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RageFuel Chadlite Zelensky out of control !



Mar 2, 2021
It's time to call V. Zelensky what he is. A foid-worshipping-Chadlite opportunist-Lefty who dictates world economic policy based on whats sounds "Nice, moral & Peaceful" to Women.

You can switch on any leftist station and they are brow beating any company which hasn't pulled it's penis out of Ukraine's vagina with the quickness.

Citing to evil intentions and fitting into the American leftists definition of "misogyny", companies who haven't acted quickly enough to make the decision to leave Putin land are going to face restrictions in their domestic headquarters. Meanwhile, as momma and papa CNN & BBC instructs it's children media stations (Al Jazeera, France 24) to push support the anti Putin movement, any company who tries to say "please give us a minute" (Koch Industries, Lenovo, Astra Zeneca, Burger King etc) are being named and shamed as "breaking news".

The companies admit they suffer from Leftist Media harassment:

[The global reverberations: Stocks are down and energy prices are up. Western companies are cutting ties with Russia, including BP, which said yesterday that it would take a big loss by exiting its nearly 20 percent stake in Rosneft, the Russian state-controlled oil giant. Equinor of Norway, another large energy producer, said today that it would start divesting from its joint ventures in Russia. FedEx and UPS have halted shipments to Russia, and several countries have banned Russian flights from their airspace, with Russia responding in kind, leading airlines to cancel and reroute flights.]

@Mentally lost cel
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Zelensky is the clown of Ukraine
i hope russia wins
It's time to call V. Zelensky what he is. A foid-worshipping-Chadlite opportunist-Lefty who dictates world economic policy based on whats sounds "Nice, moral & Peaceful" to Women.

You can switch on any leftist station and they are brow beating any company which hasn't pulled it's penis out of Ukraine's vagina with the quickness.

Citing to evil intentions and fitting into the American leftists definition of "misogyny", companies who haven't acted quickly enough to make the decision to leave Putin land are going to face restrictions in their domestic headquarters. Meanwhile, as momma and papa CNN & BBC instructs it's children media stations (Al Jazeera, France 24) to push support the anti Putin movement, any company who tries to say "please give us a minute" (Koch Industries, Lenovo, Astra Zeneca, Burger King etc) are being named and shamed as "breaking news".

The companies admit they suffer from Leftist Media harassment:

[The global reverberations: Stocks are down and energy prices are up. Western companies are cutting ties with Russia, including BP, which said yesterday that it would take a big loss by exiting its nearly 20 percent stake in Rosneft, the Russian state-controlled oil giant. Equinor of Norway, another large energy producer, said today that it would start divesting from its joint ventures in Russia. FedEx and UPS have halted shipments to Russia, and several countries have banned Russian flights from their airspace, with Russia responding in kind, leading airlines to cancel and reroute flights.]

@Mentally lost cel
yes Zeensky is becoming a joke, all i see is a comedian with no political conviction or knowledge grandstanding an being a complete opportunist by playing the role of martyr and "leader" and manipulating the situation ukraine finds itself in for his own political power and social gain.

You have to remember before he claimed that he would be able to mend ties with putin as a huge reason for him to be elected to office, this failed completely, he is just a huge opportunist making huge claims and not backing anything up, always look at the history of what someone does and what happens and if they take accountability for the failure.

The dude is completely silent on this complete failure, and just spends his whole career making ever more grandiose claims that he will never back up, or if he does back it up it will be circumstance and chance that makes it happen not him.

He is a complete worm, standing for the camera saying what everyone wants to hear posing with guns, pathetic.
You have to remember before he claimed that he would be able to mend ties with putin as a huge reason for him to be elected to office, this failed completely, he is just a huge opportunist making huge claims and not backing anything up, always look at the history of what someone does and what happens and if they take accountability for the failure.
Standard political behavior, unfortunately. Unless the zeitgeist changes or people stand up in a revolution, this is will the MO of every politician out there: lie, lie, get bribed - excuse me, receive "donations" from lobbyists and donors - and then lie some more.

