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Serious [Controversial] I'll be brutally honest - most incels (mentalcels) would benefit from therapy

  • Thread starter HiddenUzer.Belgrade
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Look in the mirror. You ugly fuck.
Jun 21, 2022
I've seen too many incels, especially youngcels here claim to be so a called "truecel" but are actually average looking or even above average in some way, and most of them have normal height, a normal life without women and have friends. The most common problem I've observed amongst youngcels are insecurity and exaggeration of their struggles.

Alot of them hold extremely high standard for their own appearance, even being a 6 is not good in their mind, they must be a 7 or an 8 thus they come up with the bs sub8 theory, while being insecure about their appearance they go on cuckmedia and see chads and stacies their age and it worsen their problem, they won't settle for an average looking partner like themselves, they believe they can get stacies. This is the only time I'll say this, maybe if the mentalcel youngcels worked on their social skills, and their body dysmorphia they would get laid or find a gf, should go to therapy or find mentoring to not give af.

If a youngcel keep letting his insecurity take over he will eventually do something that can ruin himself, he might steroidmaxx or some other dumbshit that end up making him a real truecel. Just my 2 cents, this is probably controversial.

I speak of this from my own experience, dont ruin yourself, cherish what you have you're lucky you aren't born a genetic subhuman.
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yes i definitely agree, many have not actually tried approaching women due to the fear of rejection and slightly biased & warped reality from consuming too much blackpill content. it should be their first priority to prove the blackpill wrong in their reality but i think many are afraid to do so. i have confirmed for myself it's over after trying countless times but i'm confident my autism is holding me back, otherwise i'll be able to be NT enough and be normie.
@Fat Link @Robtical possible bluepiller this guy is grifting therapy
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What percentage of this community (lets say a flat 200 people) would you say are overplaying their faults and could be fixed if they take the right actions? Is it mainly exclusive to youngcels? Would you say that older users here (20+) have had enough experience to know if they are truly inkwell or are some of them also just beating themselves up and aren't as much of a lost cause as they believe themselves to be? Are the older users just stubborn and stuck in their ways, with the youngcels just copying this behaviour to fit in and feel accepted?
I'd say its mostly youngcels who exaggerate their problems, when they don't fit in their local environment (real life) they tend to go all edgy online to fit in, they'll lie, larp, exaggerate their problems. I'd say majority 90% youngcels are mentalcels who will eventually grow out of it unless real autism.
yes i definitely agree, many have not actually tried approaching women due to the fear of rejection and slightly biased & warped reality from consuming too much blackpill content. it should be their first priority to prove the blackpill wrong in their reality but i think many are afraid to do so. i have confirmed for myself it's over after trying countless times but i'm confident my autism is holding me back, otherwise i'll be able to be NT enough and be normie.
i agree, youngcels, especially normie tier youngcels should be trying their absolute hardest to ascend during the precious time they have, or they will end up like me or @sub human
What percentage of this community (lets say a flat 200 people) would you say are overplaying their faults and could be fixed if they take the right actions? Is it mainly exclusive to youngcels? Would you say that older users here (20+) have had enough experience to know if they are truly inkwell or are some of them also just beating themselves up and aren't as much of a lost cause as they believe themselves to be? Are the older users just stubborn and stuck in their ways, with the youngcels just copying this behaviour to fit in and feel accepted?
there are a few older user here that might have been able to ascned if they weren't so loyal to the sub8 rule. Sub8 rule is fucking bs and it ruins people, it'll take away possible oppotunities and bascially encourage those who did have a chance to LDAR
to add on, with the rise of blackpill content on youtube, there are lots of young males in incel groups on discord. it's much easier to live in a comfy lie and blame uncontrollable external factors like genetics before even trying and facing rejection after rejection. i have spoken to a few of such males who refuse to approach women or try dating apps because they have not consumed blackpill conent in a healthy way. they claim to be incels when they don't even try to approach females. even if they do, they only approach 10/10 stacies. meanwhile, even landwhales don't want me lol. i believe this is a good thread as many young men are a little delusional themselves, based on my experience interacting with them on discord.
im 5'3 no therapy will help. the people have to change for me. thats how it works.

