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Blackpill Chinks are a Sadistic, Soulless, Bug like Race: They Lack Empathy on a Genetic Level



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
Not possessing the G allele in the rs53576 snp is associated with higher autism, lack of empathy, feelings of loneliness and other subhuman social grievances:


Asians lack the G allele when compared to Europeans and africans, thus asians are essentially soulless, autistic and unempathetic on a genetic and intrinsic level.


What we also know about empathy is that its almost exclusively a human trait. The only other species observed to display a feeling of empathy is our very close and related great ape cousins, more specifically the bonobo apes.
Thus, empathy is closely tied to being human, and one's ability to be empathetic is essentially a measure of their humanity, or lack thereof.

This is just one example of them lacking the genetics for empathy and NT. I can list many other genes where they are at the very bottom in terms of possessing the needed snps to be actual human beings. The trend is very consistent - any gene associated with empathy, asians posses the least of, as compared to other ethnicities.

What were the evolutionary and perhaps cultural reasons that lead to the selection of these inhuman genetics? Discuss


View: https://youtu.be/U9h0mNzjSIk
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I like China because of its food.
But I need affordable goods and services

You can see this in gore videos nigga literally getting killed on the street and people just casually walking around. Child gets ran over by a car and people just stare like some retarded robots.

Chinks evolved from bugs and no one can convince me otherwise.
@Grim_Reaper @CopingForBrutality @PLA1092
When I was a child I always thought east asians looked soulless. Like they are in the uncanny valley in terms of looking human.
If Africans have it more then it's probably undesirable
Truth, why do you think the Japanese were absolutely cruel during WW2? They mogged the Germans in terms of cruelty because they have no ounce of empathy within them.

China has built so much useless infrastructure that operates on losses due to this same phenomenon, they want to flex to the World on how good they are.

These Chinese keep coming to Western countries in droves flexing their academic stats, their million dollar condos, their Lamborghinis, their Gucci clothes to show that they mog the shit out of everyone.

I have no idea why some people on the forum have remorse for such unhuman creatures.
People say America has a mass shooting problem, China has a mass stabbing problem: Chinks will literally go to Kindergarten with a knife and personally stab every little child they see, if people read this here, they would be shocked.
Not possessing the G allele in the rs53576 snp is associated with higher autism, lack of empathy, feelings of loneliness and other subhuman social grievances:


Asians lack the G allele when compared to Europeans and africans, thus asians are essentially soulless, autistic and unempathetic on a genetic and intrinsic level.


What we also know about empathy is that its almost exclusively a human trait. The only other species observed to display a feeling of empathy is our very close and related great ape cousins, more specifically the bonobo apes.
Thus, empathy is closely tied to being human, and one's ability to be empathetic is essentially a measure of their humanity, or lack thereof.

This is just one example of them lacking the genetics for empathy and NT. I can list many other genes where they are at the very bottom in terms of possessing the needed snps to be actual human beings. The trend is very consistent - any gene associated with empathy, asians posses the least of, as compared to other ethnicities.

What were the evolutionary and perhaps cultural reasons that lead to the selection of these inhuman genetics? Discuss


View: https://youtu.be/U9h0mNzjSIk

Too much empathy is a weakness , look at whites and their empathy towards ethnic refugees flooding their lands.
In my opinion , Chinese and other Asians do lack affective empathy, but they have cognitive empathy so they aren't affected by people's emotions as much as whites would be ( if they see a child cry they might feel like crying) , whereas an Asian would be more like don't cry it's not good for your eyes.
Mongols were brutal and so were the Japs.
Rice are more K selected so they have heavy parental investment , fewer offspring lower mortality.
I wanna fuck some noodle whores
If Africans have it more then it's probably undesirable
They have ghost ancestors aka ape DNA from interbreeding. And look the abos they literally have sex with their children and are violent lowinhib savages.
View attachment 809553

5/10 out of the most deadliest wars have been located in China, they are soulless and have the ability to kill with no remorse
Yes but Europe's wars as just as savage as China with as much mortality. And let's not forget sandniggers with their slave trade lasting even longer than the Europeans.
View attachment 809553

5/10 out of the most deadliest wars have been located in China, they are soulless and have the ability to kill with no remorse
I was watching a lot of true crime videos on YouTube this week and these Jap and Chink killers were the sickest of them all: eating people, boiling heads, holding entire families hostage in their homes, torturing them for decades, then making them kill and rape each other, one made a father fuck his daughter, taking photos of their victims’ dismembered corpse decaying and sending it to the victim’s family, and beating their own children to death.

