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Venting Completely giving up on life at 5 in the morning



Jun 14, 2023
Women only fuck the top 0.00007% of men, 99.99993% are incels in denial. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Holy shit, shut the fuck up. Stop spewing so much nonsense to a buncha children. You don’t need to be a 10/10 Chadtron 2000 CHISELED-ABS -role- model to get laid. All it takes is for you to not be unhealthy looking. You unironically need to:

• not be fat
• not have terrible skin (acne papules, rashes, etc.)
• have decent hair and a relatively good asymmetrical facial structure

All of which are undoubtedly easier said than executed but that’s how it is. That’s how normal looking men look like. Sorry not sorry, sucks to suck.

But I am not healthy looking. I can’t compete with normal men. The only thing I have going for me is that at least I’m not fat but other than that, I am genuinely ugly.

Normal people don’t have to go through hell on earth to find love, sure, but that doesn’t mean the average man nowadays isn’t ripping his balls off just to turn himself into a fucking jester in desperate hopes of scoring pussy. I look at that and I take a look at myself and ask: okay, am I really willing to go through all of this? To go that low? To do so much for so little? And the answer is no, I don’t, moreover I am in no place to constantly complain about women not loving me back when I’m having a hard time loving myself.

Being ugly is on par with being disabled. EVEN if I manage to somehow pull off the impossible and find an ugly woman in love with me, she’ll start to eventually resent me for how I look like. Our relationship will be ugly. Our children will be ugly. Our life will be ugly. Coming to acceptance with this is torture, but doable.

I no longer just don’t approach women, in fact I barely even did in the first place, but I also just don’t even approach anything else at all.

I’ve completely given up on life. I don’t think for one second that I can make something out of this. That idea is just formulated beyond consideration and common sense.
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Women only fuck the top 0.00007% of men, 99.99993% are incels in denial. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
I want to fuck the top 0.00006% of women.
99.99994% Roasties are in denial.
Preach brother
Are you sure you want to give up? I mean fair enough if you've had it proven that it's over for you first hand with rejections, you've tried all avenues, etc. But you write that you've hardly tried. Remember, rotting can always wait, but your prime is with you only early in life, and the women of your generation get increasingly jaded and, because of feminism, entitled every passing year.
This is a scare post. I think you should field-test your looks before calling it a day. You might bluepill yourself when you're older and thinking maybe it wasn't over for you.
You said that word. Giving up. I wouldn’t I’m not a loser incel with ambition ima show those fucks what I’m all about I’m not gonna bitch about everything on a screen ima do something
Are you sure you want to give up? I mean fair enough if you've had it proven that it's over for you first hand with rejections, you've tried all avenues, etc.
I mean, you don’t really have to try out all avenues to make a concrete assumption of what’s to come in the future but no, like I said, I haven’t given my “best shot” and I’m neither willing nor able to do so. It’s pointless and disappointing.

And as I already described, my concern is more gravitated towards how REGARDLESS of what I do, it will be in vain. I have nothing going for me in this world and I get almost paralytically terrified at the thought of realizing that one day I’m going to eventually lose every little thing I have now.

You might bluepill yourself when you're older and thinking maybe it wasn't over for you.
I agree with you 100% on this. The older you get, even as an incel, the more bluepilled you’ll end up being. It’s inevitable. The idea that ‘I should’ve tried harder than I did’ is just your coping mechanisms acting up as a way to combat your sense of disappointment. Default human mentality: persistently forcing yourself to believe that the reason you’re miserable is due to poor life choices as opposed to outside sources determining every little aspect of the life ahead of you without your consent. This is a straight up deadly notion, but a VERY pragmatic one.

If everything is predetermined and I’m bound to be doomed irrespective of my efforts put into seeking solution and self-improvement, then why bother?

Well, that is more or less just reality. Normies are downright horrified of accepting this as every yet to be mentally tarnished human being should be.
Women only fuck the top 0.00007% of men, 99.99993% are incels in denial. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Holy shit, shut the fuck up. Stop spewing so much nonsense to a buncha children. You don’t need to be a 10/10 Chadtron 2000 CHISELED-ABS -role- model to get laid. All it takes is for you to not be unhealthy looking. You unironically need to:

• not be fat
• not have terrible skin (acne papules, rashes, etc.)
• have decent hair and a relatively good asymmetrical facial structure

All of which are undoubtedly easier said than executed but that’s how it is. That’s how normal looking men look like. Sorry not sorry, sucks to suck.

But I am not healthy looking. I can’t compete with normal men. The only thing I have going for me is that at least I’m not fat but other than that, I am genuinely ugly.

Normal people don’t have to go through hell on earth to find love, sure, but that doesn’t mean the average man nowadays isn’t ripping his balls off just to turn himself into a fucking jester in desperate hopes of scoring pussy. I look at that and I take a look at myself and ask: okay, am I really willing to go through all of this? To go that low? To do so much for so little? And the answer is no, I don’t, moreover I am in no place to constantly complain about women not loving me back when I’m having a hard time loving myself.

Being ugly is on par with being disabled. EVEN if I manage to somehow pull off the impossible and find an ugly woman in love with me, she’ll start to eventually resent me for how I look like. Our relationship will be ugly. Our children will be ugly. Our life will be ugly. Coming to acceptance with this is torture, but doable.

I no longer just don’t approach women, in fact I barely even did in the first place, but I also just don’t even approach anything else at all.

I’ve completely given up on life. I don’t think for one second that I can make something out of this. That idea is just formulated beyond consideration and common sense.
all women want to fuck the top 0.00007% percent of men
problem is they cant
so they just settle
all women want to fuck the top 0.00007% percent of men
problem is they cant
so they just settle
That is true but that doesn’t mean that only the best looking men are getting laid. Most people are having sex because most people are healthy looking enough to pass as fuckable.
One of the most fundamental realisations you can come to is that you were never part of the game. The sooner you understand this, the better. The less time and enegery wasted.
You unironically need to:

• not be fat
• not have terrible skin (acne papules, rashes, etc.)
• have decent hair and a relatively good asymmetrical facial structure
you forgot being neurotypical which is the base of every normie who gets laid

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