What percentage of this community (lets say a flat 200 people) would you say are overplaying their faults and could be fixed if they take the right actions? Is it mainly exclusive to youngcels? Would you say that older users here (20+) have had enough experience to know if they are truly inkwell or are some of them also just beating themselves up and aren't as much of a lost cause as they believe themselves to be? Are the older users just stubborn and stuck in their ways, with the youngcels just copying this behaviour to fit in and feel accepted?
Promoting therapy is bluepilled normie fag boomer mentality instant perma ban
to add on, with the rise of blackpill content on youtube, there are lots of young males in incel groups on discord. it's much easier to live in a comfy lie and blame uncontrollable external factors like genetics before even trying and facing rejection after rejection. i have spoken to a few of such males who refuse to approach women or try dating apps because they have not consumed blackpill conent in a healthy way. they claim to be incels when they don't even try to approach females. even if they do, they only approach 10/10 stacies. meanwhile, even landwhales don't want me lol. i believe this is a good thread as many young men are a little delusional themselves, based on my experience interacting with them on discord.
this, if I had the oppotunity I'd even ascend with a 4/10 or even 3/10 meanwhile a youngcel would say its vomitfuel, some people really dont cherish what they can have
No therapy for your face. But underaged guys don't belong in here, they should be trying because they still have a chance. If you are a virgin after like 22-23 then women find it weird and they think virgin men are losers and a giant turn off, men younger than that should still be trying at least
im 5'3 no therapy will help. the people have to change for me. thats how it works.
thats why I mentioned in my post specifically, that YOUNGCELS, who are NORMAL LOOKING, with NORMAL height should try. If you are below 5'7 even i'll say its fucking over
No therapy for your face. But underaged guys don't belong in here, they should be trying because they still have a chance. If you are a virgin after like 22-23 then women find it weird and they think virgin men are losers and a giant turn off, men younger than that should still be trying at least
yes no therapy for face, thats why i mentioned, average looking mentalcels or even above average mentalcels should really look into themselves for issues, if you are sub5 i'll tell you its over
You're getting called a bluepiller for this, but... :feelshehe:

I think this is just a sign we have a bunch of normies with average-ish faces, who should go and get therapy instead of rotting on this forum with actual truecels. :feelsaww:
You're getting called a bluepiller for this, but... :feelshehe:

I think this is just a sign we have a bunch of normies with average-ish faces, who should go and get therapy instead of rotting on this forum with actual truecels. :feelsaww:
yes my point, thanks.
You’re right, I knew from day one this is forum is full of larping chads, fakecels, volcels, youngcels, etc. However, therapy is a waste of money in this case. They literally need to just be more outgoing through exposure.
People with even average height have no excuse and genuinely just need to put more work into themselves, 5'3 goblins like myself have no real chance no matter the amount of therapy or surgeries or lifting.
You’re right, I knew from day one this is forum is full of larping chads, fakecels, volcels, youngcels, etc. However, therapy is a waste of money in this case. They literally need to just be more outgoing through exposure.
some of them i'd say have pretty bad body dysmorphia, they'll say they're a 3/10 when its actually 6/10, they claim to be skinny or obese when they are actually just a bit small or chubby
therapy is the last thing incel needs, they'll send you to asylum you'll never get out :feelskek::feelskek: while Tommy the deranged bpd pedo ass rapes you cuz he's 6'8:feelsrope::feelsrope:
some of them i'd say have pretty bad body dysmorphia, they'll say they're a 3/10 when its actually 6/10, they claim to be skinny or obese when they are actually just a bit small or chubby
Attention seeking faggots. Therapy hasn't helped trannies with their body dysmorphia, what is it going to do for fakecels?
thats why I mentioned in my post specifically, that YOUNGCELS, who are NORMAL LOOKING, with NORMAL height should try. If you are below 5'7 even i'll say its fucking over
yeah, therefore society has to change for me and the rest of manlets. we were always innocent and wanted a quiet life. napelon complex is a weird ass cope normies have that we are evil unga bunga midgets:shock:
Unlikely. I know when my life went down, it was exactly when I hit puberty. Although I’ve always been short, I wasn’t ugly. 13 ish I got ugly even my dad noted it saying ur getting uglier. To my own face he said that shit. I had no friends in high school nor could I go out. I’m below average in height, in face, in everything basically so therapy would do nothing to me. I’d come in as an ugly short incel and leave as an ugly short incel. Maybe the youngcels would benefit
I disagree because therapy is gay. Deciding to sit down and trust some informant IRL with your "toxic" thoughts and feelings, requires the same kind of trust it takes for a man to bend over and get pegged.

