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Chads are genetical trash



The Knight Of The Swords
Oct 1, 2018
They are braindead.They get succes through sex selling thrmselves as prostututes.
Btw we have nice breed of dogs that are absulutely useless so chads are like those dogs
The purpose of the trash is to please wagina.
Purpose of chads is decorative.

They are of no use. But there is a lot of harm from them becsuse they are parasites.

Chads are genetical trash

we - incels- are trash in the society because talents and intellect are nothing to the society that cares only about asses dicks and boobs.

fuck degenerates of the west
majority of chads destroy themselves by not developing their minds and working anywhere near as much as "lower" men, even though they have the genetic potential to excel
they won't pass on their genes and they won't develop themselves as persons, literally staying at the animal level because they can get free contracepted cunt from the age of 11 to 50
i have no respect for chads, they are free to self-destruct themselves out of the gene pool by fucking contracepted cunt until they die
yea, they are cucks too, but they can get away with it because of other options
I wonder how many motherfucking chads have a third eye, i bet not! Yet i rot.......
You have just reached the summit of Mt. Cope.
Genetic Trash
CHAD!! Chad confirmed.
I think most Chads are dumb because well, it's hard to develop an intellect when you spend most of your time with females.

From an evolutionary point of view, there has to be a reason women are attracted by certain physical traits, though. If there is no correlation between the physical attributes of Chad and intelligence, then it means that women's mating preferences go way back in time, back when intelligence mattered less than physical strength, that is when we were barely more evolved than chimps.
Cope, chad mogs me in every single way

Studies show that attractive people are uo to 14% smarter .
I think this is due to the fact that they get more opportunity to practize in a social environment , they get engaged by others in conversation / get positively reinforced while we rot in depression ,
which will actually make you more stupid .

So , in other words
Chad is not only more beautiful than we are ,
he is also more intelligent .
Cope, chad mogs me in every single way

It never began for Chadcels.
This is a stereotype, like saying all ugly men are very intelligent, the Chads at my school often had very high grades. Another stereotype is that bullies became unsuccessfull after school.
Massive cope bro
huge cope. looks are more valuable than intellect. chad can have 10 iq points and still be way more successful that you. chads aren't genetic trash. they are superior. face it. they fight and look good thats what matters in nature. Not who reads the most books or can do math. Wamyn want superior genetics and strong offspring not forum browsing virgins.
In prehistoric times, looks had close to 0 relevance. Even if Chad is sligthly stronger than most, an incel can easily slit his throat during the night and take control of the tribe. Chad is too low inhib to see it coming and unless he preventively and systematically gets rid of the incels, he's doomed.
Women are attracted to the appearance of quality, not actual substance of quality in fact. In other words, women are captivated by the peacock effect of being dazzled by bullshit. As sure as moths to the flame. For them: Perception > Reality.
Elder incels were the creators of mankind , now we are governed by basic ppl.
Cope as fuck.
Chads are genetic trash in this post industrial society we now live in, but at the same time we are not able to take advantage of it.
Our genetics give us great IQ, and our ugliness means we learn how to hone that iq in first 22 years of life.
However because most people, even on this forum, are fucking cucks deep down we waste that IQ inventing shit like tinder targeting algorithms, and just cuck ourselves even more.
The righteous path would be to use that iq to go full on super villain, it just hardcore MGTOW and live with the 1% chance you find the girl who is not a fucking whore
Cope, most chads I know are army officers, engineers, sucessfull businesmen or have other high status and intelligence jobs. The alpha + chad of my highschool was able to build and repair motorcycles at age 14, when I still struggled with building redstone canons in Minecraft.

Its easy to focus on a profession if you know that you will come home to a beautiful wife and a loving family instead of an empty coffin like we do. Not beeing depressed 24/7 and having balanced hormones also helps.

Our families and teachers always told us that our bullies will someday have to wipe our shoes while we are sucessfull and rich. It was the biggest lie of them all.
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Bony relicts from stone age is what they are, valued only because of femoid stupidity
They´re low iq orcs on a good body.
Totally unfair, and here´s what i got to say.

They are far more physically imposing and that's all that matters in society.

Studies show that attractive people are uo to 14% smarter .
I think this is due to the fact that they get more opportunity to practize in a social environment , they get engaged by others in conversation / get positively reinforced while we rot in depression ,
which will actually make you more stupid .
View attachment 155212

So , in other words

Chad is not only more beautiful than we are ,
he is also more intelligent .

Smarter because of lookism. Do you know that good looking people recieve higher scores because examenators just love their look.

Studies show that attractive people are uo to 14% smarter .
I think this is due to the fact that they get more opportunity to practize in a social environment , they get engaged by others in conversation / get positively reinforced while we rot in depression ,
which will actually make you more stupid .
View attachment 155212

So , in other words

Chad is not only more beautiful than we are ,
he is also more intelligent .

You take chads cock into your ass as i see.
All reasearches made by feminists fags and cucks
You are completely right. Wanna know what happens to a people that always chooses the biggest, baddest, strongest Chad in town to reproduce and generally kill the intelligent incels? Look no further than Africa and africans. Only strong Chads reproduce, and the race is generally strong but dumb, with a lower IQ than all the other races.
We(western people) once understood that foids cannot have the final say on whom they mate with. It was the job of the Patriarch/Father/Grandfather to decide who would marry his virgin daughter and reproduce.

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