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Venting College is over

How were your college years?

  • Never been to college/uni

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Shit

    Votes: 17 58.6%
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    Votes: 3 10.3%
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Alex Grandi

Alex Grandi

over for manlets
Nov 30, 2019
Packed my things, back at my parents' place, 4 years gone like that
Needless to say; no gf and 0 social life

Reflecting on these past 4 years, I keep remembering past thoughts and things I heard but never really paid much attention to

On HS, I remember a foid teacher saying "college will be the best period of your life, that's guaranteed!". I remember thinking to myself that she's very sheltered to believe that everyone gets to be happy and pondered what my experience would be. I also felt a premonition that my college life would be disappointing just like my HS life, but chose to ignore it

A few weeks before packing up to go, I remember reading some post on /r9k/. An anon had posted something like this
when i first entered my dorm i looked at my bed. "this is where i'm going to slay" i thought.

soon i graduated. i failed to get any friends or any girls and spent all my spare time on the internet.

as i was preparing to leave, i took a good look at my bed once again for the last time. i remembered this thought of mine from 4 years ago. i ended up laughing hysterically until i was out of breath, then broke down and started crying on the floor for an hour
I felt very sad reading this, but also nervous. "I won't be like him, I can't afford to be like him" is what I thought

Fast forward to the entrance ceremony. A professor said, among other things, something very similar to what my foid teacher said. That HS and college are your best years, that we should make the most out of them and that things only get worse afterwards
I thought that he was being insensitive. Not all people have fun in these years. I knew because HS was shit for me. "If these years are really the "best" and life really gets that much worse, does that mean that losers should just commit suicide to spare themselves from pain?" was a dark thought the quickly came and passed

A few days passed and I noticed that 99% of my peers had already established their social groups and friendships. I was lagging behind on that aspect, with greetings and smalltalk being just about the most I could get. It was fucking horrifying, at almost every instance I was the only person to be alone and it stood out. Things were developing to be just like HS, confirming my previous occasional pessimistic thoughts

In an unparalleled act of low-inhib, I approached 2 foids I didn't know :feelskek:
I introduced myself, asked about themselves, etc. They weren't rude, but with their short replies and extremely bored voices it became clear that my effort wasn't going anywhere. Inhib went back up and I felt like I was being bothersome, so I excused myself and left

I soon started coping. "Maybe they were tired? Maybe they were shy just like me? Maybe I should've tried to lead the conversation a bit more?" JUST FUCKING LOL :feelshaha:
A guy taller and more attractive than me soon approached and legit did almost the same shit I did. Asked the same shit, approached in the same way. I was close so I overheard it. The girls' reaction was on a completely different level. The girls were leading the convo and asked the guy about himself. They were laughing at his "jokes" (normal sentences) every 30 seconds. Etc.

You see this was completely natural, but back then I hadn't taken the BP. I was astonished and pride and narcissism were blinding me. I couldn't accept that the guy was THAT MUCH better than me. Soon after that event I found out about the incel community and the blackpill.

Many weeks later I finally got a friend. Unfortunately he was a giga-normalfag with huge amounts of :soy:. Loud, obnoxious, simp and was low-key putting me down during social situations. Soon we stopped being friends. I also stopped being insecure about being friendless, since I realized that many so-called friendships are completely trash, toxic and not worth the effort
I still wanted a gf though

Overally, in my entire college life I must have "hanged out" ~3-4 times
And i think i've taken more time typing this post than all the interactions I've had with girls in my college COMBINED

Tldr: my shitty blog that nobody gives a shit about My college years have finally ended and I've had 0 fun, just like I feared
(i had a bad day and had 0 motivation to do anything. even playing vidya felt like a pain in the ass. sitting on my bed, negative thoughts and feelings started piling up in my head and i wanted to vent)
Did you atleast get a job now that you finished cucklege?
Thankfully I go to a commuter school so it's not that much suicidefuel, but I am still practically a ghost to everyone else except the few incel lab partners I have in my classes
Brutal.Your teacher was 100% right with hs and college years are supposed to be the best years of your life
Even as a non-NT average looking autist it's useless. Being going since 2016 and only once have I ever been approached by a foid, and it was a slutty long nosed one. There's no point approaching anyone yourself since all of them will have boyfriends, finding ones that don't is like finding a marble at the bottom of the sea and not worth it, especially for someone too non-NT to approach in the first place.
I'm still in college and it blows because I can't get laid
I felt very sad reading this, but also nervous. "I won't be like him, I can't afford to be like him" is what I thought
No no no this is too brutal man, I'm in my first year of college and thinking the same way.
Right now my biggest cope is thinking I'll eventually ascend within these 4 years, I'm thinking I won't be like you OP I'll eventually do it. FUCK MAN, THIS IS SO FUCKED! :feels:
when i first entered my dorm i looked at my bed. "this is where i'm going to slay" i thought.

This is well written and I can relate 100%. Very brutal.
Did you atleast get a job now that you finished cucklege?
Thankfully I go to a commuter school so it's not that much suicidefuel, but I am still practically a ghost to everyone else except the few incel lab partners I have in my classes
got a temporary job that i will soon get started at
getting some money to cope sounds good, but wagecucking sounds terrible
approached by a foid,
mogs me tbh
No no no this is too brutal man, I'm in my first year of college and thinking the same way.
Right now my biggest cope is thinking I'll eventually ascend within these 4 years, I'm thinking I won't be like you OP I'll eventually do it. FUCK MAN, THIS IS SO FUCKED! :feels:
kek literally what i felt. it's a never ending cycle. hope you can ascend though
too low iq for college
they were shit but better than hs
when i first entered my dorm i looked at my bed. "this is where i'm going to slay"

that's brutal
only fun and consistent part about college was riding my electric skateboard around campus with AirPods in my ear. I got rejected and a lot of my “ friends “ moved on after classes was over. Only did 2 years.
college was worst years
Everyone I attempted to meet in college was either completely uninterested from the beginning or ghosted me after finding someone else, so I still didn't know anyone after the first few weeks when social circles solidify, ultimately securing my rank as the loner weirdo nobody wants to fuck with. Here I am 5 years in, still no friends, still no gf, still failing, still contemplating suicide daily...
College is suifuel
That HS and college are your best years, that we should make the most out of them and that things only get worse afterwards
Ye my HS teacher told us this as well. I believed him and really wanted to get a fresh start in uni.

I'm 4.5 years in, still not done with bachelors for another year at least kek. I had a friend during the first two years but he dropped out and moved away. Now I don't know anyone and I rarely go there.
Brutal.Your teacher was 100% right with hs and college years are supposed to be the best years of your life
this. I truly realized this when I started wage slaving, all the opportunities are gone. YOUNGCELS!!! IF YOU CANT GET LAID IN HS OR COLLEGE NOR MAKE FRIENDS=ITS OVER
They probably felt sorry for you
Yep. And bullying me would become noticeable since I was the only different student, thus easily likely to come to the knowledge of the authority.
They probably felt sorry for you
In 2016-2017, there was this attractive, yet really disabled girl on a wheelchair who had the mental capacity of a 6 year old. But she was beloved and everyone treated her like some sort of mascot. Last year, there was also this girl on a wheelchair who literally could only make groaning noises and had to use a computer to speak. She too was beloved and fairly attractive. Guys with those sort of disabilities however seem to just get ignored. Yet they never get bullied since doing so would anger sjw foids

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