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LifeFuel Christiancels, are you really as hopeless as you think, considering your relationship with Christ?



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
Someone on Twitter explained to me that you cannot be hopeless if you have a personal relationship with Christ. That things like not having romance in your life are trivial in His sight. Do you have a relationship with Christ? And if you do, do you agree that He sustains you?
Religion is the biggest fucking cope out there old man. Having an imaginary god won't save you from the compulsion that's brought upon by your unmet needs. We are need machines from the time we are born, so no amount of trivializing those needs will help.

I'm asking the Christians.
People will call all religions cope. But the only one religion that is truly cope is Christianity. Nietzsche was right when he called it a slave morality. They turn every weakness into a virtue. It's a religion for the weak. Only based Islam has a backbone.
Religion is a joke. End of story.
Believing in god in 2019 is proof that brainwashing exists today
Cant talk about christ on here because atheistcels want to talk down to you even though i have love for all my brothers in the same situation as i am in, no matter what religion, race, or anything else
Cant talk about christ on here because atheistcels want to talk down to you even though i have love for all my brothers in the same situation as i am in, no matter what religion, race, or anything else

We can talk about Christ in the private vestibule that is Conversations.
God helped me stop envying fornicators and rightfully start looking at them with scorn. I'd rather remain celibate for life than be a part of this degeneracy:

Let God burn them.
As a former Christian I suppose I can answer your question OP.

Back when I was brainwashed into the Jew cult I'd say I was sustained by my belief in Jesus.

Its been a long time since I was a hardcore Christian but I think when I was I viewed women and relationships as something Jesus/Yahweh would provide for me if it was my destiny as I think if memory serves correct there may be a verse in the Bible that says Jesus/Yahweh will provide for you your perfect partner for you or something along those lines either over time or if you trust in faith and remain true to the word of god or something along those lines. I really wish I remembered the exact verse.

Anyway to a True Christian™ being saved and getting into Heaven and spending eternity with Jesus, god the father, your dead relatives, family and friends is literally all that matters.

Its basically as Nietzche pointed out that you come to despise this life ie the only life we know for a fact actually exists while pining away for the supposed next one which is allegedly eternal and for all time.

So while not having a girlfriend was of course depressing for me as it is for so many of us as a hardcore Christian it was at the same time very low on the list of priorities to carry out in my life.

I was so deep into the cult at one point I was almost seriously considering becoming a Christian pastor.
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No need for neckbeards to take over this thread

Not having a relationship I dont think Christ sees as trivial, especially if you want one
No need for neckbeards to take over this thread

Not having a relationship I dont think Christ sees as trivial, especially if you want one

So what is Christ's plan/response to you not having a relationship right now? Should you be sad and strive to get one? Should you be content, and know that your life is going according to his plan?
So what is Christ's plan/response to you not having a relationship right now? Should you be sad and strive to get one? Should you be content, and know that your life is going according to his plan?

1Corinthians 7:9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Religion is the biggest fucking cope out there old man. Having an imaginary god won't save you from the compulsion and distress that's brought upon by your needs going unmet. We are need machines from the time we are born, so no amount of trivializing those needs will help.
religion was developed for a reason, being able to fall back on things like spirituality should be important for people
I make out with Christ all the time.

I’m an agnostic atheist tbh.
@FrothySolutions You've been exposed to atheist and blackpilled philosophy which explains how we are animals based on our primitive evolutionary sociobiology. And yet, in the face of all this, you still hold onto religious cope. Why?

I do?
So what is Christ's plan/response to you not having a relationship right now? Should you be sad and strive to get one? Should you be content, and know that your life is going according to his plan?

You should be content and it is possible to cope. like you would if you lost a leg, or an arm. its a sucky situation, but you can keep living and maintain a reasonable quality of life.
I used to be a Christian and I do believe God exists but I'm not anymore, there's no point, I realized God hates me for some reason. I used to think that if I was a good Christian, God would help me and he would make people accept me and He would provide me with a girlfriend as I saw that happend with all the good looking guys at my church. But I realized it was all a cope, God is a huge cope, and there is no point in serving a God that makes you suffer.
Someone on Twitter explained to me that you cannot be hopeless if you have a personal relationship with Christ. That things like not having romance in your life are trivial in His sight. Do you have a relationship with Christ? And if you do, do you agree that He sustains you?

