For some of us it's like this....
It can be good for a moment. If a foid hasn’t seen you, for a moment, you might exist in a world where there’s a chance. She might have fun, might even seem engaged, and then later, the second she actually registers your face, the warmth fades. The old story again, most women only get wet for Chads, the rest of us are just background noise. When she sees you, you’ll see it in her eyes. The silent shift from curiosity to indifference, the way her voice loses its energy, how she starts looking for an exit. Then any moment of connection, afterwards, seems to never have been real, just a mistake soon corrected. And in that instant, you fade back into nothing. Brutal life... shit
For some of there is hope, some have luck. I hope you are one of those. And besides that, connections via text can feel good.