These were the worst one of them all.

View: https://youtu.be/T4Ket8QOO7U

View: https://youtu.be/wrm2JItj7TU

View: https://youtu.be/2s0nShIdUpY
Africans mostly kill out of impulse using quick methods like firearms, you rarely hear of a Black man doing pre planned well thought out mass shooting like Whites & Asians, furthermore they haven't done mass destruction to another race like Whites & Asians like enslavement or genocide, they are dangerous on individual level
Makes sense.

May be that's one of the reasons why chinks and ESPECIALLY whites where exceptionally successful in every field in older times and even now. Just the right amount of psychopathy and empathy.
Just the right amount of psychopathy and empathy.
A good amount of psychopathy is necessary in order to be successful in any realm of human endeavour.
As a europoor I often say Germans are the chinese of EU, is there any research on the collective Germanoid autism and soulessness done? Do they also miss this gene?
Yeah but the methods were a lot more brutal , Taiping Rebellion, Japanese invasion of China brutality mogs any modern European war

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/grqy6-wXj7I?feature=share

Even the Nazi Diplomat to China was disgusted by the Rape of Nanking.
Bugmen status confirmed and cemented.

And dumb niggers here think the CCP is based and want China's influence on the rest of the world.
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there's a lot more too, I went through a spree of watching true crime based on East Asia 2 years ago, here's some of the ones i can remember

They literally ate their victims and prisoners in WW2.

View: https://youtu.be/63R2aBqwsPg
Japs don’t even believe they did anything wrong in World War II to this day, they completely erased all the massacres, that’s like going to school and never knowing that the Nazis tried to kill all the Jews or Americans massacred the Indians.
The education system within Japan is perhaps the most sinister aspect of their malaise. Japanese education is notoriously known to be one of the most rigorous, competitive, and “study hard” system in the world. Yet in this slippery pyramid of education, the Japanese do not provide students with an accurate account of World War II, one of the biggest and greatest influence within the twentieth century. Not until 1994 were Japanese school children taught that Hirohito’s army was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million Asian civilians, and allied soldiers during the war. Critical elements such as the Japanese role in the Rape of Nanking, the forced evacuations of Chinese and Korean prisoners to labor camps in Japan, the exploitation of “ Korean comfort women,” and other atrocities are all glossed over, rationalized, or omitted from Japanese textbooks, society, and often from Japanese memories. As Iris Chang, the author of The Rape of Nanking puts it, “Denial is an integral part of atrocity, and it’s a natural part after a society has committed genocide. First you kill them, then the memory of killing is killed.” Because the academic community in Japan has failed to properly research the truth on the Rape of Nanking, it has been primarily left up to those operating outside academia, such as journalists or freelance authors to present the truth of the massacre to the Japanese public.

When Japan opened up their national museum on World War II, the world was horrified to see they had left out Japan’s negative role in the war and solely concentrated on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the film, The Last Emperor, the films distribution company removed a thirty second scene depicting the Rape of Nanking, because it was “too gruesome,” and would not serve the moral of the country.

Because the Japanese were and still are very concerned with “saving face,” an Asian concept which focuses on preserving one’s dignity, integrity, and pride, they often deny and rationalize things so that they are seen in a better, more favorable light. Yet ironically, not only do their horrific actions speak contrary to that ancient Asian philosophy, hiding and denying the occurrence of the Rape of Nanking is more shameful than anything else.

Chang’s novel written in1997, was widely criticized in Japan. The contract to have her novel translated into Japanese, to be published and distributed throughout Japan was canceled due to opposing views on the veracity of the book. Many Japanese scholars and high level officials denounced this book as false and fictitious, or at best, a great exaggeration. When Chinese president Jiang Zemin visited Japan in late 1998, he succeeded in extracting from his hosts a more forthcoming, yet still grudging apology for past “misdeeds.” In this, Jiang was trying to unite China while attempting to bring open both dormant and raging issues in Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. All Chinese, whether Nationalists or Communists, are united in their fight for justice, and their quest for acknowledgment of war crimes committed against them during the war.