Like you actually have to already be a faggot that trusts people and has some hope already. That's just stupid, and why it never works. You can't RAPE someone's mind and have that be a positive experience. It's basically a scam for non truecels wiith insurance or money, that have already decided to turn things around, to basically waste more money because they need someone else to keep them on track to a mental shift they have already decided upon to embark.
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I've seen too many incels, especially youngcels here claim to be so a called "truecel" but are actually average looking or even above average in some way, and most of them have normal height, a normal life without women and have friends. The most common problem I've observed amongst youngcels are insecurity and exaggeration of their struggles.

Alot of them hold extremely high standard for their own appearance, even being a 6 is not good in their mind, they must be a 7 or an 8 thus they come up with the bs sub8 theory, while being insecure about their appearance they go on cuckmedia and see chads and stacies their age and it worsen their problem, they won't settle for an average looking partner like themselves, they believe they can get stacies. This is the only time I'll say this, maybe if the mentalcel youngcels worked on their social skills, and their body dysmorphia they would get laid or find a gf, should go to therapy or find mentoring to not give af.

If a youngcel keep letting his insecurity take over he will eventually do something that can ruin himself, he might steroidmaxx or some other dumbshit that end up making him a real truecel. Just my 2 cents, this is probably controversial.

I speak of this from my own experience, dont ruin yourself, cherish what you have you're lucky you aren't born a genetic subhuman.
Unfortunatelly it is not my case.

I am truly ugly (rated 4 by Wheat Waffles), 174 cm short and autistic.
I dont know whether being autistic is what causes my inceldhom or it is the appearance or both, but I am sure of that: both cannot be solved through therapy, which i have just interrupted after many moths.
Therapy is bogus. You mean fakecels just need to gtfo
therapy is just paying some jew foid or soyboy shrink to talk to you. Waste of time IMO
Mentalceldom is a very complex topic that doesn't get much attention. The idea that mind is plastic and can be formed to desired shape and standard produces mistaken conclusions. One can train themselves to respond with desired tone and pitch, create false aura of confidence and competence, however that fizzles out. A man cannot change his natural temperament and faking it only works in conferences and controlled environments.
I will use my friend as example. He has a bad stutter, to the point that anyone would have serious trouble understanding him. I've known him for several years, and I struggle myself still. I've seen people he talks to roll their eyes multiple times as he struggles to express himself. I do not think he has any trauma he needs to fix with a therapist. He could go to a speech therapist, expose himself to uncomfortable social situations that form his mind to a more sociable individual. We all know what he could do in theory. However his natural state of being, the starting line in life for him, has so much unneeded hardship despite him being a normal looking guy.
By the time he'd fix these problems he is going to be in his 30s, and all that patch up job he does on himself, I would peg cracks would start forming in his behavior few exchanges in. This guy was doomed from the start.
What kind of retarded advice would you have for this guy?
Mark Zuckerberg is an awkward sperg, and he has an entire team dedicated to coaching him on how to come across in controlled environments. Imagine giving advice to Zuckersperg on how to get women without the millions he has. And he's a "normal" looking guy with no visible features that make him ugly.
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@Fat Link @Robtical possible bluepiller this guy is grifting therapy
You're getting called a bluepiller for this, but... :feelshehe:

I think this is just a sign we have a bunch of normies with average-ish faces, who should go and get therapy instead of rotting on this forum with actual truecels. :feelsaww:

What’s funny is OP described himself of being chad before steroid abuse, is only 18, and only wants to fuck his oneitis. Pot calling the kettle black, kek. @Incelius Savage :lul:
What’s funny is OP described himself of being chad before steroid abuse, is only 18, and only wants to fuck his oneitis. Pot calling the kettle black, kek. @Incelius Savage :lul:
He’s a volcel who’s obsessed over a single girl
in therapy you get meds and told to be confident by some roast beef
What’s funny is OP described himself of being chad before steroid abuse, is only 18, and only wants to fuck his oneitis. Pot calling the kettle black, kek. @Incelius Savage :lul:
My opinion has changed on the original poster in question; he seems like a volcel Chadlite who doomed himself by being retarded and overusing steroids... :feelskek:

Not to mention his obsessive oneitis threads. :feelswhat:
You're getting called a bluepiller for this, but... :feelshehe:

I think this is just a sign we have a bunch of normies with average-ish faces, who should go and get therapy instead of rotting on this forum with actual truecels. :feelsaww:
yes we do. I have seen maybe 20-30% of users here if NT maxxed and/or surgery maxxed would easily ascend
yes we do. I have seen maybe 20-30% of users here if NT maxxed and/or surgery maxxed would easily ascend
Yes... :feelshehe:

Examples include @Prog and @Boredmentalcel, both Chadlites refusing to accept the fact that they're volcels who would benefit from leaving the forum. :feelsjuice:
Im not allowed to go to therapy or anything like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes... :feelshehe:

Examples include @Prog and @Boredmentalcel, both Chadlites refusing to accept the fact that they're volcels who would benefit from leaving the forum. :feelsjuice:
No longer have the motivation to pursue a relationship. Bookmarked thread though.
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I am anti-social, and my culture is not as socially open as white people.

It also feels weird to literally pay (although nowadays there is free counseling) some random, so-called, mental health expert, who only read about the theory of psychology, and in the end, prescribes medication to mask your underlying issue.

Also a negative connotation I get from therapy is that it is for white people with first-world problems. It is why Eastern countries have less mental illness as well as immigrants to western counties.

Having mental illness would lump me into the category of LGBTQ and Liberals who are mentally fragile, and literally face fuck themselves with their own cringey new age high horse ideology (I'm not conservative).

Also If therapy was effective, then mental health would not be on the rise. Mental health is a problem in the west because western culture and its media is a cesspool for mental illness. Social media narcissism, competitive capitalism, skewed dating market, high male expectations, political divide caused by druids, ETC ETC. It is clear to me that by simply unplugging the internet, your mental health would improve exponentially. But we are so plugged into this technological ecosystem that simply weening off would leave you stranded because you have not made real-life connections to community centers, churches, ETC.

Also, Robbin Williams went to therapy for 10 years and still killed himself, because his the(Rapist) had him talk about depressing shit for ten years, and prescribed him mind-altering medication. If Robin had gone to a random Mexican immigrant for one week he'd be more grateful for his millions and would be advised to bang 18-year-olds instead of hanging himself.

These are what turned me off to theRapists. They are a band-aid to a stab wound caused by society. They are literal garbage that serves no use. However, I will use them understanding that they can offer company and another person to bounce thoughts off of, but I will not take Prozac or talk depressing shit to them unless it benefits my mental health CLEARLY.

My advice is to go to therapy, but don't get fucked. Go for the empathetic voice, and for your thoughts to be bounced off of. To take and understand NT advice. But don't get yourself mind raped. Mental health for men comes from mental toughness, not from spewing your guts out like an emotional faggot (no homo).
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Yes... :feelshehe:

Examples include @Prog and @Boredmentalcel, both Chadlites refusing to accept the fact that they're volcels who would benefit from leaving the forum. :feelsjuice:
nigga i barely even use this forum i post like once every 2 days here i mostly use neets.net and looskmax
nigga i barely even use this forum i post like once every 2 days here i mostly use neets.net and looskmax
Good; I also find it quite fitting you seem to relate with Patrick Bateman, judging by your avi. :feelskek:

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