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Serious Christmaxxers, why did God create incels?

sneed (not chuck)

sneed (not chuck)

Jan 15, 2023
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
He didn't. Long story short, men chose sin and then the world became this cursed place we know now, full of suffering, disease, death, competition, injustice, etc. Then God Himself fixed the mess through Jesus and all you need to do is accepting Him to be a part of the future fixed world that is hopefully coming very very soon.
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
Images   2023 01 16T185805911
He didn't. Long story short, men chose sin and then the world became this cursed place we know now, full of suffering, disease, death, competition, injustice, etc. Then God Himself fixed the mess through Jesus and all you need to do is accepting Him to be a part of the future fixed world that is hopefully coming very very soon.
God still created that situation lol the idea that an omnipotent being has to "fix" anything it made is ridiculous. If he can make a "future fixed world" then why didn't he just make that one from the beginning?
God still created that situation lol the idea that an omnipotent being has to "fix" anything it made is ridiculous. If he can make a "future fixed world" then why didn't he just make that one from the beginning?
I honestly don't know. He could have made everything perfect and fail-proof from the start, it's true, but he didn't. Like Agostine said, if God is all-powerful, good, and evil exists, the only possible explanation is that it's being used for some goal. I just trust God honestly. I have already had too many answers, experiences and realizations so I know God is real.
Let's read some godcopers idiocies, gon be fun :feelsPop:
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
We were created to suffer for God's amusement.
He didn't. Long story short, men chose sin and then the world became this cursed place we know now, full of suffering, disease, death, competition, injustice, etc. Then God Himself fixed the mess through Jesus and all you need to do is accepting Him to be a part of the future fixed world that is hopefully coming very very soon.
I honestly don't know. He could have made everything perfect and fail-proof from the start, it's true, but he didn't. Like Agostine said, if God is all-powerful, good, and evil exists, the only possible explanation is that it's being used for some goal. I just trust God honestly. I have already had too many answers, experiences and realizations so I know God is real.
If it's your cope then cope away. I won't judge I have my own copes.
He didn't. Long story short, men chose sin and then the world became this cursed place we know now, full of suffering, disease, death, competition, injustice, etc. Then God Himself fixed the mess through Jesus and all you need to do is accepting Him to be a part of the future fixed world that is hopefully coming very very soon.
I grew up going to church and i believe in god(or a "higher being") but i disagree. To believe in this "future fixed world" seems to imply you believe in some rebirth or heaven after death. How do you know thats going to be any better than this existence? Letalone believe in the existence of heaven or another life?
There are many arguments one can find reading Christian authors; this is just my crude interpretation.
E.g. by making you prone to illness and weak health, God may prevent you from becoming a criminal or degenerate.

God may punish you to prevent you to commit sins. Let say you have natural and genetic inclination to violent and sadistic behavior. Of course if you are strong and good-looking, you will have many chances to act on your desires but if you're born with weak small body, this may prevent you from becoming violent.
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
World were living in is flawed. Same as why god let's people suffer in any other way.
How do you know thats going to be any better than this existence? Letalone believe in the existence of heaven or another life?
Faith. God consistently fulfilled prophecy and answered my prayers, so He has my trust.
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Faith. God consistently fulfilled prophecy and answered my prayers, so he has my trust.
If i were you i would pray to be rid of this forum and have a wife and kids or a greater purpose to focus on.
World were living in is flawed. Same as why god let's people suffer in any other way.
I am always curious about this. Would you trade your suffering as a incel for a different suffering more relatable to normies?
If i were you i would pray to be rid of this forum and have a wife and kids or a greater purpose to focus on.
I do pray for my professional plans and such but as for marriage, I honestly don't want it anymore. It just sucks that I can't control my high libido.
I do pray for my professional plans and such but as for marriage, I honestly don't want it anymore. It just sucks that I can't control my high libido.
Do you use religion to cope with being celibate?
Do you use religion to cope with being celibate?
I think we're close to the end times so everything went to shit just like the bible said it would by then. It's almost impossible to have a minimally functional marriage with the type of laws and culture we have nowadays.

