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Serious Commiecels: How do you deal with all the cucks and soybeards in your midsts?

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017
Mods: NOT a political post per se.

So anyhow I am politically open and don't really label myself anything. Used to be ardently right-wing all around. Free markets. Pro-business. Traditional values. You know, all the usual stuff. I don't believe in free markets and the like anymore though due to learning more about reality and seeing just how similar the "real" market is to the dating market, and how it similarly punishes disproportionately the less fortunate in life yet rewards the most fortunate. I'm definitely not a leftist I'd say, but as far as Marxism and stuff, I've dabbled a bit in it here and there do agree with the general notion that the working class is exploited mercilessly by capitalists and stuff.

But in looking into some of these groups online wanting to learn some more, I couldn't help but notice the sheer amount of cucks and soybeards who like to toss their BLM and feminist horseshit into the mix any chance they get. I mean that was expected after all to a degree (we all know the stereotype) but still. I know there are commiecels on here. How do you deal with this shit?
brutal no reply
I drop nuggets of racial truths here and there for anyone who will listen.

If soyboys listen and turn into men from my words getting through to them? Cool.

If they don't however things are pretty well destined to go in my favor anyway in time ala this Turner Diaries excerpt from below with the section I've placed in red and underlined being the most pertinent parts.

The Turner Diaries said:
The Detroit enclave was initially the most important of these. Bloody anarchy had reigned among the survivors in the Detroit area for
several weeks after the nuclear blasts of September 8. Eventually, a semblance of order had been restored, with System troops loosely
sharing power with the leaders of a number of Black gangs in the area. Although there were a few isolated White strongholds which kept
the roving mobs of Black plunderers and rapists at bay, most of the disorganized and demoralized White survivors in and around Detroit
offered no effective resistance to the Blacks, and, just as in other heavily Black areas of the country, they suffered terribly.
Then, in mid-December, the Organization seized the initiative. A number of synchronized lightning raids on the System’s military
strongpoints in the Detroit area resulted in an easy victory
The Organization then established certain patterns in Detroit which were soon followed elsewhere. All captured White troops, as soon as
they had laid down their weapons, were offered a chance to fight with the Organization against the System. Those who immediately
volunteered were taken aside for preliminary screening and then sent to camps for indoctrination and special training. The others were
machine-gunned on the spot, without further ado.
The same degree of ruthlessness was used in dealing with the White civilian population. When the Organization’s cadres moved into the
White strongholds in the Detroit suburbs, the first thing they found it necessary to do was to liquidate most of the local White leaders, in
order to establish the unquestioned authority of the Organization. There was no time or patience for trying to reason with shortsighted
Whites who insisted that they weren’t “racists” or “revolutionaries” and didn’t need the help of any “outside agitators” in dealing with
their problems, or who had some other conservative or parochial fixation.
The Whites of Detroit and the other new enclaves were organized more along the lines described by Earl Turner for Baltimore than for
California, but even more rapidly and roughly. In most areas of the country there was no opportunity for an orderly, large-scale
separation of non-Whites, as in California, and consequently a bloody race war raged for months, taking a terrible toll of those Whites
who were not in one of the Organization’s tightly controlled, all-White enclaves.
Food became critically scarce everywhere during the winter of 1993-1994. The Blacks lapsed into cannibalism, just as they had in
California, while hundreds of thousands of starving Whites, who earlier had ignored the Organization’s call for a rising against the
System, began appearing at the borders of the various liberated zones begging for food. The Organization was only able to feed the
White populations already under its control by imposing the severest rationing, and it was necessary to turn many of the latecomers
Those who were admitted—and that meant only children, women of childbearing age, and able-bodied men willing to fight in the
Organization’s ranks—were subjected to much more severe racial screening than had been used to separate Whites from non-Whites in
California. It was no longer sufficient to be merely White; in order to eat one had to be judged the bearer of especially valuable genes.
In Detroit the practice was first established (and it was later adopted elsewhere) of providing any able-bodied White male who sought
admittance to the Organization’s enclave with a hot meal and a bayonet or other edged weapon. His forehead was then marked with an
indelible dye, and he was turned out and could be readmitted permanently only by bringing back the head of a freshly killed Black or
other non-White. This practice assured that precious food would not be wasted on those who would not or could not add to the
Organization’s fighting strength, but it took a terrible toll of the weaker and more decadent White elements.
Tens of millions perished during the first half of 1994, and the total White population of the country reached a low point of
approximately 50 million by August of that year. By then, however, nearly half the remaining Whites were in Organization enclaves,
and food production and distribution in the enclaves had grown until it was barely sufficient to prevent further losses from starvation.
Although a central government of sorts still existed, the System’s military and police forces were, for all practical purposes, reduced to a
number of essentially autonomous local commands, whose principal activity became looting for food, liquor, gasoline, and women. Both
the Organization and the System avoided large-scale encounters with each other, the Organization confining itself to short, intense raids
on System troop concentrations and other facilities, and the System’s forces confining themselves to guarding their sources of supply
and, in some areas, to attempting to limit the further expansion of the Organization’s enclaves.
But the Organization’s enclaves continued to expand, nevertheless, both in size and number, all through the five Dark Years preceding
the New Era. At one time there were nearly 2,000 separate Organization enclaves in North America. Outside these zones of order and
security, the anarchy and savagery grew steadily worse, with the only real authority wielded by marauding bands which preyed on each
other and on the unorganized and defenseless masses.
Many of these bands were composed of Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Chicanos, and half-White mongrels. In growing numbers, however,
Whites also formed bands along racial lines, even without Organization guidance. As the war of extermination wore on, millions of soft,
city-bred, brainwashed Whites gradually began regaining their manhood. The rest died.
political system is a cope, its all about race. communist whites (ussr) created a better society than any capitalist nonwhites ever have or ever will. besides east asians
The Turner Diaries