Just think of the image of the average politician in the minds of people in general. The archetypical politician is exactly an opportunist who lies and makes false promises in order to receive support, and then disregards the people and occasionally backstabs his allies. That common joke about knowing when a politician is lying (his lips are moving) comes about for a reason.
Chadlite? he's a textbook definition of a normie. he's also a kikepuppet.

As for the things said in this thread, it's really sad. those kikes and their economic warfare against Russian corpos will not hurt them.
"but companies are getting losses" you don't even need to care for this. they will just lay off incels who are working for them instead. those incel workers are getting the most damage while their ugly relatives are being driven over by ukranian kike driven tanks. alas, it's pretty much over for dimitricels.
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Standard political behavior, unfortunately. Unless the zeitgeist changes or people stand up in a revolution, this is will the MO of every politician out there: lie, lie, get bribed - excuse me, receive "donations" from lobbyists and donors - and then lie some more.

Just think of the image of the average politician in the minds of people in general. The archetypical politician is exactly an opportunist who lies and makes false promises in order to receive support, and then disregards the people and occasionally backstabs his allies. That common joke about knowing when a politician is lying (his lips are moving) comes about for a reason.


The dude is completely silent on this complete failure, and just spends his whole career making ever more grandiose claims that he will never back up, or if he does back it up it will be circumstance and chance that makes it happen not him.

He is a complete worm, standing for the camera saying what everyone wants to hear posing with guns, pathetic.
Yes. I think all the way back in February when American Leftist media began giving signs that they would of course naturally support his perceived underdog position they began the whole

Putin = misogyny
Zelensky = Protector of women.

It wasn't go hard for the guy to figure out that nothing he actually said before or his track record matters. All he has to do is keep making videos demanding for the West to pour resources in and then the left leaning media would do the rest for him.

Screenshot 2022 04 25 15 34 15 68
Standard political behavior, unfortunately. Unless the zeitgeist changes or people stand up in a revolution, this is will the MO of every politician out there: lie, lie, get bribed - excuse me, receive "donations" from lobbyists and donors - and then lie some more.

Just think of the image of the average politician in the minds of people in general. The archetypical politician is exactly an opportunist who lies and makes false promises in order to receive support, and then disregards the people and occasionally backstabs his allies. That common joke about knowing when a politician is lying (his lips are moving) comes about for a reason.
It's true. Has been going on for sometime now. However the one thing I see that's different is that for a war happening in this social media and digital age, the man is able to just get on TV with a cut-T Shirt and dictate what he needs and about a week later, it arrives !

You know when Bill Maher is doing his usual dance it means he's selling Zelensky as the "women's underdog leader' He's admitting that Zelensky is an "alpha" and roping it in with leftist garbage about toxic masculinity so that he himself (Maher) appears as though he's a champion of "whatever is badass at the moment"

["Nope, Maher's not trashing The Ukrainian Prez ... quite the opposite. He says Zelensky is living proof women actually want some of that masculinity in their men. He points to various polls and social media with an undeniable conclusion ... women, and some men find him incredibly hot."]
Chadlite? he's a textbook definition of a normie. he's also a kikepuppet.
Whatever. No need to be pedantic. He's high smv, square-ish face, could be high tier normie or low tier Chad. If he's the former hes elevated to Chadlite anyway. Plus he's the "rustic winter warrior" so makes women wet. I bet you anything he'll be either Time Magazine's "Faggot of the Year" or People's mag same shit.
Zelensky is a fucking joke he has cucked millions of men and whored out millions of military wives just so Putin can’t wave a blue and red flag in eastern Ukraine.

Fucking loser I hope someone euthanizes Zelensky and puts a bullet in his head like old yeller and puts that old dog down
Zelensky is a fucking joke he has cucked millions of men and whored out millions of military wives just so Putin can’t wave a blue and red flag in eastern Ukraine.