Since there's no both satisfactory and godly way to put my sexuality to use, even if I weren't ugly, I'm not nearly as frustrated and desperate anymore.
Indian janitors were supposed to remain in India I guess?
He didn't. Long story short, men chose sin and then the world became this cursed place we know now, full of suffering, disease, death, competition, injustice, etc. Then God Himself fixed the mess through Jesus and all you need to do is accepting Him to be a part of the future fixed world that is hopefully coming very very soon.
How old are you?
I am always curious about this. Would you trade your suffering as a incel for a different suffering more relatable to normies?
I'm grateful. It could he much worse by the way.
Saved? Like... baptized?
No, saved by faith, by believing in Jesus and what He did. I did get baptized too but water baptism is not needed for salvation.
Imagine believe in god
He needed something to laugh at and pity at the same time.
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
The Demiurge created the physical realm we inhabit. He is malevolent
Re: is this really punishable?

Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#181230602Thursday, January 07, 2016 11:26 AM CST
Yes, you can blame leftists for conveying "Political Correctness." The process of desensitization towards religions such as Islam has begun, despite the fact that the Constitution strictly mandates separation of religion and government-functionality. Crude oil and foreign community support are the primary factors involved.
Re: i wish i didnt grow up in a religious household

Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#181269683Friday, January 08, 2016 1:04 AM CST
Religion is only adhered to because it instills fear of eternal punishment via psychological-manipulation. Essentially, such ideologies are structured on mental abuse.
Re: [ Content Deleted ]

Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#181289793Friday, January 08, 2016 3:20 PM CST
It is simply a "logical" explanation for natural phenomena. Your naivety is quite evident, given that you do not recognize that the entire structure of scientific knowledge orientates around objective analysis. Also, this is relevant to biology, considering that it describes inheritance of mutations throughout various generations, whereas religion is solely subjective.
Re: Dear people who just started to forum here,

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 58
#189856065Friday, May 27, 2016 7:07 PM CDT
Morality is subjective, imbecile.
Re: what is the meaning of life?

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 58
#190247409Wednesday, June 01, 2016 3:12 PM CDT
It all depends on the perspective on which you seek to approach the question. From a purely abstract perspective, an overall "meaning" does not exist; individuals merely construct their own principles of "morality" because it directly benefits them in some manner. From a biological perspective, the actual purpose is nothing more than constant replication(Via reproduction) to ensure persistence/dominance of a given species. "Religion" is merely a fabrication to allow vulnerable civilians to be manipulated by the dominant elite. Ignore such claims of "divine" guidance. When the aforementioned perspectives intersect, the result is civilization, which utilizes the correlation of abstract principles and concrete knowledge to ensure that a given ethnic group is abundant.
I think there's a God. God populated nature with winners and losers. We are the losers, Chads are the winners, and foids are holes for the winners to enjoy. Since only humans are conscious God probably looks like a Chad. So he creates blessed Chad children over and over again, while also creating less fortunate males that only exists to make his blessed children feel better about themselves. Praise white Chad Jesus who was born in the middle east
God may punish you to prevent you to commit sins. Let say you have natural and genetic inclination to violent and sadistic behavior. Of course if you are strong and good-looking, you will have many chances to act on your desires but if you're born with weak small body, this may prevent you from becoming violent.
Are we forgetting that god is OMNIPOTENT? God could have solved that problem in a way that didn't make you suffer. He's fucking god he can do anything. He chose to make incels, nothing forced his hand.

World were living in is flawed. Same as why god let's people suffer in any other way.
That's evil tbh if I was god there'd be no incels. Everyone would get a stacey.
The Demiurge created the physical realm we inhabit. He is malevolent
I can't even begin to describe how much more likely malevolent god is. It makes perfect sense unlike normal religions. It's either that, or humanity being an experiment created by superior beings who actually know their true purpose of being alive. Maybe they even have a god that actually interacts with them
I can't even begin to describe how much more likely malevolent god is. It makes perfect sense unlike normal religions. It's either that, or humanity being an experiment created by superior beings who actually know their true purpose of being alive. Maybe they even have a god that actually interacts with them
Are you familiar with Gnosticism?
The western concept of individuals barely exists in ancient Jewish texts. In the book of Joshua one person sinned and when God mentions it he says "all Israel sinned". In the New Testament the church is one body, actually all resurrection qoutes have singular body and plural concept but Romans 8 11. One body and its members are different individuals.

If you care to research this view read 1 Corinthians 12 12-27.

Morals should be looked on the social level and not on individual. Sinning society = destruction.
God still created that situation lol the idea that an omnipotent being has to "fix" anything it made is ridiculous. If he can make a "future fixed world" then why didn't he just make that one from the beginning?
Free will
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
God has a plan.