The historical past has been a source of friction in China-Japan ties, and passions, resentment, and anger are easily inflamed when in the face of provocation. Unlike Japan, Chinese students are reared on tales of Japanese atrocities during the brutal time period of 1937-45, when they occupied China. At the age of eight, school children are shown their first photograph of the Japanese bayoneting and beheading Chinese civilians in Nanking. Therefore in the past sixty years tensions between the two nations still can run high. After a Japanese Right-wing convention denied that the 1937 massacre happened, many Chinese voted to boycott Japanese goods. After the conference that ironically took place in the Osaka International “Peace” Center in January 2000, where right winged Japanese derided the Rape of Nanking as a myth, computer hackers struck at Japanese government Internet web sites, taunting Japanese authorities with insults. As the Japanese write books to counter argue Chang’s novel, and as they use media to create for themselves a better history, I believe China’s, People’s Daily puts it best when it states, “Lies written in ink, cannot cover up facts written in blood.”

Sadly enough, very few Americans know about the Rape of Nanking. Many may have heard of the book written by Iris Chang, as it caused an international storm of controversy, but very few know the facts of this enormous massacre of innocent civilians and allied, unarmed soldiers. That is why many people call the Rape of Nanking the second and forgotten Holocaust. Who today can possibly deny the occurrence of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, who does not know of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities committed against the Jews during World War II? Can you imagine Germany today declaring that ethnic cleansing and the killing of millions of Jews never happened, or at most that it is an extreme exaggeration of events? I think not. Thus I must ask, what has caused this vast difference in world perception of these two holocausts?

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/grqy6-wXj7I?feature=share
Japs don’t even believe they did anything wrong in World War II to this day, they completely erased all the massacres, that’s like going to school and never knowing that the Nazis tried to kill all the Jews or Americans massacred the Indians.
Again, how is that a bad thing jfl?
You might find my racebait posts back from 2018. I was always chinkpilled.
When I was a child I always thought east asians looked soulless. Like they are in the uncanny valley in terms of looking human.
true tbh
Too much empathy is a weakness , look at whites and their empathy towards ethnic refugees flooding their lands.
In my opinion , Chinese and other Asians do lack affective empathy, but they have cognitive empathy so they aren't affected by people's emotions as much as whites would be ( if they see a child cry they might feel like crying) , whereas an Asian would be more like don't cry it's not good for your eyes.
Mongols were brutal and so were the Japs.
Rice are more K selected so they have heavy parental investment , fewer offspring lower mortality.
I agree, I'd say if I were a chink, I'd actually be proud of lacking affective empathy. This is a good thing to not have it. It makes a race weak and cucked in the long run. All the western countries are filled with ethnics and LGBT because cumskins affective empathy is too great.
Africans mostly kill out of impulse using quick methods like firearms, you rarely hear of a Black man doing pre planned well thought out mass shooting like Whites & Asians, furthermore they haven't done mass destruction to another race like Whites & Asians like enslavement or genocide, they are dangerous on individual level
true. rwadan genocide of Tutsis was the exception, but it wasn't planned. overall they don't do mass killings.
Bugmen status confirmed and cemented.

And dumb niggers here think the CCP is based and want China's influence on the rest of the world.
CCP is pure rationalism. Whites have too much empathy, it isn't good. they bitch and complain about all the 1 trillion human rights abuses. The white empathy has also led to rapefugee invasion and LGBT bs.

Chinese don't care about this trash, they focus on results which is better.
CCP is pure rationalism. Whites have too much empathy, it isn't good. they bitch and complain about all the 1 trillion human rights abuses. The white empathy has also led to rapefugee invasion and LGBT bs.

Chinese don't care about this trash, they focus on results which is better.
Rationalism at the cost of humanity.

You're falsely equating liberalism with a higher propensity towards empathy. Higher levels of intelligence is correlated with higher levels of empathy (higher and more sophisticated moral reasoning capability), but what you're describing is unhinged ideology being the dominant one in culture and politics. Rapefugees running amok in EUrape is not the result of Whites being blinded by their empathy, but by ideology.
Its probably one of the reasons why I like and get along well with most Chinese I've met (I guess that says a lot about me); they are some cold, pragmatic motherfuckers and I like that shit. Had I been colder, more underhanded, and more cutthroat in my 20's, I probably would not have been such a pathetic 30-something too poor to move away from his parents

I was curious and checked (I did the dna test thing), and it turns out I lack the G allele