Someone posted a video of some crackercommiecel out cracking windows and getting chastised by Tyrone recently.
I drop nuggets of racial truths here and there for anyone who will listen.

If soyboys listen and turn into men from my words getting through to them? Cool.

If they don't however things are pretty well destined to go in my favor anyway in time ala this Turner Diaries excerpt from below with the section I've placed in red and underlined being the most pertinent parts.

If I HAD to choose an American political party, I'd say oldschool southern Democratic Party was the best. They were pro-worker but mainly for whites only.

People -- both cuckservatives and SJW leftists -- constantly argue over "dA dEmOcratS anD rEpubLiKKKaNs swItchEd sides!!11!!" The actual reality is (and I can cite many refutable books I've read and I do when normies try and argue this with me) is that it's a bit of a mixed bag; attitudes on social values varied more by region than by party back before the 70's or so. However The Democratic Party always has been the party of the working man; Jackson was its founder and Jacksonian Democracy was marked by hostility towards banks, big business and so on yet was unapologetically pro-white especially in the south.
i refuse to acknowledge "progressive leftists" as fellow leftists
the only equality they care for is the equality of fags adopting children or the equality of women fucking us over
political system is a cope, its all about race. communist whites (ussr) created a better society than any capitalist nonwhites ever have or ever will. besides east asians

I mean I am pro-white and all but race too is ultimately a cope. Also I am not for any political system per se; we need our own political system that benefits both the economically disadvantaged AND the sexually disadvantaged. As it currently stands you pretty much have to choose one or the other with most political ideologies.

Also most of those "Russian" communists were jews just sayin. And some middle-eastern countries today are actually among the richest they just don't do shit to help their citizens. So in other words they're a cuckitalist's wet dream.
The Turner Diaries

LOL. A cop on a fuckin' bike. And with no gun. How does that even work
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Someone posted a video of some crackercommiecel out cracking windows and getting chastised by Tyrone recently.

I mean soybeards are used to being bossed around by and cucked by Tyrone and they gladly comply so go figure

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