I demand a serious explanation:
What have I done to Christ to deserve this level of subhumanity and treatment from females?
You will not find coping religious fags here.

I’m a Christian and so is 22% of the active users here, according to the most recent survey. We also have Muslims and Hindus.
So what is Christ's plan/response to you not having a relationship right now? Should you be sad and strive to get one? Should you be content, and know that your life is going according to his plan?
What makes you think that having a relationship would improve your life? Spreading the Gospel is the only thing a Christian is ordered to do. Anything else is pursuing desires of the flesh.
Even if there is a god, Christians never cease to amaze me with their stupidity
Someone on Twitter explained to me that you cannot be hopeless if you have a personal relationship with Christ. That things like not having romance in your life are trivial in His sight. Do you have a relationship with Christ? And if you do, do you agree that He sustains you?
1Corinthians 7:9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Genesis 2:18 - The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Look, I wish at some point in life I could get married to a foid that loves me and won't cheat or dream about Chad. That's asking for a miracle for such a foid.

Do I believe God can provide such a woman into my life? Of course. I BELIEVE anything is within the realm of reality for God (within reason).

Now the thing is, humans aren't exactly robots per say. I'm not going to discuss where I stand on free will, but we're not being controlled like pawns by God. He gives us options and it's up to us to choose what we want.

Roman's 1:24 - Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

There's earthly elements that are definitely affecting a foid ever been with me (being ugly in the eyes of the world + Hypergamy).

I do have a relationship with christ, albeit it's not a great one but I'm working on it.
Religiouscel here.

When i was in my late 20s (i'm in my 40s now, btw), there was a point where i thought my life was over. Not in an hyperbolic sense, but truly over. I was in complete and utter despair, and i was contemplating suicide, but then something hit me. It was like a revelation, a kind of realization not so much that there was a life and a reality above this one but the sudden realization there's could not be anything BUT a life and a reality above this one.

The atheist position is simply nonsensical. Their point of view is that everything is relative which means this world hinges on an absolute nothing, which also implies that this relativity is absolute as well which is a flat out contradiction. If you really think about it, if you free yourself of the peer pressure to believe the atheist position is the "intelligent" one, you'll realize just how much of a fool you have been to believe it:

Relativity can only hinge on the existence of an absolute something, and that something can only be God. Once i realized that all my terror and despair kinda of vaporized. Everything i thought to be lost, all the happiness i "missed out" in this life which i knew was forever out of my reach now, because of the hopelessness of my situation, the loss of that magical period we call youth etc, suddenly none of it mattered because i knew that none of that was truly lost. That special happiness you always dreamed about but you were never able to obtain exists outside of this world, and has been there for eternity. Nothing that happens in this life down here can destroy it, nothing can touch it.

With that realization in mind, all the suffering i experienced in this life ceased to really matter. It didn't entirely disappear, but i no longer despair because of it, because i know for a fact there's going to be light at the end of the tunnel, and all my suffering now comes from my inability to stay on the path towards salvation. It's only when i commit a sin that i feel the suffering and despair return. Whenever i manage to stay on the path i have this contentment and detachment which makes all my troubles down here seem unimportant.

So yes, i believe God supports me and makes me able to endure any suffering, but that support is conditional. You have to follow his way, or you'll be back to the despair and the terror.
just fuck Jesus theory
There’s a direct connection between religiosity and mental illness. Many are self-righteous using religion as a crutch and it’s very off-putting.
Christ has abandoned us all, us incels need to seek another form of religion.
One that truly represents us.
I would say Islam but I cannot be bothered going to the mosque and praying 500 times a day.
I say we modify Islam, keep Shariah law but remove the religious aspects of it.
As a former Christian I suppose I can answer your question OP.

