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JFL Christian coper on twitter "women are not attracted by MONEY, they're attracted by VIRTUE"



My jawline = Your sexlife
Feb 1, 2018

Can you believe this ?

I'm christian myself so no hate on them but some of them need to be educated on the blackpill. Also I doubt St John Chrysostom said something like that or there's definitely missing context, as medieval theologians were extremely blackpilled.

That being said, really ? "Virtue" attracts the heart of a woman ?

Even if that was true 1500 years ago (it wasn't), is this relevant today ?

Worst part is the extremely predictable cope which is "well, GOOD WOMEN are attracted by virtue".

Of course brother, GOOD WOMEN can completely override their fundamental genetic programming and absolutely ignore looks, money and status.

Of course a "good" woman will be attracted to how much of a kind gentleman you are, right ?

"Look how he abstain from sin", :foidSoy:

"Look how often he prays", :foidSoy:

"Look how generous he is". :foidSoy:

Wake the FUCK UP dude.

Bro will end up marrying a 34 years old landwhale and convince himself he was able to attract "a good woman" by being "virtuous", and how he "looks past her physique" because "she does too".
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Virtuous chad
If you were to talk to a western woman about values or virtues they would dry up faster than the Sonoran desert.
Christians have always been cucks

You've never read a christian theologian.

(They allowed marriage at 13 btw, I'm saying this because I know you're a massive agecuck)
You've never read a christian theologian.

(They allowed marriage at 13 btw, I'm saying this because I know you're a massive agecuck)
just because they agree with your personal ideology doesn't make them black pilled, cuck. Black pilled is believing looks are the most important thing when it comes to dating, thats the definition. Believing women should stay in the kitchen isnt blackpilled, if it was, then cuckservitives would also be blackpilled.
Both are retarded for thinking they know what a interests group of people who lie constantly. Being virtuous isn't a reward it is a way of life done because of its own goodness. To have it next to Andrew Tate just reads as going from one cope to the next.
just because they agree with your personal ideology doesn't make them black pilled, cuck. Black pilled is believing looks are the most important thing when it comes to dating, thats the definition. Believing women should stay in the kitchen isnt blackpilled, if it was, then cuckservitives would also be blackpilled.
Brother, these guys were telling women to not have sex before marriage and to not masturbate, while you're pushing the "dating apps are not reality" bluepilled non sense on top of being leftist AND an agecuck.
can't find a source for this quote
View attachment 1263883

Can you believe this ?

I'm christian myself so no hate on them but some of them need to be educated on the blackpill. Also I doubt St John Chrysostom said something like that or there's definitely missing context, as medieval theologians were extremely blackpilled.

That being said, really ? "Virtue" attracts the heart of a woman ?

Even if that was true 1500 years ago (it wasn't), is this relevant today ?

Worst part is the extremely predictable cope which is "well, GOOD WOMEN are attracted by virtue".

Of course brother, GOOD WOMEN can completely override their fundamental genetic programming and absolutely ignore looks, money and status.

Of course a "good" woman will be attracted to how much of a kind gentleman you are, right ?

"Look how he abstain from sin", :foidSoy:

"Look how often he prays", :foidSoy:

"Look how generous he is". :foidSoy:

Wake the FUCK UP dude.

Bro will end up marrying a 34 years old landwhale and convince himself he was able to attract "a good woman" by being "virtuous", and how he "looks past her physique" because "she does too".
In all honesty, from the title i thought that the post was a trick because "virtue" was the name of the new Lamborghini.
chrysostom may not have said this, but he DID say that foids shouldn't adorn themselves with false beauty (eg. makeup) but should practice humility and modesty

based tbh

women are not attracted by MONEY, they're attracted by 6ft2" height, 7.5" nbp dick, forward grown face, pct eyes​

Brother, these guys were telling women to not have sex before marriage and to not masturbate
how exactly is that black pilled? that's just more christ cuckery. Again, your personal beliefs on how the world should be isn't blackpill.
while you're pushing the "dating apps are not reality" bluepilled non sense on top of being leftist AND an agecuck.
they arent reality. Most woman have never even downloaded a dating app.
source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/02/key-findings-about-online-dating-in-the-u-s/

only 27% of woman have ever used a dating app. You're going against an established fact because you're tradcuck boomer who would rather be wrong rather than admit hes wrong. Most women will never have to use a dating app because they have hundreds of simps on their inbox on Instagram, Facebook, tik tok etc. Believing that dating apps have significantly damaged dating is straight up delusional.
daily reminder, that atheists have bigger tendency to be literal cucks
Brother, these guys were telling women to not have sex before marriage and to not masturbate, while you're pushing the "dating apps are not reality" bluepilled non sense on top of being leftist AND an agecuck.
that nigga is a leftist infiltrator, you can't expect anything else from them

women are not attracted by MONEY, they're attracted by 6ft2" height, 7.5" nbp dick, forward grown face, pct eyes​

and by money
Teracopium level of delusions there
chrysostom may not have said this, but he DID say that foids shouldn't adorn themselves with false beauty (eg. makeup) but should practice humility and modesty

based tbh
Women only love men who have money. But I'm starting to see the concept of love being a fucked up lie. I think human nature's too evil
I saw a post on a normie forum today, some dude asked why his date ghosted him after they met up IRL for the first time. He was nice, didn't even swear, had prepared topics to talk about and paid for all the expenses, dinners and shit.
Some bitch typed a long ass answer about how he was acting too needy and desperate. Suggested he should learn more about male to female dynamics in relationships and shit.

