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RageFuel City of Toronto feminist bureaucrat complains of "leering" from sub8 labourers at construction site



May 6, 2018
Iran please send a gift to the City of Toronto government building:

Vladimir Putin please considER retaining a nuclear missile for the City of Toronto HQ!

Fucking clown world feminist-occupied building needs to be invaded by Russia, Iran and China!
These men are the type of men who make society work and this cunt that doesn't produce anything of worth treat them like shit and make them jobless just because they dared to look at her. FUCK FEMICUNTS, LEPINE DID NOTHING WRONG.
If whores are worried about "leering" so much why don't they...Um...Stop dressing like fuckin whores.
If whores are worried about "leering" so much then why don't...Um...They stop dressing like fuckin whores.

Andy Shapiera

So is it ever OK to look at woman you do not know? Would this have been OK if it happened at Bay and Front and the construction workers were substituted for Bay Street financial types who looked like Brad Pitt? Is there a stare clock counting down to what is the appropriate time is OK to fix a glance on what you believe is an attractive woman (or man for that matter)? I have a daughter so this does really concern me and I want her to be safe but I also have a son and I am concerned about how men/boys are villified and publicly shamed so routinely today. Where women used to say "take a photo it lasts longer" to a man gazing too long in the woman's opinion now they run to social media and engage in a public shaming. This is why, despite all the positive elements of social media, the negative keeps me away more and more.
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Paul O'Donnell
Andy Shapiera Well said.
Fucking clown world feminist-occupied building needs to be invaded by Russia, Iran and China!
I would gladly serve Russia and friends than mapleland.
At least a lot of the replies are based.

I bet she’s the type that gets brunch with her girlfriends and they discuss how hot the server is

As i said ITT, if a brazilian woman made a post like this on Twitter she would be massivelly cyberbullied during a considerable amount of time.

My god, how i love my "shithole country". Living here is ways better than to live in these ultra cucked first world countries.
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As i said ITT, if a brazilian woman made a post like this on Twitter she would be massivelly cyberbullying during a considerable amount of time.

My god, how i love my "shithole country". Living here is ways better than to live in these ultra cucked first world countries.
I hope this never change tbh
God forbid attention from sub 6 males.
I remember just a couple years back people were mocking us for saying even LOOKING at a woman as a sub8 male would get you in deep shit in future.
I remember just a couple years back people were mocking us for saying even LOOKING at a woman as a sub8 male would get you in deep shit in future.

This situation might actually impact the livelihood of these workers
Think about that for a sec
Don't those stupid feminish bishes support rapefugees anyways? dafuk is she complaining about tbh
Surprise, surprise. She’s a hypocrite.

Absolutely sickening. Giving holes rights was a mistake.
"Bro you're homeless?? How did that happened??"
"Well, one day I looked at a woman and…"
"Bro you're homeless?? How did that happened??"
"Well, one day I looked at a woman and…"

This is why staying inside and avoiding social interaction is a good idea
I would gladly serve Russia and friends than mapleland.
100,000s of Torontocels would join Russia if they had the chance.

This is why the feminist refuses to hire Torontocels because a job= airplane tickets to Moscow, Russian Federation.

You'd be amazed at how many Torontocels have fantasies of pressing the red button from Moscow. The Toronto cunts are terrible, worse than Ameriskanks and Britshit whores.
If you live in Toronto, it's over for you.
Iran please send a gift to the City of Toronto government building:

Vladimir Putin please considER retaining a nuclear missile for the City of Toronto HQ!

Fucking clown world feminist-occupied building needs to be invaded by Russia, Iran and China!

In 2021 they will have laser eye tracking systems set up and if your eye lingers on any foid for too long you get instantly vaporized or hauled off to the gulags.
ofcourse its toronto, most cucked place on the planet
I hope Canada keeps importing people from islamic countries, so that they will all be taught a lesson.
This is madness when the new precedent set for sexual harassment is ... simply looking. I hope this place falls apart soon because this is getting out of control.
This is madness when the new precedent set for sexual harassment is ... simply looking.
Being accused of looking.

A feminist cunt working for the City of Toronto is accusing that she feels that they were looking at her "inappropriately" and objectifying her.


#Russia & Iran please invade Toronto City Hall and go Lepine on the femeaucrats.

#Free Dr. James Sears!

Dog fucker confirmed.
Work, save cash and plan your escape once you have a few years of life savings.

I pray to God that #Based Jews visits her office and goes ER on this fido-phile.
“All dogs are special” JFL at thinking a disgusting, low IQ animal that is prone to eating its own shit and fucking it’s own bloodline is “special”.

But non-chad men daring to look at her, not special and literally worthless. Men who keep society functioning daring to gaze upon her, literal rapists.

Feminism was a mistake.
As i said ITT, if a brazilian woman made a post like this on Twitter she would be massivelly cyberbullied during a considerable amount of time.

My god, how i love my "shithole country". Living here is ways better than to live in these ultra cucked first world countries.
I hope Canada keeps importing people from islamic countries, so that they will all be taught a lesson.
This is madness when the new precedent set for sexual harassment is ... simply looking. I hope this place falls apart soon because this is getting out of control.
I have some savings and my passport ready to ditch this bitch of a city. I just need to know which countries are more incel-friendly.
Just don't look at women bro
What an ungrateful shit. She already lives in a different reality than these men yet wants to ruin their already shit lives. If you give a woman any kind of power, there's no way she wont abuse it.

F*ck this cunt
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Reminds me of that one meme where two foids walk past a kneeling construction worker and the foid says "stop oppressing me". If you know what I'm talking about, post it.
Just don't look at women bro
These men are being accused that she felt that they were looking at her.

I hope that if one of these construction workers lose their job (and they will because the cunt works for Mayor John Tory and sucks his cock), that the grieved ex-employees will storm into her office and go #Brasil on her.

#Brasil is a term which the way of the cartels who dismember and behead in the most violent way, usually way more violent than ISIS or Saudi Arabian executions.
In 2021 they will have laser eye tracking systems set up and if your eye lingers on any foid for too long you get instantly vaporized or hauled off to the gulags.
Only if sub8.
just because they dared to look at her. FUCK FEMICUNTS, LEPINE DID NOTHING WRONG.
Marc Lepine is a hERo for Leafistancels. Imagine how worse today it would be if Lepine didn't get rid of those man-hating feminist cunts.
please nuke Toronto
I bet she would wet her knickers if those guys were attractive
Marc Lepine is a hERo for Leafistancels. Imagine how worse today it would be if Lepine didn't get rid of those man-hating feminist cunts.
Those dead whores would've caused hundreds of men to rope if they were still alive.
please nuke Toronto
One has to request that to the Presidents of Russia, Iran or China.

I pray that a Chinaman or Ruskycel in Toronto goes ER on every feminist and homo cunt.
Those dead whores would've caused hundreds of men to rope if they were still alive.
I'm glad that they are dead. A feminist living permanently in a cemetery is a great feminist.

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