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Discussion [CONSPIRACY] Dinosaurs became extinct because foid Dinosaurs were given rights

  • Thread starter BabyFuck McGirlsex
  • Start date
BabyFuck McGirlsex

BabyFuck McGirlsex

Sep 23, 2019
  • An Extinction level event

Contrary to the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event theory that postulates that a rogue asteroid or meteorite from outer space descended to earth and ended the dinosaurs in a fiery hellish annihilation - the actual reason for the extinction of the Mighty Dinosaurs was a societal problem and not due to interplanetary violence.

The meteorite theory is a super saiyan 4 giga cope - actually what led to the extinction of the dinosaurs was that some pussy whipped cucked Tyrannosaurus Rex rulers decided to let the Foid Dinosaurs have rights and be able to vote in the Dinosaur presidential elections.

The very moment foid Dinosaurs had rights and decision making powers it was the beginning of the end. Sub 8/10 Dinosaurs couldnt get laid and became Incels who had to cope with jerking off as foid Dinosaurs were off riding the Chad T-Rex dinosaur cock carousel. The birth rates became so low that they were below replacement rates.

  • Saint Elliotus RogerSaurus Rex

The tipping point came in the Mesozoic Era 66.5 million years ago when a young Velociraptor of the species "Elliotus Rogersaurus Rex" or just "Elliotus Rogersaurus" became disgusted by the blatant and degenerate way foid Dinosaurs were riding the cock carousel and ignoring Supreme Dinosaur Gentleman and fucking abusive chad Dinosaurs. He then did the most heroic thing ever done in all of DinosaurDom and unleashed a savage "Day of Dinosaur Retribution" where he massacred a lot of blond haired dinosaur cunt sluts. This then triggered a Beta Dinosaur Uprising and some based and blackpilled Dinosaurs decided that the foid Dinosaurs had polluted the entire Dinosaur existance irredeemably by their sluttery and they denoted several low yield nuclear warheads all around the world and effectively ended the dinosaur earth to prevent the insidious cancer called hypergamy from spreading to other animal species. Thats what ended the Dinosaurs.

  • A Brave New World

In the ashes of the dinosaurs destruction, a newer more intelligent species called the Homo Sapiens Sapiens rose up and began to rule the earth.

The based and blackpilled Dinosaurs before detonating the nukes that killed every dinosaur in existence - they left a message in a time capsule telling subsequent species that would come after them that

" All foids of every species are whores and they should NEVER be given rights or allowed to do as they wish or else they will destroy the planet if left to their own devices."

The tragedy is that the humans found the Dinosaurs time capsule containing the warning but they failed to decode and understand the warning left for them by the blackpilled Dinosaurs- instead they called the time capsule "the great pyramids of Giza"
Based and stoneagepilled
Over for DinosaurCels
this made my day bro, some solid gold story telling.
Based and stoneagepilled
At least in the stoneage there was no Tinder where foid whores would hookup with neanderthal Chads
Over for DinosaurCels
History is bound to repeat itself - humans should learn from the Dinosaurs and put foids in cages in Grand Theft Auto V ofcourse
this made my day bro, some solid gold story telling.
Rotting in inceldom brings out great stories in people - just check the Offtopic threads and you have an over 80% chance of seeing multiple Mark Twain Tier IQ Stories
Always loved dinosaurs as a kid, still do. Explains why i'm a dinocel ngl
What was (or is) your favourite Dinosaur? Mine is the pterodactyl - if i was an incel pterodactyl i could easily fly to south east Asia and SEAmaxxx on some noodlewhores tbh ngl
That cultured loli jb looks delicious :feelsgah:
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JFL at thinking they existed
JFL at thinking they existed
What of those bones that normies keep digging up from underground?
They're cool

Now we call it rape
If the "rape" laws we have in 2019 were there 20 million years ago, humans would have died out millennia ago tbh ngl
Nah incelosauri summoned a big comet.
Based and blackpilled
This is the ultimate form of shitposting congratz man
This is the ultimate form of shitposting congratz man
Hahahaha - shitposting is an art form.
And in other news : i hate women. Fuck those degenerate whores and their filthy hole :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:
The meteorite theory is a super saiyan 4 giga cope - actually what led to the extinction of the dinosaurs was that some pussy whipped cucked Tyrannosaurus Rex rulers decided to let the Foid Dinosaurs have rights and be able to vote in the Dinosaur presidential elections.
I stand by this theory with every bone in my body.
and unleashed a savage "Day of Dinosaur Retribution" where he massacred a lot of blond haired dinosaur cunt sluts.
Nah incelosauri summoned a big comet.
It was actually an ancient nuke that was detonated - ((((they)))) would like to let you think it was a comet. They dont want you to know the truth
I stand by this theory with every bone in my body.

