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Commentary on Rehab/ITV - The Value of the Tribe/Nation



Jan 6, 2024

Hello guys, this is a short commentary on a Rehab/ITV upload I saw today. If you guys haven't seen it yet, it is basically about how patriotism is a coping mechanism for sub5s who lack any substance in life and that it is a ploy employed by chads to exploit sub5s for their own goals. Although I agree with some points put forward by the video, I ultimately disagree on the point that tribalism(and its variants) is useless. In this post, I will share some of the reasons why I believe that the tribe has a function and that we have stakes in them.

1. The tribe is very real
In the last century, the belief that class identity(sub5 vs. chad) trumps tribal identity has rapidly propagated itself in the Western world following the Bolshevik Revolution. We know it by a variety of names - Bolshevism, Internationalism, Globalism, etc. but the gist is the same. They currently form the establishment and are rigorously undermining the importance of tribal identities and state that it doesn't/shouldn't matter. However, as followers of blackpill philosophy and victims of these circumstances, we understand that this is pure delusion.
  • If you are white, you would know that ethnic minorities are quick to act as the fifth column and will backstab you if it benefits them - crime, leftist populism, etc.
  • If you are ethnic, you would know that the "woke" is all talk and that even liberal whites will "subconsciously" discriminate against you. The only true assimilation is miscegenation and this is reserved for chads only(will get to this later).

Realistically, the reliability of another individual correlates with their genetic proximity(e.g. family, tribe, nation) to you, and tribalism is very real regardless of whether it is good or not. The dollar may just be a piece of paper, looks may not necessarily indicate one's competence, but the moment people believe in it, it has value. And like looks, people are instinctively inclined to be attached to it. This is one of the fundamental basics of blackpill philosophy so I won't go further.

In regards to the rationale behind the tribalist programming of humans, nature rewarded social cohesion as our ancestors died/survived as a group. This can also be applied to all social animals. Pretty self-explanatory so I won't continue.

2. The tribe has a function (to us)
In line with the previous point, the tribe is basically the most primal and fundamental form of welfare. We, as the "weak", are the primary benefactors of this welfare. Sub5s may be disillusioned with this fact due to their alienation from the rest of society. However, this is not necessarily mutually exclusive with the fact that there exists a form of solidarity in the form of nationalism. In a purely Darwinistic world, our quality of life would have been much lower.
History proves this - The rise of liberal ideologies and the pursuit of their individualistic agenda correlated with the rise of inceldom.

Not only is this "welfare" an obstacle for the elites in pursuit of their selfish desires, but the elites are less attached to the community as they can easily jump ship - Chad can just marry into another tribe as mentioned earlier. And yes, some of them genuinely believe in liberal ideologies since they do not confront the negative consequences of their actions - We do.
As you guys would be aware, this is extremely evident in the populist-right and elitist-left divide in contemporary European politics. Our destinies are tied to those of our nations and we should defend them.

Final comments

Frame from American History X

The reality of tribalism and its variations is not shy to manifest itself in prisons. When we are stripped naked of material possessions(e.g. money & women), this tribal division is loud and clear. If you do not join a gang, you will perish. If your gang faces defeat, there will be consequences for its individuals - accumulate these consequences, and then there will be death. The same mechanic exists in the real world - The difference is that all the material distractions are clouding our view.

What do you guys think? Is patriotism just a coping mechanism or does it have real substance?
What do you guys think? Is patriotism just a coping mechanism or does it have real substance?
Patriotism and national are natural phenomena, Itv is just a nihilist who has a different outlook on life than many other nationalistcels
Patriotism and national are natural phenomena, Itv is just a nihilist who has a different outlook on life than many other nationalistcels
Yes, to be frank, I do not have much to live for. The nation is one of the few things that give my life meaning.
The nation is one of the few things that give my life meaning
It aint the 1920s no more nigga

Every westoid nation is a Babylon of races and subhuman drugged up natives on jew chemicals
I just want to add that it didn't always have to be over for most of us. Liberal ideology is the main perpetrator of the rise of inceldom among men and superior social cohesion(whether via nationalism or religious fundamentalism) is the antidote.
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I still think patriotism is coping mechanism at least for incels. For example when it comes to some sort of sports(Think about Baseball/Football game against Japan) and it drives normies and foids crazy, boils their blood like fucking furnace and act as if they're going to kill someone. It's same for almost every countries. Normgroids and foids can forget about their fucking miserable life by feeling some sort of solidarity or sth with another low IQ npc vermins. But for incels, What's the point of being patriotic when you're not gonna be treated properly as a human being solely for your height and face? What i said has nothing to do with putting another countries on pedestal(Like worshipping Japan), it just means "No patriotism for Incels".
I havent watched the video yet so I dont want "spoilers" yet i guess (JFL)

Is this a discussion about the video? If so I can come back and discuss later
What if you belong to the hated minority?
I only read point 1, but that seems really stupid from his perspective.