Back when I was brainwashed into the Jew cult I'd say I was sustained by my belief in Jesus.

Its been a long time since I was a hardcore Christian but I think when I was I viewed women and relationships as something Jesus/Yahweh would provide for me if it was my destiny as I think if memory serves correct there may be a verse in the Bible that says Jesus/Yahweh will provide for you your perfect partner for you or something along those lines either over time or if you trust in faith and remain true to the word of god or something along those lines. I really wish I remembered the exact verse.

Anyway to a True Christian™ being saved and getting into Heaven and spending eternity with Jesus, god the father, your dead relatives, family and friends is literally all that matters.

Its basically as Nietzche pointed out that you come to despise this life ie the only life we know for a fact actually exists while pining away for the supposed next one which is allegedly eternal and for all time.

So while not having a girlfriend was of course depressing for me as it is for so many of us as a hardcore Christian it was at the same time very low on the list of priorities to carry out in my life.

I was so deep into the cult at one point I was almost seriously considering becoming a Christian pastor.
why did you leave?
Tfw no angel gf
As of now, the only reason why im going to church is because of a few friends ive known for about 6 years. When we graduate and go our own ways, im never going to church again. It's full bluepilled shit and i just cant bear listening to it over and over and over and over again.
I try to have a good relationship with Christ, but lately I have been failing. I am a power hungry, money hungry, and status hungry, evil man. I’m trying to learn from Christ and pray while not completely falling to the temptation of completely hating women.
we're not being controlled like pawns by God. He gives us options and it's up to us to choose what we want.
I'll tell you the problem that I have with this reasoning.

If God truly is omniscient, then naturally he would already know the outcomes that people will choose for themselves, he would know that many allow themselves to be damned, without any real control over their own nature or circumstances. If this isn't the case, then God is not omniscient, in which case he must not be omnipotent either, and therefore monotheism must be untrue.

However if this is indeed the case, then God allows people to suffer and ultimately be condemned for choices that he must know they would make, and such a thing is so pointless and cruel that's it's irreconcilable with any proposed idea of God.

Furthermore, we don't choose what we want, that's impossible. The entire manner through which we do anything is by weighing our wants and desires, then choosing what we believe to be the best option based upon what we want the most, and what we'd most prefer to avoid.
I'm not a christiancel
why did you leave?

There were just too many uncomfortable questions that kept popping up in my mind about the Jew cult that eventually caused me to break from it.

Its kind of hilarious now that I think back that the utterly fictitious Ann Frank story played a part in my break from the Christ cult as one of the questions that kept popping up into my head is how a god like Yahweh/Jesus could consider themselves righteous and just and all that other good stuff if after suffering so much in the holohoax and dying they'd still send people like Ann Frank to the Hell they created simply for being Jews and not Jesus worshipping Christians.

And as compelling as I find Howard Storm's NDE to be there have been other people just as sincere who had near death experiences and had no NDE to report whatsoever ie pro wrestling legend Jerry "The King" Lawler for example who had a legitimate on air heart attack during an episode of RAW and later when interviewed after he was on the road to recovery he reported he had no memory of his heart attack nor the match he wrestled nor any experience/recollection of a visit to a Heaven or Hell afterlife realm.

Then there's the NDE story of Dr. Steven Greer a well known UFOlogist who reported that he didn't see anything having to do with Christianity or any other well known mainstream religion or even less known forgotten religion, he simply reported if memory serves correct that he was greeted by two powerful beings who told him he could either go with them or continue his life on earth if he so chose. Well he chose to come back here quite obviously since he's still around.

Also one of my ideological heroes Varg Vikernes apparently had an NDE type of experience but attributed the god like being whom he may of been in the presence of or realm of as the pagan god known as "Baldur the bright" and not anything having to do with Jesus or Christianity.

Anyway sorry I kind of digressed a bit with my posts about various NDE experiencer accounts but I just want you and everyone to know I didn't leave Christianity lightly. Its an entire worldview after all and was painful to let go of and try to find something else to live my life by.