Being too empathetic is not always good ---- look at the EU and the antics of rapefugees, all because Europeans felt a little sorry for colonizing Africans and Arabs. Look at fucking San Francisco, probably the most leftist, most woke city in the US....it turned into a shithole

Yeah. I was surprised too. Their actions says otherwise
Yup, surprised at this too, but I have noticed that niggers are only empathetic towards other niggers. In fact, they're more empathetic to a black stranger than a non-black they've known for years.
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Meanwhile white people are too empathetic so we import millions of foreign barbarians into our countries, give them houses and food, let them rape our women all in the name of "tolerance" and "being progressive", give credence to retarded ideals like trannyism and the like etc etc. There has to be a balance between empathy and non empathy, because either can be a weakness. Asians need to up their empathy levels and whites need to lower theirs.

And just to play devils advocate I will say that the whole "Asians are non empathetic" "whites are empathetic" is a generalization. I'm sure there are empathetic Asians and I know that there are lots of unempathetic whites. Also just gonna put it out there that it is the west who has started all the modern wars on Earth, not the East. What good is our empathy when we continually invade the Middle East, for example?
If Africans have it more then it's probably undesirable
I think I agree. But as I said in another comment here, they're more empathetic towards fellow Blacks. The high empathy might also be a reason why Black majority countries are such unstable shitholes ---- nobody wants to put their foot down and enforce laws. From going to school with Black kids throughout my child, they tend to rate a teacher by how 'nice' they are, rather than their effectiveness

Also look at Russia --- its fairly high in G, and that partly explains why Russia isn't doing well with the Ukraine invasion --- you have to be cold to succeed in war (and no, Russians are not cold, they're basically Latinos with snow), and if you look at Russian history, they suck at invading. When Japan (a low G country) was a military power in WW2, they were heartless AF, even the Nazis were disturbed
Africans mostly kill out of impulse using quick methods like firearms, you rarely hear of a Black man doing pre planned well thought out mass shooting like Whites & Asians, furthermore they haven't done mass destruction to another race like Whites & Asians like enslavement or genocide, they are dangerous on individual level
Cause blacks aren't intelligent enough to build advance societies. Genocides happen in Africa too btw. Whites did it more because they're more advanced that's all.
Also just gonna put it out there that it is the west who has started all the modern wars on Earth, not the East. What good is our empathy when we continually invade the Middle East, for example?
Western invasions and colonization were initiated under the justification that "we have to help these savages"
Cause blacks aren't intelligent enough to build advance societies. Genocides happen in Africa too btw. Whites did it more because they're more advanced that's all.
Meanwhile white people are too empathetic so we import millions of foreign barbarians into our countries, give them houses and food, let them rape our women all in the name of "tolerance" and "being progressive", give credence to retarded ideals like trannyism and the like etc etc. There has to be a balance between empathy and non empathy, because either can be a weakness. Asians need to up their empathy levels and whites need to lower theirs.

And just to play devils advocate I will say that the whole "Asians are non empathetic" "whites are empathetic" is a generalization. I'm sure there are empathetic Asians and I know that there are lots of unempathetic whites. Also just gonna put it out there that it is the west who has started all the modern wars on Earth, not the East. What good is our empathy when we continually invade the Middle East, for example?

Whites accept lots of immigrants and admit to their crimes that's why they're more empathetic. Meanwhile Japan still doesn't apologize for its WW2 crimes. And historically too China and Japan were isolationist societies, while white civilizations were not.
Western invasions and colonization were initiated under the justification that "we have to help these savages"
True true. I would take that as an example of how good intentions and empathy can lead to just as much destruction as nonempathy. Chinese may lack empathy but they don't go around invading the entire world.
Whites accept lots of immigrants and admit to their crimes that's why they're more empathetic. Meanwhile Japan still doesn't apologize for its WW2 crimes. And historically too China and Japan were isolationist societies, while white civilizations were not.
Yep, white war guilt is cucked. Japan is based for not grovelling about their past. Also I admire Japs for BTFOing Christians whereas Europe accepted Christianity that made us cucked and weak.
yep, white war guilt is cucked. Japan is based for not grovelling about their past. Also I admire Japs for BTFOing Christians whereas Europe accepted Christianity that made us cucked and weak.

What? Europe done most of its colonization after accepting Christianity though.
Only incels are expected to show empathy

Meanwhile Chad is beating his girlfriend and peddling drugs with his biker gang

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