Fucking loser I hope someone euthanizes Zelensky and puts a bullet in his head like old yeller and puts that old dog down
Well, what's frustrating is that even in a Wartime scenario, with the super cucked standard administrative bureaucrats + American/European Leftist Media in charge of mainstream perception, a person like him just might be UN-KILLABLE ! So, IF Russia wants to humiliate this guy and get it over with, they need to hurry up and get the damn Intel on his location and drop a targetted MOAB or FOAB on his glib ass.
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Zelensky is a fucking joke he has cucked millions of men and whored out millions of military wives just so Putin can’t wave a blue and red flag in eastern Ukraine.

Fucking loser I hope someone euthanizes Zelensky and puts a bullet in his head like old yeller and puts that old dog down
After evacuating all fighting age jewish men that didn't want to fight, and he himself fleeing to Israel.
Imo the USA made the decision that now is the time to move on the Christian ex-Soviet Union. And they came up with this Zelensky character because they knew he would provoke Russia. Which the US military has very advanced psychological experts who have the real psychology, much of it not taught in colleges.

If Russia wasn't so ego driven, Russia could have kept backing the LPR and DPR with huge amounts of money, weapons, ammo, supplies and soldiers(mercenaries who were 'ex' Russian army).

But by having a Jewish comedian to provoke, and also making him a superhero President it would infuriate Putin and the top Russians, who are the big dogs in the ex-Soviet Union and want everyone sucking up to them.

The thing also is this war its going to just wreck Ukraine, that is what is suspicious about Zelensky to me is how willing he is to sacrifice Ukraine. @Simulacrasimulation

Ya all leaders in the ex-Soviet Union I am sure want to stand up to Russia and fight, but most aren't as brave as the Chechens and instead come up with some half-measures to buy time and keep Moscow from going all in.
After evacuating all fighting age jewish men that didn't want to fight, and he himself fleeing to Israel.
Who knows maybe he is already there now? It's hard to say where they are hiding this celebrity. That's what all of this is about for them, making themselves into celebrities!
Whatever. No need to be pedantic. He's high smv, square-ish face, could be high tier normie or low tier Chad. If he's the former hes elevated to Chadlite anyway. Plus he's the "rustic winter warrior" so makes women wet. I bet you anything he'll be either Time Magazine's "Faggot of the Year" or People's mag same shit.
unironically yes for sure he will be cuck of the year the year after biden won Times cuck of the year last year

in fact good bet i might wager this see what odds i get its almost nailed on zelensky for cuck
Whatever. No need to be pedantic. He's high smv, square-ish face, could be high tier normie
No. and having a squarish face isn't a law. lurk more on .org. he's a normie and a manlet.
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No. and having a squarish face isn't a law. lurk more on .org. he's a normie and a manlet.
You're missing the relevant point! We are discussing what he is doing, not whether he would be considered a high smv normie or a Chadlite or regular manlet by women or men. I don't give two shits what the consensus about his face would be, honestly. If you want to edit the title and call him "Normie Manlet" go right ahead.
You're missing the relevant point! We are discussing what he is doing, not whether he would be considered a high smv normie or a Chadlite or regular manlet by women or men. I don't give two shits what the consensus about his face would be, honestly. If you want to edit the title and call him "Normie Manlet" go right ahead.
Yeah I know and I agree :yes: that is why I addressed him as a kike puppet and a faggot too :feelshehe: I just don't agree on the chadlite bit because he looks like a giga soy cuck normie :lul:
in fact good bet i might wager this see what odds i get its almost nailed on zelensky for cuck
Yeah man. It's almost worth the gamble. Show me the betting ring and I'll also put some dinero down. :feelscomfy:

I mean shit, how could the not..Once social manipulators like Bill Maher start tooting a guy's horn for him, he'll get some sort of accolade. Then HollyCuckWood will make a few movies out of it. Him and his band of deep cover operatives working behind the scenes to be the media's favorite assholes.
Yeah I know and I agree :yes: that is why I addressed him as a kike puppet and a faggot too :feelshehe: I just don't agree on the chadlite bit because he looks like a giga soy cuck normie :lul:
You want me to print a retraction? :feelsjuice: Its not a known fact anyway. Chadlite best fits what he is because of his stature. President of a god damn country. Regardless of whether he looks one way or the other - He'll probably get a bunch of young liberal rebel pussy for being the President of CuckUkraine.

