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Conspiracy Theory thread



Nov 7, 2017
this isnt reddit so you can say anything you want, lol @ pc culture

heres mine:
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)
-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.
-azavii is a chad
iiiTeMpeR said:
homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses)

not a conspiracy but pure truth
I am an apprentice of Satan
nausea said:
good for you

iiiTeMpeR said:
this isnt reddit so you can say anything you want, lol @ pc culture

heres mine:
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)
-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.
-azavii is a chad

Man, I used to be really into conspiracy shit like that. So much that I actually had a mental breakdown and my mom threatened to have me readmitted to the loony bin. I definitely believe this to be true.
iiiTeMpeR said:
-azavii is a chad
woah woah woah slow your role there buddy. everything is acceptable but this. Azavii spend 2 fucking years keeping us safe and protected. hold your fucking tongue
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)
Lol no

-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.
JFL@satan, totally irrational 
And it's too good to be true for incels that paedophilia becomes normal, just not going to happen, just look at how cucktears leftoids are the first to cherry pick pro-pedo threads here.
Chewbacca said:
iiiTeMpeR said:
this isnt reddit so you can say anything you want, lol @ pc culture
heres mine:
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)
-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.
-azavii is a chad
Man, I used to be really into conspiracy shit like that. So much that I actually had a mental breakdown and my mom threatened to have me readmitted to the loony bin. I definitely believe this to be true.
the last one?

FeminismsCancer said:
pro-pedo threads here.
there's none
My conspiracy theory that i know to be true is that women are all completey aware they are evil
TheVman said:
woah woah woah slow your role there buddy. everything is acceptable but this. Azavii spend 2 fucking years keeping us safe and protected. hold your fucking tongue

azavii is actually nick bateman no joke
FeminismsCancer said:
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)
Lol no

-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.
JFL@satan, totally irrational 
And it's too good to be true for incels that paedophilia becomes normal, just not going to happen, just look at how cucktears leftoids are the first to cherry pick pro-pedo threads here.
I meant the bolded text. About the Satan stuff.
Chewbacca said:
I meant the bolded text. About the Satan stuff.
ah yea, you may have more than one point eh
Chewbacca said:
Oh, did I accidentally reply to you? Sorry, I was trying to tell Nausea.

I didn't know who you were replying to since there was no quote
All chads are incels in disguise.

might also be the other way around not sure yet
I haven't believed in the fake news for some time. Everything is spun or turned into propaganda. I am glad that the planet's God-Emperor has brought this media cuckery into the mainstream.
Oh god.... We have a conspiracy theory thread.


I hope you guys don't actually believe in conspiracy theories.
iiiTeMpeR said:
heres mine:
-bush did 9/11 (bascially a fact at this point)

That is a bit of a simplistic way to put it. I think the authorities became aware of the plan and i think the Neocons chose to sit back and allow it to happen because they wanted a war and they wanted to attack Iraq. I think you seriously over estimate old Bushie. This guy was to busy reading books that were upside down and wondering if humans and fish could coexist peacefully. He bankrupted multiple oil companies drilling dry holes in the ground in Texas. The Bush crime family certainly was involved though.

My theories:
JFK was assassinated by the CIA on the orders of Allen Dulles with the nod from LBJ
RFK was assassinated by the same people.
MLK was assassinated by the same people.
The CIA have been behind a lot of the drugs which find their way into the US and have suicided/murdered a lot of people to keep it going.
The Clinton's have killed quite a few people and been an accessory to other murders committed by the state
Rumsfeld deliberately let the Al Qeuda leadership escape into the mountains in the 2001 invasion.
The Bin Laden assassination story is bullshit.
UncannyValley said:
Jesus Christ did 9/11

Here's another conspiracy theory for you:

The certain PM you sent me was solely sent for the reason to hide your true identity (Gambler). You knew I would be creating alts and thought sending me a PM revealing your "true identity" would make me "dox" you so UncannyValley would have a clear name forever.

TBH I don't really think you're Gambler, but this would still be a nice move from a Gambler.

LOL @ me thinking Gambler cares about me
42cel_Alt#01 said:
Here's another conspiracy theory for you:

The certain PM you sent me was solely sent for the reason to hide your true identity (Gambler). You knew I would be creating alts and thought sending me a PM revealing your "true identity" would make me "dox" you so UncannyValley would have a clear name forever.

TBH I don't really think you're Gambler, but this would still be a nice move from a Gambler.

LOL @ me thinking Gambler cares about me

I don't get it. My mind is foggy atm
The Pearl Harbor attack was allowed to happen.

Many other things about WW2 were Allied propaganda which was never corrected afterwards. Demonizing the Germans while the Soviets were much worse. The Cold War proved that they were the real enemy to the West.

The (((globalists))) really run things.
iiiTeMpeR said:
-hollywood is controlled by shaitan (satan) and is trying to indoctrinate the masses opinions and is slowly promoting sinful things making them normal, like homosexaulity and transgenderism (both are mental illneses), next is phedophelia.

daammnnnn, you're seriously in to this satan shit?  Break down Satan's end game for me here.

Satan indoctrinates masses to promote sinful things so that...more people go to hell and Satan has more souls he can torture in hell? Does that mean the rest of Christianity is true while we're at it and the Christian God is real one and Jesus died for our sins and all that jazz?  Except, Satan is a super natural being right, but somehow his influence is limited to control hollywood movie scripts? 

oh also God is real but doesn't give a shit about us, and everyone here promoting violence against anyone or disrespecting their parents is also being sinful (read your commandments yo). While we're at it, guess the earth is 10,000 years old, evolution is faked (or rather, guided by God's hand), and all that.

I spent 18 years getting brainwashed in Christian schools and just can't stand how people go on about this stuff.  Religion is an opiate of the masses.  The world is easier to understand when a great sky wizard is making the big decisions, but sadly that's not reality.
The government's of the world have had contact with alien lifeforms of greater intelligence and are somehow working with them.
Underground cities, sex slaves

Satanists run the world :(
Fema is planning to kill all incels by 2018 to make room for the NWO, beta uprising soon brothers! Wake up SHEEPLE
BlackPill47 said:
The Pearl Harbor attack was allowed to happen.
not a conspiracy at all indeed

idkwattodowithlife said:
Oh god.... We have a conspiracy theory thread.
not the first one

idkwattodowithlife said:
I hope you guys don't actually believe in conspiracy theories.
you have a point BUT

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