And I thought "that's a lot of words to say "women don't like good men", you lying bitch".

This is the whole point of the nice guy meme, foids want a dark triad psychopath because of the drama, excitement and domination, and then frame good dudes as if they are all only "fake nice" to get the pussy and are actually bad people in disguise.
In reality good men are boring to them, and they don't want to expose themselves as vile whores that they are, so they came up with this gaslighting excuse. Truly pathetic shit.
I saw a post on a normie forum today, some dude asked why his date ghosted him after they met up IRL for the first time. He was nice, didn't even swear, had prepared topics to talk about and paid for all the expenses, dinners and shit.
Some bitch typed a long ass answer about how he was acting too needy and desperate. Suggested he should learn more about male to female dynamics in relationships and shit.

And I thought "that's a lot of words to say "women don't like good men", you lying bitch".

This is the whole point of the nice guy meme, foids want a dark triad psychopath because of the drama, excitement and domination, and then frame good dudes as if they are all only "fake nice" to get the pussy and are actually bad people in disguise.
In reality good men are boring to them, and they don't want to expose themselves as vile whores that they are, so they came up with this gaslighting excuse. Truly pathetic shit.

Being a well raised gentleman = being needy and desperate
View attachment 1263883

Can you believe this ?

I'm christian myself so no hate on them but some of them need to be educated on the blackpill. Also I doubt St John Chrysostom said something like that or there's definitely missing context, as medieval theologians were extremely blackpilled.

That being said, really ? "Virtue" attracts the heart of a woman ?

Even if that was true 1500 years ago (it wasn't), is this relevant today ?

Worst part is the extremely predictable cope which is "well, GOOD WOMEN are attracted by virtue".

Of course brother, GOOD WOMEN can completely override their fundamental genetic programming and absolutely ignore looks, money and status.

Of course a "good" woman will be attracted to how much of a kind gentleman you are, right ?

"Look how he abstain from sin", :foidSoy:

"Look how often he prays", :foidSoy:

"Look how generous he is". :foidSoy:

Wake the FUCK UP dude.

Bro will end up marrying a 34 years old landwhale and convince himself he was able to attract "a good woman" by being "virtuous", and how he "looks past her physique" because "she does too".
christian women should be put in hijabs, tbh
View attachment 1263883

Can you believe this ?

I'm christian myself so no hate on them but some of them need to be educated on the blackpill. Also I doubt St John Chrysostom said something like that or there's definitely missing context, as medieval theologians were extremely blackpilled.

That being said, really ? "Virtue" attracts the heart of a woman ?

Even if that was true 1500 years ago (it wasn't), is this relevant today ?

Worst part is the extremely predictable cope which is "well, GOOD WOMEN are attracted by virtue".

Of course brother, GOOD WOMEN can completely override their fundamental genetic programming and absolutely ignore looks, money and status.

Of course a "good" woman will be attracted to how much of a kind gentleman you are, right ?

"Look how he abstain from sin", :foidSoy:

"Look how often he prays", :foidSoy:

"Look how generous he is". :foidSoy:

Wake the FUCK UP dude.

Bro will end up marrying a 34 years old landwhale and convince himself he was able to attract "a good woman" by being "virtuous", and how he "looks past her physique" because "she does too".
how can you be blackpilled and religious at the same time
True Christian Biblically abiding women are indeed attracted to virtues
A foind once said: It does not matter how much money he have, what matters is how he spend his money. That he spend it on me.
how can you be blackpilled and religious at the same time
On the emotional level, you can keep your faith in god as something that keeps you going, motivates you or gives you peace, while intellectualy you do recognize that god might not exist. It's like purposefully deluding yourself for emotional comfort, it's a coping tool, nothing wrong with it if it keeps you sane though.

Truth is almost always depressive and painful as fuck for men and especially for us incels. Everybody has to have some copes to keep themselves at least partially functional, even if these copes are a bit delusional, the only thing that matters is if it brings you results. As I said, religion is your personal tool you can use for coping/mental stability purposes.
On the emotional level, you can keep your faith in god as something that keeps you going, motivates you or gives you peace, while intellectualy you do recognize that god might not exist. It's like purposefully deluding yourself for emotional comfort, it's a coping tool, nothing wrong with it if it keeps you sane though.

Truth is almost always depressive and painful as fuck for men and especially for us incels. Everybody has to have some copes to keep themselves at least partially functional, even if these copes are a bit delusional, the only thing that matters is if it brings you results. As I said, religion is your personal tool you can use for coping/mental stability purposes.
wow that is realy good reply i agree with you basedcel
A good looking Christian Chad can fool himself into thinking his virtue got him his girl but it was actually his looks.

Same with any other non self aware Chad.

Non religious non self aware modern zoomer Chads attribute their ability to pull to the nonsensical concept knowing as “rizz”.

No dumbass your rizz ie charisma had nothing to do with it.

It was your looks.
even the bible acknowledges that marriage is a worldly thing, and would not exist in the kingdom of god among the virtuous

"The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage."
True christians know that w0men are corrupted by the devil, and thus need to be controlled.
Foids, in my opinion, want rich men because of their money.

Would Hugh Hefner have had those girlfriends if he had been poor?

It seems obvious that money can get you a girlfriend.

The trouble for the man is………how long is she going to stay?
And how much money is she going to take when she leaves?

As far as being virtuous, being a gentleman……it doesn’t hold true.

Why are priests not swimming in pussy then?
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