Kike puppet maybe sure, or maybe not. Maybe he's doing his own retarded thing. The bigger thing that governs people today is the desire to be famous! The desire to be a celebrity! Which is what he is now. And as such he gets to do whatever he wants with impunity.
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Imo the USA made the decision that now is the time to move on the Christian ex-Soviet Union.
Yes and Europe. It's a feedback loop between Zelensky wanting to be a famous asshole and U.S. + Europe leftist et all wanting to have a new campaign. Even many of the Cuckservatives support the idea of starting up the military industrial complex in some way or the other. But, in all honesty they are torn between wanting to do more for Ukraine and dealing with the disaster that is the American economy at home. I remember we had talked about this before. You felt they (U.S./West) was a in a strong position and I felt that they were in a weak one, hurting themselves even further with every move, especially after Covid hoccum. At the end of the day the West is moving backwards, almost towards the status of being a shitty developing nation that looses its global position and devalues it's own currency world wide! Do you see it ?
Ya all leaders in the ex-Soviet Union I am sure want to stand up to Russia and fight, but most aren't as brave as the Chechens and instead come up with some half-measures to buy time and keep Moscow from going all in.

Let's see. This war is becoming so nauseating. That's why I was just focusing on V.Z. as a slimy character. It's impossible to say how long and muddy this "war" is going to be.
He's a cross dresser. Here is a video of Him cross dressing from 2006.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zLKz8RkhEMfd/

Yeah it looks like their version of Dancing with the Stars or so they say. So he's a fag. Makes sense. Quite a few liberal and conservative politicians are secret fags. He's like a really bad actor, some of them move onto politics. Some Eastern European do shit like this then move into politics or business.

Looks like Zelensky likes shitty metal music and wears leather. No wonder the Liberals in the U.S. like him.
Yeah it looks like their version of Dancing with the Stars or so they say. So he's a fag. Makes sense. Quite a few liberal and conservative politicians are secret fags. He's like a really bad actor, some of them move onto politics. Some Eastern European do shit like this then move into politics or business.

Looks like Zelensky likes shitty metal music and wears leather. No wonder the Liberals in the U.S. like him.
He supports the EU and LGBT.
He supports the EU and LGBT.
Faggots do that.
He's a cross dresser. Here is a video of Him cross dressing from 2006.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zLKz8RkhEMfd/

Actually this video proves the point even more, where I shifted focus to the fact he wants to be famous. Here he is failing at showbiz and here he is being a Chadlite cocksucker. Now hes older, becomes downgraded to Normie and is somehow seen as "wise". This is more proof that sexual authority is what the masses really follow. In language one can say any rubbish he/she wants as long as he checks off the right "celebrity boxes" in their persona.
He will war till the last Ukrainian, while he is in no real danger and will live on like nothing happened.
he can't outsmart Putin
He will war till the last Ukrainian, while he is in no real danger and will live on like nothing happened.
Yes. See^ Hes an Actor ! A shitty one, but an actor nonetheless.
Yes and Europe. It's a feedback loop between Zelensky wanting to be a famous asshole and U.S. + Europe leftist et all wanting to have a new campaign. Even many of the Cuckservatives support the idea of starting up the military industrial complex in some way or the other. But, in all honesty they are torn between wanting to do more for Ukraine and dealing with the disaster that is the American economy at home. I remember we had talked about this before. You felt they (U.S./West) was a in a strong position and I felt that they were in a weak one, hurting themselves even further with every move, especially after Covid hoccum. At the end of the day the West is moving backwards, almost towards the status of being a shitty developing nation that looses its global position and devalues it's own currency world wide! Do you see it ?

