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Serious Chads and Incels are attuned in their view of girls, while cucks are clueless.



Cucks are ugly people in denial.
Oct 7, 2018
One of the think i keep thinking about from time to time is why cucks are so good at coping with being not attractive, while having boring and unpassionate relationships with the woman that settled for them.

When i'm at work i usually observe the usually ugly fat cucks with beards that try to hang around female coworkers, some of them even hot.

They talk to them, so they think they are charming or whatever, but they do not realize they are talking to that hot coworker ONLY BECAUSE the conversation is taking place at work, where people of all kind are FORCED to stay togheter.

And their stories are all similar, they are either:
  • late 30's to 40's cucks that are already married: since they are engaged, they think they are just "flirtng without exposing themselves too much" because they do not want "betray le wifey" or "having affairs at work" (because it's dangerous) so they talk to those hot coworkers deluding themselves that if they wanted they could fuck them;
  • 20's to early 30's soyboys with no gf that otherwise have no chance to talk with girls and they somehow think they wll have a chance: they even try to bring out the "relationship" with said coworker out of the workplace, usually with her saying "oh, you want to go out? cool, who else is coming" or, in the worst cases, becoming a desperate beta orbiter.
Observing them i'm pretty sure that they have NO IDEA how women works. They are very, very juvenile and clueless, they know that people have sex and in their hopes they wanna pester some coworker because, hey, life is not like porn, it's not that like women are just seeking chads (or sucking cocks for getting a promotion, more on that later).

I think that we incels are WAY CLOSER to chad that we think, except that, of course, we are cursed by our looks. An incel that is somehow blessed with good looks would slay EVERYWHERE, just look at chadfishing experiments, we are able to make those sluts do ANYTHING we want! A cuck or a soyboy wouldn't even be able to chadfish, because even if the girl would want to get fucked by him, he would be like "m--maybe we can hang out" and he would be exposed because a chad would NEVER say something like that. Chad wants to fuck, and we want, too!

We are just ugly. That's our only problem, that's why we suffer and we question ourselves and why people criticize us. If we were good looking everything would be fine, it would be enough to not be blatantly disruptive towards a girl and we could fuck her every time we wanted.

We are just Chads without the looks, soyboy and cucks are inferior people, that's why they cannot argue with us.

If you avoid places where people are forced to hang out togheter, stacies are always with chads.
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What is going on why am i here?
Maybe that is because we are analog of omega males in nature. We need to be smart enought to survive and our role is not to be a betacuck, but target of bullying?
Maybe that is because we are analog of omega males in nature. We need to be smart enought to survive and our role is not to be a betacuck, but target of bullying?

Well, it surely has to do about our survival instinct, we know that we'd get fucked if we allowed a woman to make use of us. But cucks gets fucked too so they are simply more stupid than us.

I mean, look at the IT subreddit, when they write someting i cannot help myself to read it with the squeaky voice of a clueless supercuck. It's also full of foids and trannies, of course, so they do not matter.
An incel that is somehow blessed with good looks would slay EVERYWHERE,
actually, no, I am also socially retarded, and I believe quite a few here are too
actually, no, I am also socially retarded, and I believe quite a few here are too
I am socially retarded too. I hate to figure out what people really mean by their words and gestures.
I am pretty sure most Chads are just as clueless because everything always goes their way so they assume it's just as easy for other men. Some users on here have a really delusional romanticized view of Chad as some kind of wise mythical hero when in reality he's just a dumb jock. Chad at the most might believe redpill bro shit but most of them are not self aware.
I think Chads are either extremely bluepilled or extremely blackpilled. Bluepilled Chad thinks his personality gets him laid, while blackpill chad knows the truth
An incel that is somehow blessed with good looks would slay EVERYWHERE, just look at chadfishing experiments, we are able to make those sluts do ANYTHING we want!
Women will follow Chad's orders to the letter. This is by no means unique to incels.
We are just Chads without the looks, soyboy and cucks are inferior people, that's why they cannot argue with us.
By that you mean that we have darktriadmaxxed (it's the reason why everyone on this forum has an awful personality (myself included)).

Otherwise we fail to meet the definition of chad. Chad is tall and has a rather good-looking face. Or he may be average and have a very good-looking face.
I think Chads are either extremely bluepilled or extremely blackpilled. Bluepilled Chad thinks his personality gets him laid, while blackpill chad knows the truth
My experience as well. Either they know females are worthless for anything other than sex or they are bluepilled romantics. You can tell which is which by whether they commit. Blackpilled/redpilled chads never commit while bluepilled ones are romantics in serial relationships.
I am pretty sure most Chads are just as clueless because everything always goes their way so they assume it's just as easy for other men. Some users on here have a really delusional romanticized view of Chad as some kind of wise mythical hero when in reality he's just a dumb jock. Chad at the most might believe redpill bro shit but most of them are not self aware.

I just think that Chad will never be like "s-should we date sometimes" but instead he'll go for the fuck, like we would do if we were good looking.
My experience as well. Either they know females are worthless for anything other than sex or they are bluepilled romantics. You can tell which is which by whether they commit. Blackpilled/redpilled chads never commit while bluepilled ones are romantics in serial relationships.
Women will follow Chad's orders to the letter. This is by no means unique to incels.

But try to make a soyboy do a chadfishing experiment, she wouldn't fall for it, she would say something like "it's strange, you seem really smart... somethjing is wrong". I've seen that, i've tried to make a bluepilled incel friend do a chadfish and he almost failed, then i've explained him what to say and BAM, foid was wet and ready.

You just have to be sexual and Chad is sexual.

Bluepilled chads are actually in a disadvantage agains blackpilled (normal) ones, because foids expect dominance and confidence from Chad.
I think Chads are either extremely bluepilled or extremely blackpilled. Bluepilled Chad thinks his personality gets him laid, while blackpill chad knows the truth
Nah. Incels here aren't representative of incels at large. The whiteknights and the PUA community (which are much bigger than us) is proof of how most don't know shit about women (where looks=everything)

And as for Chads, I remember famous ones telling tabloids and interviewers about how their personalities and attitudes are attractive, so a lot of them are obviously clueless. Don't know if these guys are representative of Chads in general though.
I hate cucks. Fuck Em all
chads are cucks just like every other norman
And as for Chads, I remember famous ones telling tabloids and interviewers about how their personalities and attitudes are attractive, so a lot of them are obviously clueless. Don't know if these guys are representative of Chads in general though.

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