We humans are mere cogs in his perfect machine, that is: "Creation" (with capital C)

Sexhavers mission is to procreate.

non-sexhavers' mission is to make stuff that's useful to the procreation of others (like monks do, aslo Tesla, Newton, etc.), or to go ER and destroy what is left of this wretched soyciety just so another better society can be built upon it's ashes. If you're a janitor, maybe your mission is to make sure the building is in perfect order so the sexhavers can procreate in peace. That's all part of god's plan. Or maybe blow up the building (with those red TNT boxes in minecraft) if everyone inside it turns out to be a terminally degenerate wretched unrepentant sinner, pig spirits & Babylon whores.

Whatever you are, you're part of God's plan. That makes your life meaningful.

How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
God can't be evil. There were long theological debates about this. Many arguments can be easily googled up. Example.

The belief in a "bad god" in place of a "good god" is known as gnosticism, which is a defunct theological perspective -- all its arguments were all addressed and defeated abundantly through the centuries by several philosophical schools of though in several continents and religions.

A simple refutation is this: a bad god would seek to maximize evil. If that were the case, all of creation (the stars, planets, the living beings etc.) would move in the direction of becoming as bad as possible. Living beings would not act to seek good, but evil. Humans would not seek to be better, to do things that improve their conditions, but to become worse, to do things that worsen their lives, and so on. Soon, all of creation would be self-destroying because evil is not edifying, it is destructive. The first living cell would not seek ways to eat and multiply, but to be sick, suffer and die, and there would be no life at all. What we observe is that all living beings seek to improve their situation, sometimes at the expense of others, but each single one of them is running towards improvement.

An evil god would simply play dungeon keeper, torture it's little critters and be done with it. What we observe is the opposite -- humans building technology, civilization, improving things all around them. Even a simple ant or bee is working towards improving it's colony. Even bacteria build their biofilms to improve their situation. That can't be the work of an evil god that seeks to maximize evil.

In fact, evil can't me maximized because evil is parasitic and self-limiting. Evil people prey on good people, but if you toss lots of evil people on an island they destroy themselves. In fact, evil people cannot survive if they run out of good people to exploit, or out of ways to exploit good people.
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What we observe is that all living beings seek to improve their situation, sometimes at the expense of others
Yeah this is precisely why god must be evil if he exists. Of all the realities he could have created, he chose the one where animals regularly prey on each other for survival. The default nature of life is to consoom other life. How is that not evil by design?
Yeah this is precisely why god must be evil if he exists. Of all the realities he could have created, he chose the one where animals regularly prey on each other for survival. The default nature of life is to consoom other life. How is that not evil by design?
Also, when the zebra eats the grass to make milk to feed its infants, it's doing something good... to its infants.

When the lion kills a zebra to feed its cubs, it's doing something good... to its cubs.

All living beings struggle to move in the direction of good, that is, to improve it's situation.

This struggle is what "life" is.

If zebras and lions didn't consoom anything there would be no movement towards any sort of improvement. The zebras wouldn't be good at running, and the lions wouldn't be good at chewing meat. In fact, nothing would be "good" because to be "good" means to win at a struggle. In fact, those struggle-less, lifeless beings would be even more insignificant than neutrinos which don't improve anything in any way. Without struggle, there is no "good", creation would be entirely sterile, non-moving. And we wouldn't be wasting electricity having this discussion about good and evil. If we can't contemplate good and evil we can't chose to be good (or evil), therefore we would be sterile, lifeless, and non-moving at all, as if the entire creation were just 1 neutrino that does nothing to no-one and nothing happens to it either. This neutrino couldn't "chose" to be good, because there would be nothing to be good at. It's like the garden of Eden pre-original sin.
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Also, when the zebra eats the grass to make milk to feed its infants, it's doing something good... to its infants.

When the lion kills a zebra to feed its cubs, it's doing something good... to its cubs.

All living beings struggle to move in the direction of good, that is, to improve it's situation.

This struggle is what "life" is.

