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Chad to Incel Descension. Brutal



Nov 12, 2017

Dont forget that mandatory height picture.
No more twilight movies for him
Did he gain weight?
Facade said:
Did he gain weight?

Yeah for a movie, but unlike us gymcel will turn him back into chad easily.
" incel descension"
and the best part is its only few milimeter of bones difference. that difference decides about your current and future social life not only dating life but fucking every aspect of your life. fuck this shit fuck the human race
No way this is real. What the actual fuck?
Balding is such a massive death sentence, just lol.
Inceldom is about bone structure. His face still has the same structure underneath. He gained weight probably for a movie or something, it happens all the time with actors. He just needs to lose it and then he will be right back to Chad.
Lestat said:


 Doesn’t this tell you something? 

That your state of health has a profound effect on your looks? That it’s not just genetics? I’m sure I’ll be attacked for saying this.

There’s someone who says “there’s no gym for your face” 

But a face isn’t just bone. In fact it’s made of muscle. Muscle can change shape.
He was never a Chad:


It must be a weird feeling to look like a Chad but still knowing that whenever anyone meets you in reality they are disappointed at how small you are and how that's "NOT OK" lol.

I somehow have a feeling that he'll end up totally fucked up and ugly in a couple of years and not make any more sucessful movies etc
Red Shambhala said:
He was never a Chad:


It must be a weird feeling to look like a Chad but still knowing that whenever anyone meets you in reality they are disappointed at how small you are and how that's "NOT OK" lol.

I somehow have a feeling that he'll end up totally fucked up and ugly in a couple of years and not make any more sucessful movies etc

those tall bitches are coping. he dated taylor swift who was taller and more famous and relevant than both those 2 bitches who are nobodies.
He still looks above average. More like, from Chad to high tier normie. Body fat is life.

Zyros said:
bodyfat is so critical for males

It's the most important thing for a male. If you're fat, you're a volcel.
CopingGymcel said:
He still looks above average. More like, from Chad to high tier normie. Body fat is life.

It's the most important thing for a male. If you're fat, you're a volcel.

How can I lose facial fat? My body is lean but I still have a babyface due to my delayed puberty. I can't wait for 3 more years
CopingGymcel said:
He still looks above average. More like, from Chad to high tier normie. Body fat is life.

It's the most important thing for a male. If you're fat, you're a volcel.

It doesn't really have any importance at all providing you're not so frickin massive you can't see slayer facial bones underneath the fat. And given slayerbones are big and pronounced, that's not happening at any normal level of bodyfat (say, up to 25%).

Most of the gym copers who have low bodyfat still look like shit because of BONES. Which makes sense tbh. Given only 10% of the population are Chads, if you're a fat fuck who loses weight, there's a 90% chance you're still gonna be incel. And most Chads aren't gonna get fat to begin with, so it's probably more like a 95% chance of incel tier bones really.
itsOVER said:
It doesn't really have any importance at all providing you're not so frickin massive you can't see slayer facial bones underneath the fat. And given slayerbones are big and pronounced, that's not happening at any normal level of bodyfat (say, up to 25%).

Most of the gym copers who have low bodyfat still look like shit because of BONES. Which makes sense tbh. Given only 10% of the population are Chads, if you're a fat fuck who loses weight, there's a 90% chance you're still gonna be incel. And most Chads aren't gonna get fat to begin with, so it's probably more like a 95% chance of incel tier bones really.

It's not about being Chad, but above average. If the difference is you looking average or slightly below at 18% body fat and then above at 10%, then you should definitely lose weight. It's not all black and white "Chad or nothing," when will you autists get that? Hell, if the difference between 18% to 10% body fat is you being a 4 instead of a 3, that is definitely worth achieving and will make a huge difference to your life. Who the hell has pronounced bones at 25% body fat? Nobody.
Imagine If Zyros was casted for Twilight
Red Shambhala said:
He was never a Chad:


It must be a weird feeling to look like a Chad but still knowing that whenever anyone meets you in reality they are disappointed at how small you are and how that's "NOT OK" lol.

I somehow have a feeling that he'll end up totally fucked up and ugly in a couple of years and not make any more sucessful movies etc

He is 5'9 are you retarded?  That woman is massive then lol.

Just some amazon trying to cope w being 6'2.
Bicboi said:
He is 5'9 are you retarded?  That woman is massive then lol.

I got bad news for you buddy, most women are reaching that height nowadays. 5'9 is practically midget now.
VLÖ said:
I got bad news for you buddy, most women are reaching that height nowadays. 5'9 is practically midget now.

