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Chemical castration relieves some of the pain



Mar 8, 2018
About four months ago I began chemically castrating myself as an alternative to suicide / homicide. I don't consider myself to be a bad person, but I have been suffering with incel-related rage since puberty. I paid my sister to get a prescription for depo provera and started taking it keeping a close eye to see if there are any side effects. I haven't noticed any so far.

The positive is now my libido is nonexistent. I used to be extremely triggered when I saw cute girls, now I could walk into a Starbucks and hardly even notice a single roastie unless they're being particularly loud and annoying, cackling or shouting into their phone. I still feel lonely, of course, but without even a hint of sexual desire I feel much more content with what meager friendship and socialization I get with people online. I can honestly say I no longer feel like going full ER.

Yes I realize how fucked it is to say I have to take a drug that might give me tits or cancer just to approach some semblance of emotional balance, and I acknowledge all of the fucked up things in the world about what's causing this condition in society, but it doesn't make me rage the same way it used to. I wish I had started doing this earlier.
studies show that low testosterone actually makes you depressed, angry, and uneasy

you got it completely backwards but tricked yourself into believing you had it right

I was already depressed, angry, and uneasy. I've heard that, too. It might not work for everyone, and it might not work forever, but for now, for me, it is helping tremendously.
number of studies saying low test is bad and can be replicated = hundreds

number saying low T is good in men = none, ever, and there never will be
Okay, cool. I'm not saying those studies are wrong. I'm saying this is working for me. Also I somehow doubt those studies are focused around containing or even addressing problems with rage and depression related to a lifetime of sexual and emotional rejection caused by being an incel.
This sounds like the biggest troll I've ever seen, post a picture of the chemicals you are using with a timestamp if your not lying op.
I'm planning on getting chemically castrated to save my hair and to kill my libido.
This sounds like the biggest troll I've ever seen, post a picture of the chemicals you are using with a timestamp if your not lying op.
Well I'm actually breaking the law by doing this so no, I don't think I'll be taking pictures and putting them online as proof. Don't know why you think I'm a troll anyway aside from this being a new account.
Well I'm actually breaking the law by doing this so no, I don't think I'll be taking pictures and putting them online as proof. Don't know why you think I'm a troll anyway aside from this being a new account.
You really think the police give a shit and are going to track you on an anonymous website for male virgins? I think they have more important things to do.
You really think the police give a shit and are going to track you on an anonymous website for male virgins? I think they have more important things to do.
I think it is a lot easier than you realize to get in trouble for doing and saying things online if you give solid evidence that you are breaking the law.
I've sperged about this before (e.g., https://incels.is/threads/can-chemi...immediate-cure-for-inceldom.9015/#post-128739 ), though not necessarily depo. Nevertheless, this is affirming (srs). Thx OP
Thank you. I honestly would not recommend anyone do this unless it is as a last resort. I was on the verge of suicide when I tried it out of desperation. It very well may just be a temporary delay, or do irreversible damage to me in the long term, but those are easy trades for me personally.
Thank you. I honestly would not recommend anyone do this unless it is as a last resort. I was on the verge of suicide when I tried it out of desperation. It very well may just be a temporary delay, or do irreversible damage to me in the long term, but those are easy trades for me personally.

Lmao I'm almost ready to try this (went to a therapist to get a referral already) because pedocel and just overall depressed suicidal incel. Probably going to make my life amazing not thinking about kids or any roasties for that matter. Thinking of maybe tranny/cuteboy maxing and getting a fellow cuteboy/tranny bf after.
Lmao I'm almost ready to try this (went to a therapist to get a referral already) because pedocel and just overall depressed suicidal incel. Probably going to make my life amazing not thinking about kids or any roasties for that matter. Thinking of maybe tranny/cuteboy maxing and getting a fellow cuteboy/tranny bf after.
It's not a cure-all, but it can help. I don't have those same problems as you, but as you probably know it is used to treat pedophiles and other sex offenders. Honestly the biggest hurdle would probably be in getting a doctor to prescribe it to you. I'll guess you probably don't want to tell a doctor you're a pedophile, they're likely to lock you up or do something horrible to you. If you can convince a family member to smuggle you some or find some on the dark web or something that would probably be the only way unless you actually get convicted for a sex crime.
It's not a cure-all, but it can help. I don't have those same problems as you, but as you probably know it is used to treat pedophiles and other sex offenders. Honestly the biggest hurdle would probably be in getting a doctor to prescribe it to you. I'll guess you probably don't want to tell a doctor you're a pedophile, they're likely to lock you up or do something horrible to you. If you can convince a family member to smuggle you some or find some on the dark web or something that would probably be the only way unless you actually get convicted for a sex crime.

Luckily, therapists and some doctors (most doctors especially for this) are under what's called strict confidentiality. As long as you pose no immediate threat to yourself or others, or don't mention previous abuse of a minor, you can tell them anything. With that in mind, I can get it legally prescribed :)
Chemical castration just seems like too much of a risk to bother with, especially since a date with Rosie Palms gets the job done just as well. Goodspeed to you though, OP.
Chemical castration just seems like too much of a risk to bother with, especially since a date with Rosie Palms gets the job done just as well. Goodspeed to you though, OP.
It very well might be for some incels. It is definitely dangerous. Jacking off did next to nothing to help with these problems though, for me at least. I could beat my dick into hamburger before leaving the house and still feel like Elliot within 30 minutes of watching a flock of Stacies giggling to each other. Now I barely notice them.
Joined: yesterday.