If zebras and lions didn't consoom anything there would be no movement towards any sort of improvement. The zebras wouldn't be good at running, and the lions wouldn't be good at chewing meat. In fact, nothing would be "good" because to be "good" means to win at a struggle. In fact, those struggle-less, lifeless beings would be even more insignificant than neutrinos which don't improve anything in any way. Without struggle, there is no "good", creation would be entirely sterile, non-moving. And we wouldn't be wasting electricity having this discussion about good and evil. If we can't contemplate good and evil we can't chose to be good (or evil), therefore we would be sterile, lifeless, and non-moving at all, as if the entire creation were just 1 neutrino that does nothing to no-one and nothing happens to it either.
Do you believe in heaven and if so is there struggle and suffering there?
I have already had too many answers, experiences and realizations so I know God is real.
Do you know for sure or you just lean towards the fact that he is real? What kind of experiences you had that increased your certainty that god is real?
Do you believe in heaven and if so is there struggle and suffering there?
I'm not religious.

I don't believe in "heaven" or "hell" as places, like a garden or a volcanic pit. These are metaphors for peasants.

I believe that each of our deeds leave it's footprints in creation. These footprints can be good (like Tesla) or bad (like Stalin). The same way the atoms that comprise our bodies keep on existing after we die, the footprints we leave remain all around... and living a good life, leaving good footprints is heaven. Another way to put it, heaven is the set of all good footprints left behind by the ones that came before, and it's all around us, like the electricity we're using thanks to Tesla.

Likewise, being evil and leaving a trail of destruction behind, is hell. Another way to put it, hell is the set of all bad footprints that bad people left, and it's all around us also.

This is why the world can never be perfect, we will always be under the influence of bad deeds from other people, dead or alive.

As a thought experiment, if it were possible to separate all good deeds from all bad deeds, there would be a place like hell and heaven. But it's not possible, so we live in the real world, with heaven and hell all around us all the time. This is what I believe.

Heaven and Hell: A Zen Parable​

A tough, brawny samurai once approached a Zen master who was deep in meditation.

Impatient and discourteous, the samurai demanded in his husky voice so accustomed to forceful yelling, “Tell me the nature of heaven and hell.”

The Zen master opened his eyes, looked the samurai in the face, and replied with a certain scorn, “Why should I answer to a shabby, disgusting, despondent slob like you? A worm like you, do you think I should tell you anything? I can’t stand you. Get out of my sight. I have no time for silly questions.”

The samurai could not bear these insults. Consumed by rage, he drew his sword and raised it to sever the master’s head at once.

Looking straight into the samurai’s eyes, the Zen master tenderly declared, “That’s hell.”

The samurai froze. He immediately understood that anger had him in its grip. His mind had just created his own hell—one filled with resentment, hatred, self-defense, and fury. He realized that he was so deep in his torment that he was ready to kill somebody.

The samurai’s eyes filled with tears. Setting his sword aside, he put his palms together and obsequiously bowed in gratitude for this insight.

The Zen master gently acknowledged with a delicate smile, “And that’s heaven.”
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Do you know for sure or you just lean towards the fact that he is real? What kind of experiences you had that increased your certainty that god is real?
all what you're saying is just cope man, you know deep down its all bullshit u just dont wana admit it. god never answered my prayers. why would he answer you instead of me? ive done nothing wrong my whole life. yet life has destroyed me in every way possible.

if religion is so real why is there like 100 religions? if you think about it everything we are afraid of or can't explain we associate it by being a work of god.

in old times, they didnt know what the sun is so they made a god of sun known as Ra.
same thing for everything they couldn't explain, they killed people for the idea of "sacrifice" so that their made up god keeps blessing them with sun, water, good weather whatever the bullshit reason was.

you were brainwashed as a kid and it is hard to overcome you're brainwashing even if you're smart which i believe you are, it is still hard to beat the years of brainwashing that happenned to you as a baby up until you became an adult with your own thoughts.

inceldom is nothing, its not even an issue for most people, i know some people who can't afford bread, who live day by day not knowing if they'll survive another week, disabled, chronically impaired and in pain, alone ect..

just cancer alone and all other horrible diseases prove that god is not real and even if he's real than thats worse because no words can describe how evil he is.
Such answers to prayers are not like God appears in a hurricane in front of me and tells me things, kek. He answers me through the bible. I ask something, open the bible randomly and the answer is perfectly stated there. This happened so many times that the chances of coincidence are negligible.

What I recommend you is, be humble and sincere ("I've done nothing wrong in my whole life"? come on, man) and ask God in the name of Jesus to manifest Himself in your life and give you faith. Read the bible and use it to ask things.
God gave me life parents gave me shit genetics
Well, its the retarded whore cunt eve's fault. The ones we have to blame are the retarded simps that forgot humanities first lessen, leave women to their own devices and they will fuck up paradise because a snake told them

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