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RageFuel comedy for cucktears soys and foids is just unfunnily laughing at other people's expense

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018

Has anyone else noticed that almost all the "intentionally comedic parts" of the film that normalfags laughed at were at other people's expense? After seeing the film in a cinema four times, I observed normalfags always laughed during the following scenes and lines:

- "Don't you have to be funny to be a comedian?" (addressed at Arthur by his mother while he bathes her because she is frail and senile, and he tells her he is going to become a comedian). It's later mentioned that the cunt mother has narcissistic personality disorder and she is basically negging him in this scene, she also insinuates he is a worthless bastard ("imagine what they would say about you") and constantly changes the subject to focus on the higher-status Thomas Wayne, never building her own son up or taking him seriously. He repeatedly says throughout the film that she tells him his purpose is to spread joy and laughter, but whenever he brings up to her that he is going to go out and do just this she never truly encourages him, just ignores him or actively makes him doubt his own abilities. She thanks him for the meal he prepares and gives a muffled, senile, pathetic "I love you" before he pillows her, but she never builds her son up, praises him, or encourages him to work on his strengths.

- The scenes in which Murray makes fun of Arthur, or makes the joke about his stupid son asking where they're going to get garbage from if the garbage strike continues (which is still conceptually at somebody's expense). It seems like whenever Murray makes a joke in the film it's at somebody's expense in reality or conceptually, the most debatable one being the joke about the mayor wanting to bring in super cats for super rats (similar to the Billy one, somebody is dumb hahaha -> pun punchline, always the same punchline delivery method) because the mayor is only briefly mentioned. Considering Arthur is daydreaming or rehearsing during interviews half the time when he is watching the Murray Franklin show, I can't help but think that the fact only jokes like this are shown is probably intentional.

- Every scene in which people made fun of Gary (the dwarf), even though those scenes were made INTENTIONALLY as unfunny as possible (Randall's delivery of the jokes aimed at him is always poorly-timed and his tone of voice is tinged with spite, NO DOUBT ON PURPOSE, but people still laugh because it's directed at a dwarf). They always laugh hardest when he is unable to reach the door (HAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDD midget can't reach door XDDDD). Do you think it is a coincidence Arthur lets Gary live and kisses him on the forehead very gently (as a gesture that he means him no harm) right after he brutalises Randall with a knife? Nobody who is depicted being shit on constantly ends up suffering at the end, only those who neg others until somebody loses it at them.

Pretty much all the "funny" scenes in Joker are jokes made at the expense of another person's stupidity, incompetence, short stature, inability to do something properly or mental illness.These are pretty much the only scenes in which anyone other than Arthur actually laughs as well. All the people who get made the butt of jokes in "funny" scenes are being kicked when they are already low status. It's very clearly intentional (the end of the film is somebody who says they are chimping out because they are a loner, they are treated like shit, they get kicked while they are down), but these soyfaggots and foids still laugh. The only ones that don't make them laugh are the ones that are incredibly obviously mean, like the kids making fun of Arthur and then jumping him or the foid being made fun of by the stockbrokers on the subway. The only real exception to this I can think of is when Arthur puts his hands through the gate and makes Bruce smile, which people laugh at because of how awkward it is and not even during every screening I've been to. I personally giggled during the scene where Arthur dances with his mother because of how half-asleep she is and how light-heartedly enthusiastic he is about it, but few if any other people seemed to enjoy that scene. The vast majority of "intentionally comedic" scenes in the film that normies laugh at are made purposefully nasty and unfunny. I actually feel saddened or angry during most of them and thought it was lifefuel when Arthur was nice to Gary (manlet) or told Murray he was awful for making fun of him.

The other reddit comments surrounding this are also full of ""people"" (includes foids) saying they didn't enjoy the film because it was too depressing (JFL), it was boring (heard this in theatres too, I wonder why), the film is an "acquired taste" that you can only enjoy if you "understand a lot of things" (like what?), people are "durdening" it and it is only about mental healthcare/class politics not also about people reacting to being abandoned and kicked by eventually lashing out (hahahaha hurr durr a movie can only be about one thing durr political commentary bernie sanders doggo updoots the movie is not about u inkel i am much more perceptive than you) or about how they are so mentally ill they can't function just like the main character (par for the course on inceltears, sadly making fun of people more honest about their problems for speaking about them openly and looking pathetic in the process will not make their own problems go away in the long run).

This is the norm in movies though because that's what appeals to normies. I want somebody in Hollywood to make a movie where a billionaire played by Jeremy Meeks is the butt of every demeaning joke to prove my point.
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It's because they see themselves in penny and admiring it would mean taking responsibility and you know how women are with responsibility
It's because they see themselves in penny and admiring it would mean taking responsibility and you know how women are with responsibility
most women are contemptible man
thats all comedy

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