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It's Over Circumcision is cruelty



The pp183 theory
Sep 28, 2018
Circumcision might the best example of cultural rape. Society tries to give you a lesson by damaging your genitalia. It makes you less sensitive. That is really cruel and it is forced cuckoldry. In old times, society marked their new members with circumcision and it was still bad but at least it was fair. Females got circumcised too. But nowadays it is illegal to circumcise females. There is lwas protecting them. Why? IDK bec. they are females. Muslims practice it too and they are copying this disgusting tradition. I heard that people try to rationalise circumcision for hygine purposes and thats so pointless/stupid. My hands get dirty every day, we should just get rid of them, right? Same shit.
The worst part is lookism part; "uncut penis looks bad". If a female says this to you, you should call her a sadistic cunt. This so fucked up and selfish, imagine convincing some poor male to get rid of this foreskin. THAT PIECE OF SKIN MAKES SO MUCH DIFFERENCE, but a fucking girl cant relate to this since she has a cunt. She wants you to lose your pride and give her all the sexual power aka getting giga cucked. She just prefers mutilated unnatural DEGENERATE cocks bec. "teehee they LOOK better". Lookism. Thats a benefit for her if she likes them cut. She will still feel the same and she will enjoy the looks of the penis more.

People dont even think twice when they mutilate their kids. "Ahh everyone does it, its normal" This quote just proves the cultural rape we are living with. If you dont obey the culture, you are weird. Its actually really sad and ironic that people are literally making decisions of their boys sexual life. IF you get circumcised, your sexual life is over. You wont feel anything. Enjoy getting cucked and mogged by uncet penises. You will die without knowing how sex actually feels like. Isnt thisjust brutal? PermaVirginity = circumcised penis. Also that little boy has no right to fuck a girl at that age to reproduce, its an early time to get a surgery like this then. HIS BODY HIS CHOICE. Leave him alone.

People are really brainwashed in this topic, even my atheist parents. They couldnt give me a reason,a proper one. "OH MUH YOUR SKIN WAS TIGHT" Keep in your mind that i got circumcised at age 7 and i remember every fucking detail. That maks me rage but there is one benefit from it. I played with my peepee when i was like 6 or 7 and actually got orgasms every now and then. So i can say that i felt that awesome feeling in my life but I WILL NEVER EXPERIENCE it again.
No one has a right to apply their religion to their child also, i blame the jews for mutilating their sons dick.I can say that it comes from jewish culture. He shouldnt be a member of jewish society at that age.
I think, people should raise their kids in isolation, maybe a cabin in the woods might protect them from the malerape culture. WE nned based parents to do this tho, they should be;
1- Against circumcision
2- Capable of teaching basic stuff in enviroment

These are some quotes from circumcision supporters.
1- Its healthy

Stop here. Im not an expert but this forskin is the part of natural human body. This means that it has an actual purpose. If it was unhealthy, nature would make us get rid of it with adaptation. Also, i dont see any males (mostly) SUFFERING bec. of their foreskin. Circumcision should be the LAST option. But,in our clown world they push it to boys with no dick related problems. Its the normal procedure. This is so fucked up. To cut a part of a boys body, without an actual reason.

2- It looks nice

Do you force your ugly child to surgerymaxx his face when he is 1 year old also? Fuck off loser. IT IS HIS BODY HIS CHOICE.

3- Oh it gets dirty down there

Then fucking educate your son!You are his mother/father. Do you cut his limbs when he gets diry? No. Then you have no choice, converstion ends here fucking hypocrite.

4- Aids

We are not living in fucking Africa, get him some condoms.

5-Oh foreskin can cause penis cancer

Oh, you gave me cancer with this comment. You can always blow your brains out if you dont want to get brain tumors also, try it.

Last words, it is over. I will never know how sex feels like. Im a perma virgin, even if i have sex in the future somehow.
One life... And i will never know how it feels. One life, one wasted life.
never began for kikecels
I’m circumcised :cryfeels:
I don't even remember it tbh so it probably wasn't that bad, i remember being scared, then laying ontop of the surgery table and the next thing i know i wake up in the hospital bed.
I may have fallen asleep during the surgery due to with how many painkillers i was injected with :lul:

Another weird mayo thread about wanting a dumb looking flap of skin on your dick that makes it stink and cause dick cheese
Circumcision might the best example of cultural rape.
How dare you compare circumcision with rape inkwell? When there are real rape victims everyday, like 16 year old tiktok sluts who get fucked, I mean raped, by adults. :soy:
I'm a gorilla so I'm uncircumcised and cannot relate.

Gorilla 3561262 1280
Society tries to give you a lesson by damaging your genitalia. It makes you less sensitive. That is really cruel and it is forced cuckoldry.
Friendly reminder that circumcision was initially a practice imposed on captured enemies and later slaves.

The Jewish people, who were famously slaves, seem to have made a tradition out of a practice that was supposed to mark their inferiority. How dumb is that ?

I agree, it should be outlawed.
I hate that porn has normalized it.
This is a very based post and I like that your getting awareness of this. I got circumcised when I was a baby and I had nothing wrong with me. I'm not a fucking like either. Just my dad had been circumcised so they thought it would be ok to keep the tradition :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::y'all::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::y'all::rolleyes::D:(:reeeeee::(:(

I will never forgive them for chopping off an important part of me FOR NO FUCKING REASON
Circumcision might the best example of cultural rape.
The comparison with rape is interesting.

