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LifeFuel [Controversial] Why I think incels will become a protected minority by 2045



Nov 15, 2017
The trend in Western societies since 1945 and Hitler's defeat has been increasing progress in human rights. Functionally, minorities that were once hated or deprived of power have enjoyed great gains in social status and freedom. So far this has progressed in installments of 35 years, approximately a human generation. Each time, much resistance has been encountered but each time human rights have ultimately won.

1945 - 1980: liberation of "subhuman" races (Jews, Blacks, Indians) and women
1980 - 2015: liberation of homosexuals
We can iterate from this rate of 35 years, assuming an acceleration due to the Internet:
2015 - 2030: liberation of transsexuals, still in progress, as well as minorities that were forgotten (Asians)
2030 - 2045: liberation of ugly and deformed people
2045 - 2070: liberation of criminals, murderers, rapists and pedophiles (an approach based on developmental psychology rather than free will will eventually come to dominate courts of law. Long jail sentences will be completely abolished and replaced by medical treatment.)
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The """liberation""" of women was nothing but degeneracy, it lead to femoids being able to get any chad while you're not able to get any femoid

And how will it happen? Forcing femoids to have sex with incels? Cucks and normies won't allow that
I think there's definitely going to be some kind of social welfare for incels in the West.
Nope, sorry to burst your delusion, but ugly is bad for the world, that's how they see it, i don't think we can achive anything even though i want it so much. Other than increasing our numbers and spread the :blackpill:.
Ugly people cant be truly liberated because they can accept us all they want but until they decide to date us and fuck us were not TRULY accepted.
would we even be a minority then? the male celibacy rates are skyrocketing
I believe that ugly people will be romanticized and made into "unique models". It would be a fashion statement and a subcategory for the modeling industry to work off of. Things like unibrows, short stature, even deformities can be liberated from the stigmas.

I can see that. Who really knows. I just want to live in a world where I can be in love with a loyal woman and her to love me just as much.
Nope, sorry to burst your delusion, but ugly is bad for the world, that's how they see it, i don't think we can achive anything even though i want it so much. Other than increasing our numbers and spread the :blackpill:.
I believe that ugly people will be romanticized and made into "unique models". It would be a fashion statement and a subcategory for the modeling industry to work off of. Things like unibrows, short stature, even deformities can be liberated from the stigmas.

I can see that. Who really knows. I just want to live in a world where I can be in love with a loyal woman and her to love me just as much.
It's already happening in women's magazines, but it doesn't have much steam.

I rather see a future where cosmetic surgery has become so cheap and widespread that being ugly becomes superior to being beautiful: some kind of virtue signaling that "evolved people" don't care about looks as much as the proles do. Like the hipsters did in reaction to expensive clothes that were becoming accessible to proles because of cheap importations and fakes.

In the far future, it may also be possible for people to pay for unpleasant virtual reality experiences, happiness having become too common to be enjoyable.
I believe that ugly people will be romanticized and made into "unique models". It would be a fashion statement and a subcategory for the modeling industry to work off of. Things like unibrows, short stature, even deformities can be liberated from the stigmas.

I can see that. Who really knows. I just want to live in a world where I can be in love with a loyal woman and her to love me just as much.
would we even be a minority then? the male celibacy rates are skyrocketing
Ugly people cant be truly liberated because they can accept us all they want but until they decide to date us and fuck us were not TRULY accepted.
Nope, sorry to burst your delusion, but ugly is bad for the world, that's how they see it, i don't think we can achive anything even though i want it so much. Other than increasing our numbers and spread the :blackpill:.
It's already happening in women's magazines, but it doesn't have much steam.

I rather see a future where cosmetic surgery has become so cheap and widespread that being ugly becomes superior to being beautiful: some kind of virtue signaling that "evolved people" don't care about looks as much as the proles do. Like the hipsters did in reaction to expensive clothes that were becoming accessible to proles because of cheap importations and fakes.

In the far future, it may also be possible for people to pay for unpleasant virtual reality experiences, happiness having become too common to be enjoyable.
We might not get to experience a utopia where love is balanced, but we can be the sparks that crack in some light on the issue.

Surgery becoming more common is not too far out actually. People will then begin to appreciate "raw" and "natural" beauty and style. It would then be closer to nature to date an ugly person. That almost seems like an unpleasant experience in of itself, which would be desirable in a world saturated with pleasure (Almost like watching horror movies, riding rollercoasters, or getting adrenaline highs today). Thanks for making us think Fontaine. Not the ordinary lifefuel.
Won't happen, ever.

Women don't like incels, for many reasons, and women have control over what men think, because men desire women more than women desire men.

Women will NEVER empathise with incels, because women have low sentience, they can't imagine how somebody else's life could be radically different from theirs.

To them, they see that the only way they wouldn't be able to find sex is if they were truly impossible to be around (loud, hateful, obnoxious, bitchy, etc.) they don't get that somebody can be normal and quiet and still completely repulsive.

This is a fucking fantasy, our best hope is to get our consciousness inside robot bodies, be able to control what we think and feel, and how we behave.
I swear this nigga has one million IQ. Popping out non-stop high quality threads.
I strongly have to disagree

According to women

Good looking child rapists and felons > ugly virgin men who are upstanding citizens

Therefore we will not even live to see our liberation movement if one ever actually takes place

The sun will burn out before ugly males are shown sympathy or get justice
I swear this nigga has one million IQ. Popping out non-stop high quality threads.
You can thank TMS for my threads. Jewish electricity improved my IQ by 20 points.

I'm the living proof that psychiatry is not always a scam.

Time to stock up then. The Madmax timeline begins in 2045. :feelsokman:
While I do think that inceldom should be treated a disability its unlikely to ever happen within our lifetimes. Society will not accept this notion, all you'll get is the standard "lol man up loser" type responses. You forget men do not garner the same type of sympathy women receive.
I think this trend of EVERYBODY being equal, regardless of race, gender, religion, etc might even be able to spread to ugly people. However, people will state by preference, I don't think it will change much accept for us being more socially accepted.

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