Yea, I'm 5'9 just trying to cope with midget status rn

Even the asian girls at my uni are like 5'10-5'11, were fucked.
CopingGymcel said:
It's not about being Chad, but above average. If the difference is you looking average or slightly below at 18% body fat and then above at 10%, then you should definitely lose weight. It's not all black and white "Chad or nothing," when will you autists get that? Hell, if the difference between 18% to 10% body fat is you being a 4 instead of a 3, that is definitely worth achieving and will make a huge difference to your life. Who the hell has pronounced bones at 25% body fat? Nobody.

Anything below a PSL 6 is worthless in the west. The only difference within the scale of 1-5 is the difference between a 1 and a 2 (i.e. deformed person who actually scares people into looking away, vs just some generally ugly person who is sexually invisible like everyone else). No one is getting laid on that scale except maybe a PSL 5 who fucks a hamplanet.

Most Chads and Chadlites still look fine at 25% body fat, because it's mainly about bones. Big bones make you a slayer, and big bones need a frickin lot of body fat to cover up.

For everyone else...a fat incel vs a gymcel generally amount to the same thing - no pussy, except the gymcel doesn't even get to cope with chocolate in the evening.
ropenotcope said:
Inceldom is about bone structure. His face still has the same structure underneath. He gained weight probably for a movie or something, it happens all the time with actors. He just needs to lose it and then he will be right back to Chad.

itsOVER said:
Anything below a PSL 6 is worthless in the west. The only difference within the scale of 1-5 is the difference between a 1 and a 2 (i.e. deformed person who actually scares people into looking away, vs just some generally ugly person who is sexually invisible like everyone else). No one is getting laid on that scale except maybe a PSL 5 who fucks a hamplanet.

Most Chads and Chadlites still look fine at 25% body fat, because it's mainly about bones. Big bones make you a slayer, and big bones need a frickin lot of body fat to cover up.

For everyone else...a fat incel vs a gymcel generally amount to the same thing - no pussy, except the gymcel doesn't even get to cope with chocolate in the evening.

It's not about "looking fine," but looking good. Just look at Taylor Lautner at 25ish body fat, he looks much worse. He went from Chad/Chadlite to high tier normie by having higher body fat and he is pretty good looking, so you're wrong. Fat can destroy good bone structure and it can make otherwise 5 PSL males below average. Being lean is a requirement in 2018.

There are guys who look good facially at 30% body fat, but they're outliars who store very little body fat on their face.
CopingGymcel said:
It's not about "looking fine," but looking good. Just look at Taylor Lautner at 25ish body fat, he looks much worse. He went from Chad/Chadlite to high tier normie by having higher body fat and he is pretty good looking, so you're wrong. Fat can destroy good bone structure and it can make otherwise 5 PSL males below average. Being lean is a requirement in 2018.

There are guys who look good facially at 30% body fat, but they're outliars who store very little body fat on their face.

The average guy has 25% body fat. I've not seen any evidence that Chads are more inclined towards low bodyfat than normies and incels. So there must be plenty of Chads that look fine at 25%.

If you're a PSL5 or less it doesn't matter anyway. The scale is like this in the west:

1: Deformed ogre. Actually scares people when going outside and makes it hard to even do day to day activities.
2: Ugly as fuck, but not to the level people are so repulsed they can't speak to him during day to day interactions.
3: Sexually invisible
4: Sexually invisible
5: Sexually invisible
6: Can LTR an average chick. Might be able to fuck a few girls a year if he's also tall.
7: Chadlite who can LTR a decent chick, or slay average ones.
8+: Chad

So the only real ascension is from 1-2, and 5-6 when it comes to people on this board. Not many people are 1s, and being a 1 is ALL to do with face, and having extra muscles won't make you less scary or repulsive (actually it might lead to the opposite effect). This leaves us with a very small amount of current PSL5's who could become 6's if they got lean.

Basically, if you don't look good without gymcelling, it's over. Crack open that bottle of coke, order your big mac and relax because you were never getting any pussy anyway.

Bicboi said:
He is 5'9 are you retarded?  That woman is massive then lol.

Just some amazon trying to cope w being 6'2.

He is 174 cm according to Google and you need to be AT LEAST 180 cm. 
Young white women these days are Chadlettes themselves, close up to 180 cm usually. 
You're fucking retards with your bullshit here about how you can be a manlet as long as you have a cute boyish face.
Red Shambhala said:
He is 174 cm according to Google and you need to be AT LEAST 180 cm. 
Young white women these days are Chadlettes themselves, close up to 180 cm usually. 
You're fucking retards with your bullshit here about how you can be a manlet as long as you have a cute boyish face.

Red Shambhala said:
He is 174 cm according to Google and you need to be AT LEAST 180 cm. 
Young white women these days are Chadlettes themselves, close up to 180 cm usually. 
You're fucking retards with your bullshit here about how you can be a manlet as long as you have a cute boyish face.

Zac Effron

Face > Height

No shit height is important though.

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