Imagine if there was a religion which had a tradition to rape newborns and was justified by saying "oh but he won't remember anything", or "ok it hurts but it doesn't last long" or dumb excuses like that.

That would never be accepted, right ? Oh wait...

fully agree with everything you said and am very glad im not circumcised
Its funny because no one in my family is fucking Jewish :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
The Jews pushed the “It’s beneficial for your health” hard in the 1800s and now most countries practice it just because “tradition, why not”.

Just mutilate your son theory.

Another weird mayo thread about wanting a dumb looking flap of skin on your dick that makes it stink and cause dick cheese
Im a ethnic, now suck my circumcised brown cock :lul:
I think circumcision is a way to control men's sexual urges so that they become good little wagies and contribute to the system a.k.a society and pay their taxes. if men weren't circumcised they would be chasing women trying to have sex with them, obviously cause it feels so good, the pure dopamine you get from it would be addicting (and this is found in nature, for example male bed bugs will follow a female bug and rape the female at once, look it up tbh). i think more men would even resort to rape since the urge would be so strong. i'm circumcised, so i have no idea what it feels like to jack off with foreskin. you can't miss what you never experienced, but if we all had foreskins the feeling would be exponentially better and we would say fuck working or studying just give me sex NOW, even if it's rape. so basically it's putting a harness on men to keep them in check, that's my theory anyways idk i could be wrong.
I think circumcision is a way to control men's sexual urges so that they become good little wagies and contribute to the system a.k.a society and pay their taxes. if men weren't circumcised they would be chasing women trying to have sex with them, obviously cause it feels so good, the pure dopamine you get from it would be addicting (and this is found in nature, for example male bed bugs will follow a female bug and rape the female at once, look it up tbh). i think more men would even resort to rape since the urge would be so strong. i'm circumcised, so i have no idea what it feels like to jack off with foreskin. you can't miss what you never experienced, but if we all had foreskins the feeling would be exponentially better and we would say fuck working or studying just give me sex NOW, even if it's rape. so basically it's putting a harness on men to keep them in check, that's my theory anyways idk i could be wrong.
Yes, i wish i could give more detail about this tbh but i jumped from topic to topic, had so much stuff to say tbh.
I agree, they try to give them a lesson and make them mindless robots.
non foreskin havers need to nofap asap
The comparison with rape is interesting.

Imagine if there was a religion which had a tradition to rape newborns and was justified by saying "oh but he won't remember anything", or "ok it hurts but it doesn't last long" or dumb excuses like that.

That would never be accepted, right ? Oh wait...

But if you send a dick pic to a 15 year old you're a rapist. :soy:
i think more men would even resort to rape since the urge would be so strong.

Dude it's only in the US and in semitic countries that circumcision is prevalent.

In European countries, apart from Jews and Muslims no one is circumcised and I doubt this correlates with more rapes.
Yes, i wish i could give more detail about this tbh but i jumped from topic to topic, had so much stuff to say tbh.
I agree, they try to give them a lesson and make them mindless robots.
I don't know if he's right though, because in countries where they don't genitally mutilate boys there aren't higher rape rates.
I don't know if he's right though, because in countries where they don't genitally mutilate boys there aren't higher rape rates.
Bec. in reality, uncut males can satisfy themselves properly. Just a theory.
Imagine getting your dick cut off while being totally conscious jfl. That happened to me. Another reason to hate your shitty parents.

Another weird mayo thread about wanting a dumb looking flap of skin on your dick that makes it stink and cause dick cheese
you do realize that bathing and washing your dick is a thing that you can do? all the supposed health benefits that the average person would get from circumcision can also be achieved by practicing basic hygiene. by the way that "dumb looking flap" is a natural part of your body that contains 20'000 nerve endings and you'll never be able to have a full orgasm without it
It really is. Can't believe that shit is accepted
Imagine getting your dick cut off while being totally conscious jfl. That happened to me. Another reason to hate your shitty parents.
it's absurd. this dumbfuck invisible nigga in the sky has ruined the dicks of over a billion men.
Still wish I was circumsised
Fuck any dumb ass parents who put their son through the torture of this blood sacrifice ritual. I don't care what anyone says, everyone who has had this done has to be mentally damaged in some way from this inhumane and emasculating experience. Changes in brain patterns before and after circumcision is one study (((they))) will never fund though.

JFL at this sick society where you have to be at least 18 to get a fucking tattoo, but allows babies to have their dicks chopped off. I have no tats nor do I have any desire to get any, but how fucked is that?

I will make illegal circumcision in the world if i can
I come from a group of brain dead desert Christians who still practice circumcision.
Dude it's only in the US and in semitic countries that circumcision is prevalent.

In European countries, apart from Jews and Muslims no one is circumcised and I doubt this correlates with more rapes.
i just looked this up, you're right. i'm not surprised im wrong, cause i'm fucking stupid. it was just a guess anyways.
Im a ethnic, now suck my circumcised brown cock :lul:

Sounds like your real problem isn’t your cut dick but how your people bathe in shit

Jfl @ Being a low tier Paki :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek:
you do realize that bathing and washing your dick is a thing that you can do? all the supposed health benefits that the average person would get from circumcision can also be achieved by practicing basic hygiene. by the way that "dumb looking flap" is a natural part of your body that contains 20'000 nerve endings and you'll never be able to have a full orgasm without it

Boo Hoo your not gonna ascend anyway “buh muh nurv endings” keep coping faggot:feelsEhh:
I don't understand why circumcision is still legal in every country

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