Let's see. This war is becoming so nauseating. That's why I was just focusing on V.Z. as a slimy character. It's impossible to say how long and muddy this "war" is going to be.

Ya a key thing about humans is when we form organizations, those organizations want to grow. Whether corporations, churches, charities, government agencies, or in this case whole countries. Eg.. both the EU and Russia want to add Ukraine.

Governments always want a crisis as it justifies more government power and spending. The US bread and butter is war spending... because then the government gets to spend huge so everyone in metro Washington D.C. is happy, and the dark forces in the state are happy because they get to dominate and kill people.. but with war it means they are doing that somewhere else, instead of attacking Americans and taking away freedom here.

The main costs of this war are as you said when the idiotic decision to force companies to leave Russia. That cost probably a few $trillion in wealth.

Problem in this war is the war spending imo it doesn't cost the US (or China financially backstopping Russia) that much. I mean its not cheap, but say its $100 billion a year each. The US already was spending that in Afghanistan anyway.
Ya a key thing about humans is when we form organizations, those organizations want to grow. Whether corporations, churches, charities, government agencies, or in this case whole countries. Eg.. both the EU and Russia want to add Ukraine.
Yes but...
Governments always want a crisis as it justifies more government power and spending. The US bread and butter is war spending... because then the government gets to spend huge so everyone in metro Washington D.C. is happy, and the dark forces in the state are happy because they get to dominate and kill people.. but with war it means they are doing that somewhere else, instead of attacking Americans and taking away freedom here.
Yes definitely true, but..
The main costs of this war are as you said when the idiotic decision to force companies to leave Russia. That cost probably a few $trillion in wealth.

Problem in this war is the war spending imo it doesn't cost the US (or China financially backstopping Russia) that much. I mean its not cheap, but say its $100 billion a year each. The US already was spending that in Afghanistan anyway.
I feel like these days^ are long over!

What I'm actually saying is that I think the U.S. is a lot weaker than anyone says or thinks it is. Nobody has a tight grip over things. That if tested it may break. It has just retained its former glory through memory. It cannot afford to really do another long term hunkering down like Iraq or Afghanistan.
Yes but...

Yes definitely true, but..

I feel like these days^ are long over!

What I'm actually saying is that I think the U.S. is a lot weaker than anyone says or thinks it is. Nobody has a tight grip over things. That if tested it may break. It has just retained its former glory through memory. It cannot afford to really do another long term hunkering down like Iraq or Afghanistan.

I view the cost as not that big of a factor in Ukraine. The US economy is over $20 trillion now, so paying $100 billion a year to get money, weapons, ammo, supplies and mercenaries to Ukraine isn't that much. The same can be said of China, whose economy is closing in on $20 trillion itself now, that backing Russia for $100 billion a year isn't a big problem for China.

Interesting development today was Zelensky was saying maybe negotiations is the way to go. It doesn't look imo like Ukraine at this time will be able to push the Russians out, or stop Russia and the LPR and DPR from taking full control up to the borders of those provinces.

A possible deal is Russia gets the 4 SE provinces and pulls out of Kharkiv province. The LPR and DPR also don't want to join Russia outright, just ally with Russia.

Novorossiya 86563f45 630b 4bd6 99d2 c239404f4b3 resize 750

I view the cost as not that big of a factor in Ukraine. The US economy is over $20 trillion now, so paying $100 billion a year to get money, weapons, ammo, supplies and mercenaries to Ukraine isn't that much. The same can be said of China, whose economy is closing in on $20 trillion itself now, that backing Russia for $100 billion a year isn't a big problem for China.
My main argument is with this part. I would have agreed that using the money the U.S. has in Ukraine wouldn't have been a big deal for the U.S. before, but I fear it will be now. I don't think the U.S. should spend even one cent in Ukraine with all the issues it faces at home. They should cut the money in half, use it on decaying infrastructure, and give the rest of it away as a rebate credit for being [UWSL]a "Western decay credit". :feelsjuice:[/UWSL]