So now...well actually always...I just try to remain an open minded truthseeker. I sometimes even pray a prayer to any god that may exist whether it be Jesus or Odin or whoever to reveal themselves to me or tell me something profound so I can believe in them even if they can only manage to do so in a dream but nothing as of yet after all my years of requesting this.

So it seems at this point perfectly reasonable to me for people to not believe in any religions at all whether it be Christianity, paganism or whatever.

Though as a white racialist I still encourage and promote whites to at least learn about our pagan past and heritage siince it in a way tells us who we really are apart from the Jew's desert fables giving us a false sense of self and one made in a distorted image the Jews would have for us.

Anyway well known atheist Matt Dillahunty basically has it right when he says something along the lines of if a god is real it shouldn't be playing the world's largest/longest "hide n' go seek" contest/competition with all of us and just plainly reveal itself to whoever wants it to as that is quite simply the best, most direct way to communicate it's 100% authentic existance to us, no more questions needed or asked and no more wondering required.

I think Matt also went on to say no single person should be any more special than an another in the eyes of a god as in a god revealing himself/itself to one person yet freezing the rest of us out.

Again if a god exists he/it should make itself plainly known to whomever wants to communicate with said god.

No decent human parent (flawed as even they can be) would treat it's children as religion's god does ie by hiding itself and not coming to it's child's/creation's immediate aid if said child/creation screamed/cried out for help when in desperate trouble.

Christopher Hitchens made a good point about this point as well talking about the victim of the rapist pedophile Joseph Fritzl about how that person (the man's own daughter) suffered for years at his hands and Heaven apparently watched silent and indifferent, doing nothing at all about it.

Yeah eventually Joseph Fritzl was brought to justice but far after the damage had been done and how many more Joseph Fritzl's are out there right now who never do get caught?

And sure an argument could be made that said people will eventually die and burn in Hell forever but how does that help any of their victims? Even if the victim gets to be happy about that they still have to live and suffer with their rape trauma for the rest of their lives.

So tl;dr...

It just seems to me that Christianity and any other religion or being purporting to be a god or even the pagan gods/goddesses if any of them exist certainly has a lot to answer for.
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I'm on the outside looking in. I can't relate to the Christian experience. I just accept that God is not with me.
Religion is the biggest fucking cope out there old man. Having an imaginary god won't save you from the compulsion and distress that's brought upon by your needs going unmet. We are need machines from the time we are born, so no amount of trivializing those needs will help.
God helped me stop envying fornicators and rightfully start looking at them with scorn. I'd rather remain celibate for life than be a part of this degeneracy:

Let God burn them.
I have a hard time believing this. It's like parents of a Down Syndrome child saying that they wouldn't change their child if they could because having their little miracle has taught them the gift of patience. While they look at all of the parents with their healthy kids.

If a magic genie could turn you into a heightmaxxed, framemaxxed, gym maxed hyper NT 20-30 year old Chad/Tyrone/Abdul, you would milk it for all it's worth and be participating in the degeneracy.
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I'll tell you the problem that I have with this reasoning.

If God truly is omniscient, then naturally he would already know the outcomes that people will choose for themselves, he would know that many allow themselves to be damned, without any real control over their own nature or circumstances. If this isn't the case, then God is not omniscient, in which case he must not be omnipotent either, and therefore monotheism must be untrue.

However if this is indeed the case, then God allows people to suffer and ultimately be condemned for choices that he must know they would make, and such a thing is so pointless and cruel that's it's irreconcilable with any proposed idea of God.

Furthermore, we don't choose what we want, that's impossible. The entire manner through which we do anything is by weighing our wants and desires, then choosing what we believe to be the best option based upon what we want the most, and what we'd most prefer to avoid.

God is outside space and time altogether. Your reasoning is flawed because you are assuming God thinks like we do and knows things like we do.
What does this even mean?? Is it even possible?? And how do you know this??