The state is a body of people. Unless you know how to build and maintain machinery, farm food, make medicines, have PhD level knowledge on plants/anything, you are not truly an "individual" like the trumptards love to say.

Even the most survivalist of us would die without a tribe, leaving the only few survival experts....oh well that's a new tribe!
Actual unpopular opinion, based take
I still think patriotism is coping mechanism at least for incels. For example when it comes to some sort of sports(Think about Baseball/Football game against Japan) and it drives normies and foids crazy, boils their blood like fucking furnace and act as if they're going to kill someone. It's same for almost every countries. Normgroids and foids can forget about their fucking miserable life by feeling some sort of solidarity or sth with another low IQ npc vermins. But for incels, What's the point of being patriotic when you're not gonna be treated properly as a human being solely for your height and face? What i said has nothing to do with putting another countries on pedestal(Like worshipping Japan), it just means "No patriotism for Incels".
This goy is right !

Think about it, seriously think you dumb niggers think for a second ( all nationalistic cels like @DarkStar @AsiaCel @Nanoventor )
You simp for your race, your women of your race, your country cuisine your country culture ? But think once for YOURSELF, do you think that your scrawny 5'6 4/10 ass belongs in SAME group as 6'3 buff HTN's or Buff Bloated even taller Ogres ? Do you think that your obssesion with other races who want to ''steal'' your women is true ? ( bro noodles prefer white men unlike us goodboi ricecels ! bro this fucking nigger steal our aryan beauties ! ) Do you think while it's true that all humans are xenophobic, they all think non stop about kikes and niggers ? Like succesfull people like Musk, Bezos, Lebron, Kim Junggook, White tall pretty boy ?

Do you think that you are same as them ?
No you aren't, nationalism works for normies only, they have right to BE nationalist and not you genetic trash !

interested boyos

Actual unpopular opinion, based take

This goy is right !

Think about it, seriously think you dumb niggers think for a second ( all nationalistic cels like @DarkStar @AsiaCel @Nanoventor )
You simp for your race, your women of your race, your country cuisine your country culture ? But think once for YOURSELF, do you think that your scrawny 5'6 4/10 ass belongs in SAME group as 6'3 buff HTN's or Buff Bloated even taller Ogres ? Do you think that your obssesion with other races who want to ''steal'' your women is true ? ( bro noodles prefer white men unlike us goodboi ricecels ! bro this fucking nigger steal our aryan beauties ! ) Do you think while it's true that all humans are xenophobic, they all think non stop about kikes and niggers ? Like succesfull people like Musk, Bezos, Lebron, Kim Junggook, White tall pretty boy ?

Do you think that you are same as them ?
No you aren't, nationalism works for normies only, they have right to BE nationalist and not you genetic trash !

interested boyos

I will give this video a watch, but as i’ve explained many times, the type of “nationalist”
I am is just wanting to keep my area homogenous, since it’s proven it’s economically & socially better

No, i’m not like normies who use it as a way to assert their “superiority” over other normies, often through cringe means such as “ :soy:: Our foids mog bro!1!1!”
Actual unpopular opinion, based take

This goy is right !

Think about it, seriously think you dumb niggers think for a second ( all nationalistic cels like @DarkStar @AsiaCel @Nanoventor )
You simp for your race, your women of your race, your country cuisine your country culture ? But think once for YOURSELF, do you think that your scrawny 5'6 4/10 ass belongs in SAME group as 6'3 buff HTN's or Buff Bloated even taller Ogres ? Do you think that your obssesion with other races who want to ''steal'' your women is true ? ( bro noodles prefer white men unlike us goodboi ricecels ! bro this fucking nigger steal our aryan beauties ! ) Do you think while it's true that all humans are xenophobic, they all think non stop about kikes and niggers ? Like succesfull people like Musk, Bezos, Lebron, Kim Junggook, White tall pretty boy ?

Do you think that you are same as them ?
No you aren't, nationalism works for normies only, they have right to BE nationalist and not you genetic trash !

interested boyos

(A big part of) my race hates me, while other races, who are way more brutal in their dealings, would treat me even worse, with physical violence even.

With East Asian societies, things are fairly consistent, orderly and predictable. I couldn't imagine my autistic ass surviving in a place like Africa or Mexico.
I will give this video a watch, but as i’ve explained many times, the type of “nationalist”
I am is just wanting to keep my area homogenous, since it’s proven it’s economically & socially better

No, i’m not like normies who use it as a way to assert their “superiority” over other normies, often through cringe means such as “ :soy:: Our foids mog bro!1!1!”
(A big part of) my race hates me, while other races, who are way more brutal in their dealings, would treat me even worse, with physical violence even.
(A big part of) my race hates me, while other races, who are way more brutal in their dealings, would treat me even worse, with physical violence even.
With East Asian societies, things are fairly consistent, orderly and predictable. I couldn't imagine my autistic ass surviving in a place like Africa or Mexico.
Same with White societies, though that is changing.

I could not imagine someone such as myself surviving in LatAm or Curryland; I'd either be dead or would have roped because I just couldn't handle it.

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