Interesting development today was Zelensky was saying maybe negotiations is the way to go. It doesn't look imo like Ukraine at this time will be able to push the Russians out, or stop Russia and the LPR and DPR from taking full control up to the borders of those provinces.
Interesting indeed. But is it another way to prolong this vomit inducing gorilla war shit and give more people a life purpose?
A possible deal is Russia gets the 4 SE provinces and pulls out of Kharkiv province. The LPR and DPR also don't want to join Russia outright, just ally with Russia.

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Makes sense then. My question is, will Russia's advances and any subsequent deals with Ukraine/EU have secured them the oil chanels they set out to get in the beginning or not?
My main argument is with this part. I would have agreed that using the money the U.S. has in Ukraine wouldn't have been a big deal for the U.S. before, but I fear it will be now. I don't think the U.S. should spend even one cent in Ukraine with all the issues it faces at home. They should cut the money in half, use it on decaying infrastructure, and give the rest of it away as a rebate credit for being [UWSL]a "Western decay credit". :feelsjuice:[/UWSL]

Interesting indeed. But is it another way to prolong this vomit inducing gorilla war shit and give more people a life purpose?

Makes sense then. My question is, will Russia's advances and any subsequent deals with Ukraine/EU have secured them the oil chanels they set out to get in the beginning or not?

That is what I am thinking is if the positions aren't going to change substantially might as well do a ceasefire deal.

I think for Russia the war was about they know the US Empire is coming for them, and they want to grab as much territory and people as possible before the Empire gets further.

If you look at this map and consider Finland is not yet in NATO and how Belarus and Ukraine are a buffer between NATO and Russia. Russia honestly would like to get control of the 3 Baltic states as well again for its security.

Even having the DPR and LPR on their side as independent republics is significant. The Russian military also got a lot of practice so they could see which tactics were working and not, and what technology they need. On that line of thought the war also showed them who was corrupt in their military and military industries and intelligence.

One problem though for Russia is if they agree to a ceasefire here, then NATO is going to heavily arm Ukraine.. and now they have Finland saying its going to join NATO too. They almost do need to go for Finland here and put in a pro-Russia government there.

Countries europe map L
One problem though for Russia is if they agree to a ceasefire here, then NATO is going to heavily arm Ukraine.. and now they have Finland saying its going to join NATO too. They almost do need to go for Finland here and put in a pro-Russia government there.

View attachment 604118
You mean in the intermittent period between the end of war (ceasefire) NATO will fitout V. Cuckensky' Ukraine with more weapons and then he'll start doing gorilla strikes forever. So Eastern Europe really turns into Venezuela or something....and each year the U.S. sinks billions into this nonsense without consequences? Shiit!?!

This is going to keep being ugly for a long time...
It's time to call V. Zelensky what he is. A foid-worshipping-Chadlite opportunist-Lefty who dictates world economic policy based on whats sounds "Nice, moral & Peaceful" to Women.

You can switch on any leftist station and they are brow beating any company which hasn't pulled it's penis out of Ukraine's vagina with the quickness.

Citing to evil intentions and fitting into the American leftists definition of "misogyny", companies who haven't acted quickly enough to make the decision to leave Putin land are going to face restrictions in their domestic headquarters. Meanwhile, as momma and papa CNN & BBC instructs it's children media stations (Al Jazeera, France 24) to push support the anti Putin movement, any company who tries to say "please give us a minute" (Koch Industries, Lenovo, Astra Zeneca, Burger King etc) are being named and shamed as "breaking news".