God is absolute reality. Time is relative, therefore, God must exist outside time. This is the definition of "eternity". God's reality is not like our own. He doesn't "think" in sequence. He doesn't experience duration at all. For him there is only an eternal "present" which is the most perfect present imaginable, a fixed state of pure perfection that is immutable and that's why God doesn't experience time, because time implies change.

As to how i know this, aside from being obvious if you understand metaphysics, there's also plenty of traditional sources that talk about this. St. Augustine for instance made extensive references about God being outside time. This book contains a collection of references to the nature of eternity culled from various religions:

So the reason God is omniscient is because he is the principle of all things, so every "possibility" of relative existence is already prefigured in God a priori.
God is outside space and time altogether. Your reasoning is flawed because you are assuming God thinks like we do and knows things like we do.
God is absolute reality. Time is relative, therefore, God must exist outside time. This is the definition of "eternity". God's reality is not like our own. He doesn't "think" in sequence. He doesn't experience duration at all. For him there is only an eternal "present" which is the most perfect present imaginable, a fixed state of pure perfection that is immutable and that's why God doesn't experience time, because time implies change.
So the reason God is omniscient is because he is the principle of all things, so every "possibility" of relative existence is already prefigured in God a priori.
Well I agree that makes sense, but the poorly worded point I'm trying to make is that God wouldn't have chosen to create this universe at all, there is no logic behind the idea no matter which way you look at it. The whole being outside time thing and not experiencing change would suggest that God isn't conscious and obviously isn't an agent of his will (or desire) in the same way that we are, thus it doesn't make sense to suggest that God 'wants' anything in the first place, least of all anything from us, and he couldn't have acted to create a beginning.

But perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, or forgetting a potential argument, my knowledge on the subject is admittedly lacking. I could go on and on about consequentialist ethics, not so much about theology though, and definitely not metaphysics.
Well, i think the answer to why the universe and the world work they way the do can be approached better once you start to understand that, technically speaking, there is really no reason for a "perfect" and "absolute" entity to create anything. If God is absolute perfection, the principle of being in itself. If his essence is fixed on an eternal "present" that is immutable and unchanging by virtue of being perfect, why create anything? Logically speaking, there can only be one absolute which means everything else that exists apart from God must be "flawed" in some way since only God is perfect, and why does a perfect being needs to create an imperfect universe? Perfection has no "needs", by definition.

In essence, the real difficult question is not so much why God would create or allow evil to exist, but why he would bother to create anything at all, and the best explanation i've come across for that is that creation exists because it is implied in the very nature of God:

The Absolute by definition includes the Infinite — their common content being Perfection or the Good — and the Infinite in its turn gives rise, at the degree of that "lesser Absolute" that is Being, to ontological All-Possibility. Being cannot not include efficient Possibility, because it cannot prevent the Absolute from including the Infinite. Possibility has so to speak two dimensions, one "horizontal" and one "descending," or one "qualitative" and one "quantitative," analogically or metaphorically speaking. The first contains the indefinitely diverse qualities and archetypes, whereas the second projects them in the direction of "nothingness" or impossibility. In drawing away from its source — namely pure Being — the second dimension on the one hand coagulates the qualities and archetypes, and on the other manifests their contraries; whence ultimately the phenomenon of contrastive manifestation, and consequently of evil. Being, which coincides with the personal God, cannot prevent evil because, as we have said, It cannot abolish, and could not wish to abolish, the Infinitude of the pure Absolute.

The logic here is inescapable. God is absolute. Because he is absolute, he is also infinite. But infinity implies everything, including that which is relative. But that which is relative cannot exist in God, therefore, infinity has to actualize the relative somewhere else, and that's where creation comes into place.

To some people this seems pantheistic but it's not. The correct term would be panentheistic i guess, but either way the claim is not that the universe is God but that the universe is an actualization of the infinity of God. God and the universe are still separated by an insurmountable ontological disconnection, but the universe is a part of God and thus the reason things exist at all is because of what God is, and he cannot not be what he is, and the reason he cannot create a perfect universe is that only one perfection can exist and if the universe was perfect it would just BE God so the universe must be imperfect or it has no reason to be.

