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Serious Coming out as a pedophile...

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
I'm not attracted to kids, never saw CP or have any interest in it. The thing is though, when you see mugshots of pedophiles, so many of them have asymmetrical faces. I have an eyelid that does not match the other. Eyelid asymmetry is the ultimate pedophile feature. Having eyes like mine make you look like a pedophile, a murderer, a thief, and a liar... so if I look like all of those things, I AM ALL OF THOSE THINGS. I don't have to snatch up some little kids and fuck them to be a pedophile, all I have to do is show my face in public. It only takes a few milliseconds of people seeing my fucked up eyelids to officially make me a certified pedophile. Plastic surgery is the only way I can't be a pedophile. If the pedo police are reading this, go ahead and add me to the pedo list if I'm not already on their because of my face alone. You are what people see you as, how you see yourself means nothing. As long as I am ugly, I am every kind of evil person you can imagine and I legit deserve to die. I must be a bad person because my face is fucking bad. I hope someday somebody actually thinks I'm a pedophile so they walk into my room while I'm sleeping and fill my brain with hollow points. Having eyelids that don't match is the universe telling you that you are a piece of shit that deserves to die. I shouldn't blame others for hating me, I'm ugly, I deserve to be hated. Parents who have actually had their children molested by a pedophile would rather kill me than the actual pedophile if his face was better than mine. I've been showing up late to work lately trying to use eyelid tape and band aids to prop up my cursed ugly eye of shit so that I can walk out the door without feeling like jumping in front of a semi truck. I know that if I show up to work with my eyelid in it's normal hideous form, my boss would fire me on the spot for looking like a creep. Only my parents have seen my fucked up eyes without eyelid tape or a band aid. Talking to people irl is suifuel, cute femoids are suifuel, mirrors are suifuel. the price tag for blepharoplasty is suifuel. I might just start wearing an eyepatch until I get the first surgery on my list... 24 yrs old and still a virgin, day one of my hasn't even begun. A millimeter of eyelid skin and a few millimeters of facial bone cursed me for the rest of my life. I will probably die alone.
friendly reminder that ugly = pedophile
friendly reminder that ugly = pedophile
This is so true, the one time I walked out the door without propping up my eyelid, somebody said I look like a pedophile... Coincidence? Fuck no.
Nospacingcel... :p
I've noticed that most (convicted) pedos do have a specific type of look to them.

Personally, I look like more of an arsonist or serial killer.
I've noticed that most (convicted) pedos do have a specific type of look to them.

Personally, I look like more of an arsonist or serial killer.
I look like I do B&Es and rape women when my eyelids are even... Much better than looking like a pedo.
Pedophiles are the only people who get even more hated by society than incels.
So basically you're a pedo? Tldr
I've noticed that most (convicted) pedos do have a specific type of look to them.

Personally, I look like more of an arsonist or serial killer.
Run Ted Bundy game.
not gonna lie, this is clickbait af, but probably for a good reason...
I've noticed that most (convicted) pedos do have a specific type of look to them.
yea i agree it is quite nerving when you see the similarities.
I know that feel bro hold f
permanent mask would help.
Holy fuck I have eyelid asymmetry :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
View attachment 22503
You have a chance to ascend
I'm saving up for plastic surgery. My mom is constantly getting her disability checks late and the bill overdraw her account, so after half a year working, I haven't saved up shit because I'm either paying her debts or buying food. She will never stick up for herself financially or write down a ledger and think about things. I'll have to stop buying food and hit up food pantries to survive because buying food when you need plastic surgery is cucked. I'd rather beg or starve. Nobody will pity fuck me, I want a female companion slave, not a one night stand... the problem is even if a girl forgave my hideous face, I'd feel guilty putting her through the torment of fucking an uggo like me. I should avoid femoids until I surgerymax.
HOLY FUCK I also have high palate and misshaped ears, two supposed pedophile characteristics. It's 100% over for me :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

If the governments start to scam for pedophiles based on those characteristics I'm screwed, I never even touched a kid or downloaded CP.

I only prefer JBs than old roasties, this should be normal tbh.

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