The companies admit they suffer from Leftist Media harassment:

[The global reverberations: Stocks are down and energy prices are up. Western companies are cutting ties with Russia, including BP, which said yesterday that it would take a big loss by exiting its nearly 20 percent stake in Rosneft, the Russian state-controlled oil giant. Equinor of Norway, another large energy producer, said today that it would start divesting from its joint ventures in Russia. FedEx and UPS have halted shipments to Russia, and several countries have banned Russian flights from their airspace, with Russia responding in kind, leading airlines to cancel and reroute flights.]

@Mentally lost cel
I wish peace for all innocents
He isn't a politician. He is a pathetic clown poser. His 'speeches' are empty, full of virtue-signalling and emotionalism like 'the world need to protect Ukrainian children for our common future'. What he says is aimed at fefales.
He isn't a politician. He is a pathetic clown poser. His 'speeches' are empty, full of virtue-signalling and emotionalism like 'the world need to protect Ukrainian children for our common future'. What he says is aimed at fefales.
I was thinking more like an out of work C-list actor on drugs. But he's worse than that.
You mean in the intermittent period between the end of war (ceasefire) NATO will fitout V. Cuckensky' Ukraine with more weapons and then he'll start doing gorilla strikes forever. So Eastern Europe really turns into Venezuela or something....and each year the U.S. sinks billions into this nonsense without consequences? Shiit!?!

This is going to keep being ugly for a long time...

Ya the US & co. will use a cease fire to build up the Ukraine army and start the rebuilding of Ukraine in America's own image. And integration with the EU regulations and economy. Russia will have to do the same in NovoRussia.

Something that might happen is if Russia takes the rest of these provinces and digs in infantry with all the artillery behind it.. the fighting might go down to barely any fighting even if a ceasefire hasn't been agreed to.

Another aspect is these Switchblades will be getting to Ukraine before long, and we don't know how effective they will be. The US is also trying to get a good air defense network up, but that takes time and the Russian cruise missiles are hard to stop.
Ya the US & co. will use a cease fire to build up the Ukraine army and start the rebuilding of Ukraine in America's own image. And integration with the EU regulations and economy. Russia will have to do the same in NovoRussia.
Hmm. Could be the case, I suppose.
Something that might happen is if Russia takes the rest of these provinces and digs in infantry with all the artillery behind it.. the fighting might go down to barely any fighting even if a ceasefire hasn't been agreed to.
Yeah but like I said, I envision it to be the next Afghanistan or Iraq with scattered fighting into the future slowly. Who knows maybe that's completely wrong but each time Zelensky & Co. speak, it looks that way.
Another aspect is these Switchblades will be getting to Ukraine before long, and we don't know how effective they will be. The US is also trying to get a good air defense network up, but that takes time and the Russian cruise missiles are hard to stop.
See. All the more reason for it to become a drawn out Eastern European version of a proxy war backed by U.S. & co.
Hmm. Could be the case, I suppose.

Yeah but like I said, I envision it to be the next Afghanistan or Iraq with scattered fighting into the future slowly. Who knows maybe that's completely wrong but each time Zelensky & Co. speak, it looks that way.

See. All the more reason for it to become a drawn out Eastern European version of a proxy war backed by U.S. & co.

Ya it just seems like its slowing down, and near to a gridlock, after Russia takes control of the remaining territory up to the borders of the provinces in the SE. Since both sides were willing to take huge losses, they both got a lot of what they wanted.

Russia may add 8.8 million people who live in the 4 SE provinces. Which I am thinking they will be independent republics, which I am counting in the Russian camp. Its actually better to have independent republics in many ways than part of Russia. It gives Russia a buffer and when your whole side is one hierarchy it leads to big big problems if that hierarchy makes big mistakes. Whereas spread decision making its much more robust. Like Russia seems stronger having Belarus as an allied country rather than if Belarus were part of Russia. Then among allies they can have free trade, free movement of people and capital if they are smart.

When you add in Crimea that is 2.5 million people, Russia will have added 11.3 million people to its camp in less than a decade. Which is a lot considering in 2014 Russia had 143.5 million people. Belarus has 9.3 million people.

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