So all this explains why there is such a thing as evil, suffering, ugliness and the like. What is left then is to understand our place in this universe, once we understand that the universe has to be what it is and cannot be anything else. And the answer to the latter question is that an emanation, which is what the universe is, also implies a reintegration, which is where "we" come into place. Our purpose is to return to God, just as the purpose of the physical universe is to draw away from God and manifest his qualities in relativity. If the universe contains evil and suffering because it is an emanation away from God, we, as agents of reintegration, must give up everything that is separate from God in order to reunite with him. And it is to help us with this that God created religion. The words of the father explained Christianity best: "God became man so that man may become God". In Orthodoxy, this transformation is referred to as Theosis. From this perspective, earthly suffering isn't really seen as a punishment but sometimes even as an opportunity, so that on some level incels may actually be more fortunate than Chad who has no reason to abandon his hedonistic style and thus the possibility of reintegration with the divine is denied to him, where as it may be some people suffer because God wants them back.
Even kissing before marriage is a sin. You can't ask God to help you sin.

There is a correct way to marry and exert your sexuality but it seems like something from another dimension that, tbh, I don't think I'd even be able to practice after all these years deviated from the correct path.
Religiouscel here.

When i was in my late 20s (i'm in my 40s now, btw), there was a point where i thought my life was over. Not in an hyperbolic sense, but truly over. I was in complete and utter despair, and i was contemplating suicide, but then something hit me. It was like a revelation, a kind of realization not so much that there was a life and a reality above this one but the sudden realization there's could not be anything BUT a life and a reality above this one.

The atheist position is simply nonsensical. Their point of view is that everything is relative which means this world hinges on an absolute nothing, which also implies that this relativity is absolute as well which is a flat out contradiction. If you really think about it, if you free yourself of the peer pressure to believe the atheist position is the "intelligent" one, you'll realize just how much of a fool you have been to believe it:

Relativity can only hinge on the existence of an absolute something, and that something can only be God. Once i realized that all my terror and despair kinda of vaporized. Everything i thought to be lost, all the happiness i "missed out" in this life which i knew was forever out of my reach now, because of the hopelessness of my situation, the loss of that magical period we call youth etc, suddenly none of it mattered because i knew that none of that was truly lost. That special happiness you always dreamed about but you were never able to obtain exists outside of this world, and has been there for eternity. Nothing that happens in this life down here can destroy it, nothing can touch it.

With that realization in mind, all the suffering i experienced in this life ceased to really matter. It didn't entirely disappear, but i no longer despair because of it, because i know for a fact there's going to be light at the end of the tunnel, and all my suffering now comes from my inability to stay on the path towards salvation. It's only when i commit a sin that i feel the suffering and despair return. Whenever i manage to stay on the path i have this contentment and detachment which makes all my troubles down here seem unimportant.

So yes, i believe God supports me and makes me able to endure any suffering, but that support is conditional. You have to follow his way, or you'll be back to the despair and the terror.

This. Beautifully worded.
People will call all religions cope. But the only one religion that is truly cope is Christianity. Nietzsche was right when he called it a slave morality. They turn every weakness into a virtue. It's a religion for the weak. Only based Islam has a backbone.
Except Christianity is a religion for the strong. Islam is actually easier to follow, and if you read the Quaran this point, that God had "eased up" on the demands of religion, is repeated more than a few times.

I know what you are thinking now, how is Christianity difficult?

Well, consider what Christ asked us to do, and what kind of example he set, than ask your self how easy it would be to follow that path.

Ho wait, i don't have to ask that because people in this forum are already experiencing the hardships involved in "giving up" on the things of this world except Christians are supposed to do it willingly where as most people here have been forced to do it against their will. Even so, i would think incels should have a much deeper understanding compared to the average normie how frikking hard that actually is.
Used to be religios.Stopped believing after i lost my parents.

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