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JFL Chinese authorities crack down on pick-up artists



Dec 7, 2017

A crackdown on pick-up artists is under way in China.

Last month, police in the eastern province of Jiangsu said it had made the country’s first-ever arrest of a self-proclaimed pick-up artist trainer. He was detained on fraud and obscenity charges.

Training materials found by provincial and regional police objectified women as “pets,” “prey” and “targets,” according to their official social media accounts.

The materials also coached men to seduce and control women in progressive steps, from how to extort money to how to ask women to hurt themselves or even commit suicide to prove their love.

The suspect is a 24-year-old man, surnamed Xu, who ran a pick-up artist training website charging men a premium for private lessons. Xu allegedly made over $4300 in three months.

Xu (front) was detained for five days and ordered to pay over $7,000 in fine.

“I really enjoyed women killing themselves to prove their love to me,” one of the students wrote to Xu in a private chat group, according to screenshots shared by the police.

Originating in the US as a set of techniques for men seeking sexual success with women, the pick-up artist (PUA) movement has been criticized for sexism and misogyny.

In 2014, three countries — Britain, Australia and Singapore — banned Julien Blanc, a US-based pick-up artist trainer. Critics said Blanc “dresses up his seminars as dating advice but actually focuses on tricking women into having sex, in order to make money.”

But in China, PUA has taken an even darker route, according to police.

Apart from making money by seducing women, some trainers seem to direct members to ultimately control women on a mental level.

“A trainer once boasted to his student if he manages to manipulate a woman into being willing to sacrifice her life, it would add to their relationship,” Kong Weiwei, a prominent social worker raising awareness on the topic, told the Beijing News.

Kong was quoted as saying that many women had come to her suffering tremendous emotional and physical distress from their PUA lovers. Some victims, she said, suffered from severe depression or experienced flashbacks after breaking up with their partners.

PUA arrived in China around 2007 by way of overseas Chinese students. Many students shared a translated copy of Neil Strauss’s 2005 best-seller The Game on online discussion boards, and it quickly became the talk of the internet.

The Game documented Neil Strauss' two-year journey in the secret society of pickup-artists. Some said it's a single man's dating bible. The author said he no longer believes in those techniques in a 2015 interview.

By 2018, there were about over 6 million Chinese paying and learning about PUA, according to Kong.

On June 3, a court in the southwestern city of Chengdu ruled against Langji Qinggan, a popular PUA training company, in a civil lawsuit brought by five former students, according to state media. The courses were ruled a violation of “social responsibility and ethics.”

The case is hailed as groundbreaking by rights advocates online. Many consider it the first civil lawsuit against a PUA company. One of the students said it should encourage others to bring future cases to court.
Over for chinacels.
Men aren't even allowed to use techniques to even try to get Women. If you aren't Chad you are expected to suffer for societies benefit and never personally benefit from society.
For some reason people hate pick up artists almost as much as us eventhough all they are trying to do is help men develop their personality which is what all the blue pillers say is all it takes.
For some reason people hate pick up artists almost as much as us eventhough all they are trying to do is help men develop their personality which is what all the blue pillers say is all it takes.

PUA doesn't work
Just be Chang br0.
PUA doesn't work
Really? I thought it was legit. LOL Do you think I am retarded bro? I am a 37 yo KHHV. I know PUA is a load of crap. What I am saying is that they TRY to do what the bluepillers recommend to do and eventhough they do this they are still hated by the bluepillers.
puas are chads tho I mean look at Julien blanc
The future of the west.
Based China. Fuck PUA, it's all bullshit.
Based China

In most countries, the majority of committed suicides are made by men (4:1) but, in China, women are slightly more likely to commit suicide than men. In 2015 China's ratio was around 8 males for every 10 females. According to the WTO, as of 2016, the suicide rates in China for men and women were almost the same -- 9.1 for male versus 10.3 for female (the rate is per 100,000 people).

Traditional gender roles in China hold women responsible for keeping the family happy and intact. Suicide for women in China is shown in literature to be an acceptable way to avoid disgrace that may be brought to themselves or their families. According to a 2002 review, the most common reasons for the difference in rate between genders are: "the lower status of Chinese women, love, marriage, marital infidelity, and family problems, the methods used to commit suicide, and mental health of Chinese women.
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While I despise PUAs for their lies, this is another example of how humans basically want nonChads to be asexual. Our place in life is to sit around jacking off while helping out Chad and foids whenever possible. If you attempt to defy your place in life, you'll be punished. Women attempt suicide for Chad all the time and nobody but us talks about it. Why? Because Chad pulls that off using his genetics.

Also jfl at how foids have no agency in the east or west. It's always the man's fault when women act stupidly. I also bet most of this is hyperbole and fearmongering in order to put lower status men in their place. They're making PUAs seem like some mind control cult that has magic powers. Yeah right, if that were true then I'll sign up ASAP. In reality, women are just disgusted than short ugly ricecels are approaching them at an increased rate so they're throwing a fit and getting daddy government involved.
China is so fucked up. I dont like pua but that is insane.
Pua just gives the illusion of chad
Pick-up artists are being jailed or banished all over the world since 8 AD.
focuses on tricking women into having sex

Oh for fucks sake, these women aren't tricked. How the fuck can you even be tricked into sex? It is like having someone trick you into being their friend. It doesn't make any sense at all.
No copyright laws? Fair.
Child labor? Cool.
Detaining people with no warrant? Ok.
Trying to help guys get laid? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Chinese government actually cracking down on scammers
PUA is scam which has to stop. If they don't have a brain on their own, perhaps chinese officials would like to have a word with them.
It is thought that one of the reasons why Augustus exiled Ovid in 8 AD was because of a seduction manual he had written, this Chinese guy reminded me of that.

What's with the Reptilian avatars anyway? Did I miss something?
Good on China for stopping scammers
“I really enjoyed women killing themselves to prove their love to me,” one of the students wrote to Xu in a private chat group, according to screenshots shared by the police.

:ha..feels: What kind of pick-up artistry are they performing over there?
Oh for fucks sake, these women aren't tricked. How the fuck can you even be tricked into sex? It is like having someone trick you into being their friend. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Well manipulating a woman into having sex with a non Chad is considered rape by most foids...keep that in mind.
Even China falls to degenerate simpcuckery, that can be trully over for all humanity. Just launch all nukes
It is ILLEGAL to approach women in 2019.

Women will approach Chad, if you are not Chad stop being misoginistic by harrasing women with your presence and go rot in your room.

It's 2019 and women should not have to put up with ugly men any longer.
JFL at China, they're also afraid of virgin shitposters.
If you have to manipulate and “game” women to have sex with you, it’s over.

By 2018, there were about over 6 million Chinese paying and learning about PUA, according to Kong

I agree PUA should be outlawed... not for the aforementioned reasons though.

It is straight up fraud. Hideous and short ethnic men who are on the verge of suicide and don't stand a chance in life are conned out of $5,000 for these "lessons".

6'4" Chad's with 8/10 faces go around selling false :bluepill: hope to people.

I honestly dont understand why women are so mad... it's like, have you seen the guys paying for PUA? Do you legitimately think guys like that are out there successfully employing these "techniques" and manipulating women into sex?

Look, look at this shit. This is what happens when ugly men try and use PUA:

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