to achieve all of this by 2050-2060 the years MIT and other intellectual think tanks predict the world will be beyond the point of no return for dwindling natural resources usage, so in their mind, kill off billions of people worldwide, destroy current civilization as it exists now, and then simply wait out in their underground bunkers for when the dust all clears so they can come out to rebuild again. It's their world you see, and the majority of us are no longer necessary, essential, or vital in it. So, the 2020s is just the perfect timeframe to pull the plug on everything well in advance, mission accomplished.
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Nope, they have to collapse the current world order right now and utterly cut the population of 7 billion plus people in half or less to otherwise ration dwindling, disappearing, peaking, and used up natural resources for themselves only in their quest of travelling off world and eventually their godlike dreams of digital immortality via humanity merging with machines concerning their technological singularity inner ambitions. They have to achieve all of this by 2050-2060 the years MIT and other intellectual think tanks predict the world will be beyond the point of no return for dwindling natural resources usage, so in their mind, kill off billions of people worldwide, destroy current civilization as it exists now, and then simply wait out in their underground bunkers for when the dust all clears so they can come out to rebuild again. It's their world you see, and the majority of us are no longer necessary, essential, or vital in it. So, the 2020s is just the perfect timeframe to pull the plug on everything well in advance, mission accomplished.
What? What the fuck are you talking about? They aren’t going to rebuild shit lol
What? What the fuck are you talking about? They aren’t going to rebuild shit lol
They'll try to when it is all said and done, they're delusional like that drunk off power. I never said they'll be successful in their ambitions.
The rise of individualism. Who promotes it is another topic.

But with the rise of it, foids don't want to commit but to experience the high of validation and (subjective) power she has over men. Few years back it was like, they partied the 20s and settled down with a beta once 30 began and now this is pushed to almost 40.

(Not to mention how they make life miserable for the betabux post that marriage/kid)
The rise of individualism. Who promotes it is another topic.

But with the rise of it, foids don't want to commit but to experience the high of validation and (subjective) power she has over men. Few years back it was like, they partied the 20s and settled down with a beta once 30 began and now this is pushed to almost 40.

(Not to mention how they make life miserable for the betabux post that marriage/kid)

Individualism is all about breaking down communities, family structures, and sense of national cohesion, they'll eventually revive collectivism at a later future date for general NPC programming but only when it concerns building their one world super structure they have planned concerning one world government. For now at least, it's all about destroying social cohesion and pitting individuals against each other to make it easier to reign over them. Rinse, wash, and repeat.
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