Based and JurasicParkPilled
Also - the holocaust never happened
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Impressive shitposting.
Mods move this to inceldom discussion and pin this for all eternity :feelshaha:
Its true! If foids of any species are given power over the males of that species - in less that 3 generations the entire species will be extinct!
What of those bones that normies keep digging up from underground?

What bones? For example Teutobochus Rex:
''Teutobochus was a legendary giant and king of the Teutons. Large bones discovered in 1613 were claimed to be his skeleton.

In 1869 W.A. Seaver wrote: "In times more modern (1613), some masons digging near the ruins of a castle in Dauphiné, in a field which by tradition had long been called 'The Giant's Field,' at a depth of 18 feet discovered a brick tomb 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 feet high, on which was a gray stone with the words 'Theutobochus Rex' cut thereon. When the tomb was opened they found a human skeleton entire, 25-1/2 feet long, 10 feet wide across the shoulders, and 5 feet deep from the breast to the back. His teeth were about the size of an ox's foot, and his shin-bone measured 4 feet in length."''

''The current location of the bones remains unknown.''

''After the finding of the bones, the legend of the king Teutobochus, which was thought to be the Teuton king defeated by Caius Marius, spread despite analysis by anatomist Jean Riolan the Younger, who ascribed the bones to one of Hannibal's elephants. Three centuries later, the zoologist Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville analyzed the bones and concluded they came from a mastodon. Finally in the 1980s, the paleontologist Léonard Ginsburg [fr] analyzed a plaster mold from Paris' Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, that came from the giant bones, and identified a deinotherium.''

Here you can see how physicians have to cope because they cannot handle the height mogg. @speedtypingincel
What bones? For example Teutobochus Rex:
''Teutobochus was a legendary giant and king of the Teutons. Large bones discovered in 1613 were claimed to be his skeleton.

In 1869 W.A. Seaver wrote: "In times more modern (1613), some masons digging near the ruins of a castle in Dauphiné, in a field which by tradition had long been called 'The Giant's Field,' at a depth of 18 feet discovered a brick tomb 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 feet high, on which was a gray stone with the words 'Theutobochus Rex' cut thereon. When the tomb was opened they found a human skeleton entire, 25-1/2 feet long, 10 feet wide across the shoulders, and 5 feet deep from the breast to the back. His teeth were about the size of an ox's foot, and his shin-bone measured 4 feet in length."''

''The current location of the bones remains unknown.''

''After the finding of the bones, the legend of the king Teutobochus, which was thought to be the Teuton king defeated by Caius Marius, spread despite analysis by anatomist Jean Riolan the Younger, who ascribed the bones to one of Hannibal's elephants. Three centuries later, the zoologist Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville analyzed the bones and concluded they came from a mastodon. Finally in the 1980s, the paleontologist Léonard Ginsburg [fr] analyzed a plaster mold from Paris' Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, that came from the giant bones, and identified a deinotherium.''

Here you can see how physicians have to cope because they cannot handle the height mogg. @speedtypingincel
Where those bones real? Did a super ultra giga Chad with a 12foot frame exist?
Where those bones real? Did a super ultra giga Chad with a 12foot frame exist?

Apparently yes. The grave even has his name on it. The problem is, officially, nobody knows where the skeleton is. By the way, that information is directly from Wikipedia. Most likely they destroyed it or hide it until this very day because nobody can handle this mogg.
Apparently yes. The grave even has his name on it. The problem is, officially, nobody knows where the skeleton is. By the way, that information is directly from Wikipedia. Most likely they destroyed it or hide it until this very day because nobody can handle this mogg.
That mog is the ULTIMATE and FINAL cuck.

Even a 10/10 MeeksMaxxed 6"7 giga chad cannot compete with a 12foot guy
Just take JurasicEraPill theory
Reeee that pill doesnt exist foids dont like trash :feelstrash:
Place a chad in a trash can and place St. BlackOps2cel in Buckingham Palace- all foids would rather jump into a dumpter and fuck trashcan chad than fuck a Supreme Gentleman in Buckingham Palace

Just take the TrashcanPill bro
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