Obvious cucktear larping as incel.
apparently I'm such an unlikeable incel even other incels reject me
Not at all, if you can provide proof we will gladly you accept you. But you are refusing to. Otherwise pm me in private so I can confirm.
I'm not providing proof of something criminal, possibly getting my sister in trouble and losing my means to get it in the first place, just to try to convince strangers on the internet I'm not a troll. I don't really care that much. Beyond that, this would be a really shitty troll. Who is it upsetting?

I think you'll just have to accept I'm not lying. It might just seem that way now because my account is new. I think you won't be so suspicious after I continue to post and you see I'm looking for people who understand being incel, probably just like you.
Kk, I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Is it reversible?
Kk, I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Is it reversible?

So far I haven't noticed any significant negative side effects. Supposedly it can cause depression, but I've been struggling with that my whole life. I don't think it's gotten any worse. I think the effect of it neutralizing my libido is reversible if I stop taking it in time. I notice if I wait too long it ever so slightly starts creeping back. No idea if I'm doing irreversible damage to myself, but I'm over 30 and would probably have necked myself by now without it anyway.

Wouldn't recommend it unless you're on the verge of re-enacting Isla Vista. Also probably a lot safer if you can manage to get it legitimately through a doctor, but I know that it would be exceptionally hard in my case to qualify for it, and I'm not about to lie and tell a doctor I'm a pedophile or actually rape someone and go to prison just to get these drugs.

So far I haven't noticed any significant negative side effects. Supposedly it can cause depression, but I've been struggling with that my whole life. I don't think it's gotten any worse. I think the effect of it neutralizing my libido is reversible if I stop taking it in time. I notice if I wait too long it ever so slightly starts creeping back. No idea if I'm doing irreversible damage to myself, but I'm over 30 and would probably have necked myself by now without it anyway.

Wouldn't recommend it unless you're on the verge of re-enacting Isla Vista. Also probably a lot safer if you can manage to get it legitimately through a doctor, but I know that it would be exceptionally hard in my case to qualify for it, and I'm not about to lie and tell a doctor I'm a pedophile or actually rape someone and go to prison just to get these drugs.

You're an oldcel? Oh, okay, that makes sense, I assumed you were in your 20s for some reason. Why couldn't you have gotten T-blockers instead? You wouldn't need your sister for that. It's a less severe approach to getting rid of sexual frustration. I hope you're just doing some reversible rather than irreversible. But considering it's chemical, I'm pretty sure it's reversible. Have you done some research on the drugs?
I did a little research before jumping into the drugs, yeah, although I didn't talk to a doctor about it (I don't plan to unless I notice severe side effects). There are different methods for doing this, I'm not sure if they are less extreme exactly, and I don't think the problem is necessarily an abundance of testosterone. I also have other health issues that might be affected more easily by antiandrogens.
I know what you are talking about OP It's a trade off. I have been low T my entire life which is why I almost never experience sexual frustration. The only thing I desire is validation
The trade off is that I am always apathetic/lethargic, get depressed easily and have terrible drive and motivation.
You really think the police give a shit and are going to track you on an anonymous website for male virgins? I think they have more important things to do.

Hello. I'm the cop here to arrest the male virgin who is doping up on his sister's birth control.
I will never surrender my gonads.
Only way to win is to become a hERo.
I know what you are talking about OP It's a trade off. I have been low T my entire life which is why I almost never experience sexual frustration. The only thing I desire is validation
The trade off is that I am always apathetic/lethargic, get depressed easily and have terrible drive and motivation.
You are low T... Explains a lot breh

About four months ago I began chemically castrating myself as an alternative to suicide / homicide. I don't consider myself to be a bad person, but I have been suffering with incel-related rage since puberty. I paid my sister to get a prescription for depo provera and started taking it keeping a close eye to see if there are any side effects. I haven't noticed any so far.

The positive is now my libido is nonexistent. I used to be extremely triggered when I saw cute girls, now I could walk into a Starbucks and hardly even notice a single roastie unless they're being particularly loud and annoying, cackling or shouting into their phone. I still feel lonely, of course, but without even a hint of sexual desire I feel much more content with what meager friendship and socialization I get with people online. I can honestly say I no longer feel like going full ER.

Yes I realize how fucked it is to say I have to take a drug that might give me tits or cancer just to approach some semblance of emotional balance, and I acknowledge all of the fucked up things in the world about what's causing this condition in society, but it doesn't make me rage the same way it used to. I wish I had started doing this earlier.
Roids Max op
studies show that low testosterone actually makes you depressed, angry, and uneasy

you got it completely backwards but tricked yourself into believing you had it right


This, OP is fucking himself.
I’ll be on aromasin soon which also kills sex drive.

It’s simply to preserve my growth plates but that side effect is quite nice.
What will be your expected height after all of this?
My plates will still be open until I’m 21 according to the doctors examination. The aromasin should extend this by an extra year.

I think at least two inches (no cope) could be added. Don’t know how fast it’ll happen though.

If I get to 5”10 then I’ll just get LL for the rest as I can get over 6ft in just one operation (which will only cost me £60,000 as opposed to paying double that to get four inches as 3 inches is the max they can do in one operation). After I get jaw, chin, upper eyelid and malar fillers, a lower eyelid lift and possibly a hair transplant, I’ll save for LL.
Only £60,000. You're crazy.
Chemical castration just seems like too much of a risk to bother with, especially since a date with Rosie Palms gets the job done just as well. Goodspeed to you though, OP.

chemical castration is a fucking terrible idea no matter how "over" it is for you
@idkwattodowithlife just do it
I can't get a hold of those drugs, legally. I've told you in the other thread.

Also I'm poor, so that's not going to happen.
fuck that i will never stoop that low and let the normies win

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