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RageFuel college roomie doin stuff



Jun 20, 2018
I don't understand. I'm respectful to my roommate. I go to bed a bit later than him and thus, I wake up later because all of my classes are in the afternoon. Now, anytime my roommate goes to bed, I immediately make sure to shut off all of the lights in the room and I Ieave to go to the study hall for the rest of the night so that he can sleep (he won't do this for me if i ever go to bed earlier than him). I'm fine with that, it's no problem.

However, when I'm still sleeping in the morning and he gets up to go to class. He turns on his desk light on the brightest capacity, this shines right in my eyes and interrupts my sleep. I understand that he has to turn on the light (in an already bright room) to get dressed and that's fine but he leaves it on for 1.5 hours as he showers (the bathroom is in a different room), sits on his phone, and get's dressed. He also just leaves the main door open when he goes to shower, so I have to get up and shut it, in order to prevent the very bright hallway light from coming through into the room. Then when he goes to class, he just leaves the light on as I'm trying to get back to sleep. Yesterday, I asked him if he could turn it off when he leaves, and he did but today, he just left it on again. If I ever get up before him, I always make sure to be extra quite and I'll turn on the light for maybe 3 minutes. On weekends he'll also do this, he'll turn on the light when I'm sleeping and then he'll just lay back down in bed and play video games or go on social media for a few hours. Which is fine but why do you have to have the light on guy? Isn't there enough brightness from the phone and computer. Again, I'd understand if he was doing something important like school work but he's just messing around on the internet.

He also has a nervous tick where he scratches his head furiously for an hour straight, sometimes in the middle of the night, and I'll hear him say "fucking bitch, little bitch" in the bathroom. I highly doubt this is directed towards me, probably some kind of social trouble, he seems to have a lot friends. I asked him one time "did you hear something?" after he said those slurs and he said "yeahh haha i tend to do that sometimes". He also seems to be a bit oblivious to everything, too caught up in YouTube, Social Media, Video Games, etc.

Anyways, I haven't ever said anything to him about his actions being annoying and he hasn't said anything to me either. We've been getting along fine and I do think he's a really nice kid but I just feel like he doesn't respect me at all. I'm an extremely light sleeper so I have been getting horrible sleep as a result of his habits.

feel like roommate doesn't respect me by leaving the lights on all of the time when I'm sleeping
roommate has nervous hair scratching tick and mild tourettes
i try to not do anything to annoy him and fully respect the room when he's sleeping.
we get along but should I say something or is this not a big deal?
I was afraid this will be another suifuel thread of college roommate banging prime sluts
Random roommates are the worst. Mine came back at like fucking 2am and microwaved chili
normies are inconsiderate cunts who should be killed
my last faggot cunt roommate reported me for smoking weed in the room when i wasn't smoking weed in the room and for saying i was going to rape girls when I didn't. hope he gets shot by a new hERo
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do nofap so u can start heavy sleeping
challenge him for dominance. start off slow. next time you see him and he tries talking, get in his face and say "huh? what? what?"

escalate until you have him cleaning the toilet with his shirt tied in a knot, call him Veronica. trade him for honey buns and cigarettes when youre done
I’ve gone through 3 roommates this semester. The first didn’t even show up, the second called his roasties gf back home from 12-2 am and despite having headphones he never used them when he was playing obnoxious rap music and watching movies. The third was some effeminate soyboy who sprayed some weird smelling chemical from a spray bottle on his hair every morning and the smell would linger for hours
Make the room a dirty shit show like your user names jason genova
I’ve gone through 3 roommates this semester. The first didn’t even show up, the second called his roasties gf back home from 12-2 am and despite having headphones he never used them when he was playing obnoxious rap music and watching movies. The third was some effeminate soyboy who sprayed some weird smelling chemical from a spray bottle on his hair every morning and the smell would linger for hours
lmfaoo, whyd the 2nd guy leave and are you still with the 3rd?
Make the room a dirty shit show like your user names jason genova
its revolt, i like to keep it neat, it ocdening
do nofap so u can start heavy sleeping
doesn't work as well as you think, although before i relapsed I did sleep better tbh, so you may have just brought up a good point. but again, didn't sleep better by much

its revolt, i like to keep it neat, it ocdening

doesn't work as well as you think, although before i relapsed I did sleep better tbh, so you may have just brought up a good point. but again, didn't sleep better by much

how long
1st time i did nofap was for 36 days, took a week off and did 27 days.

that's decent, i used to fall asleep in 5mins on like 50d+ nofap streak and nothing would wake me up
lmfaoo, whyd the 2nd guy leave and are you still with the 3rd?
Same reason as the thrid I assume a few weeks ago I posted that my room got quarrentined because it had black mold in it so some people had to come in and practically nuke the place. It’s clear now and that’s the most logical answer I can give. As a roommate I stuck to my side, clean up my messes, and always used headphones whenever I listened to anything, in fact I’ve probably had a most 5 conversations between all my roommates
wtf? you guys don't have your own bedroom in college? what is this third world shit.
Pee on his fucking face, he'll be like "YO WTF", then you get a baseball and break his fucking bones, when he's crying and bleeding, you say to him "Now little bitch, you are going to respect me, you will switch the lights off, you will be silent, you are no my little bitch and if you tell anyone I will kill your mum and then you will eat her", rape him and violà, your roomie will be a problem no more
normies are inconsiderate cunts who should be killed
my last faggot cunt roommate reported me for smoking weed in the room when i wasn't smoking weed in the room and for saying i was going to rape girls when I didn't. hope he gets shot by a new hERo
My housemate accused me of being a smoker and I got evicted. The landlord was a woman who's son had a drug problem, and she projected that onto me.
normies are inconsiderate cunts who should be killed
my last faggot cunt roommate reported me for smoking weed in the room when i wasn't smoking weed in the room and for saying i was going to rape girls when I didn't. hope he gets shot by a new hERo
U shouldnt confuse real life with this forum tbh
Dude just talk to him, be cool about it, this kind of thing happens a lot, and its best to just be upfront with it. he isnt used to sharing a room with someone, he isnt trying to be inconsiderate
Shit like this is why I refuse to have a roommate. I get a single every year and will never agree to live with a roommate. This year I got my doctor to write a letter saying that I am too mentally unstable to live with room mates and I got to live by myself because of it. Maybe try getting a letter next time saying something similar or that you have sever sleep problems and can't sleep with people in the room.
Shit like this is why I refuse to have a roommate. I get a single every year and will never agree to live with a roommate. This year I got my doctor to write a letter saying that I am too mentally unstable to live with room mates and I got to live by myself because of it. Maybe try getting a letter next time saying something similar or that you have sever sleep problems and can't sleep with people in the room.

fook i hadn't thought of that, that is a good idea, my aunts a psychiatrist... she got me out of school senior year of HS because of muh social anxiety lol. thanks
you sound like a bitch asking us for something so simple, tell the guy to mind the lights ffs.
Is he an autist? His habits reminds me an autist.
But seriously, just talk with him or act the same.
Living with a roommate is my own personal vision of hell.

You need to unplug that lamp and throw it in a dumpster far away. If something is causing you problems, destroy it.
Living with a roommate is my own personal vision of hell.

You need to unplug that lamp and throw it in a dumpster far away. If something is causing you problems, destroy it.

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