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Experiment Chad hater vs. Foid hater - Which one are you?

Which one are you?

  • Chad hater - I hate Chad more than I hate foids (or the latter, not at all)

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Foid hater - I hate foids more than I hate Chad (or the latter, not at all)

    Votes: 57 75.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 30, 2019
Please explain your choice.

i hate both
the poll right now is at 50% 50% I would choose both, they are both idiots

foids: they are lousy at choosing men

chads: mostly abusive drug addicts or they treat she like shit

Obviously I hate them both but foids more, at the end of the day they're the ones who are choosing who to fuck (most of the time anyways) and if I were in Chad's shoes I would be doing the same thing as he is. Gotta say I'm more jealous of Chad though because I still rather do the fucking than get fucked during sex
Chads are not the problem, even in a world without chads foids would rather fugg dogs than incels.
I hate both. Was bullied by chads and always rejected by foids and some foids also made fun of me. I would say I hate both very much at the same level.
I hate both. Was bullied by chads and always rejected by foids and some foids also made fun of me. I would say I hate both very much at the same level.
Pick one. There is no 3rd choice for undecidedcels
Chads are just doing what we would do in the situation :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
Pick one. There is no 3rd choice for undecidedcels
[UWSL]Alright. Then I say foids. Because they would rather be a lesbian and/or fuck a dog than with me. And because foids keep ignoring me or looking at me with disgust.[/UWSL]
Chad is just enjoying what he has been gifted. He didn't make foids the way they are.
chad hater, because they're so entitled that they don't leave us short or ugly girls, I want all chads to brutaly die in gta V
Foids, too many bad experiences with them.

Chads suck though, they can burn in hell for all I care.
Poll is still closed to balanced. Interesting.

I would have put my money on there being more foid haters.
I hate Chads but toilets are super demon possessed
The main problem in my life are foids, not chads.
Chad just got lucky, but he's a man just like any other man. Chad can still get cucked, Chad can still get fucked over by feminism and Chad doesn't get the benefits foids get in society. Still, Chad can get away with things normies and incels can't.

Foids on the other hand can never lose, no matter if she's a Stacy, or subaverage, or a landwhale they are all treated the same.
Chad just got lucky, but he's a man just like any other man. Chad can still get cucked, Chad can still get fucked over by feminism and Chad doesn't get the benefits foids get in society. Still, Chad can get away with things normies and incels can't.

Foids on the other hand can never lose, no matter if she's a Stacy, or subaverage, or a landwhale they are all treated the same.
TBH I think that chads are the real winners, when foids complain about men privileges they complain about chad privileges. For women, only good looking men exist, the others are not humans. Chad privileges are real, foids come second and ugly men come last.
I hate both but I had foids more. Foids are the murderer in the crime and Chad is the getaway driver. They are both to blame but obviously foid is more to blame
Poll is still closed to balanced. Interesting.

I would have put my money on there being more foid haters.
Wow. 2 hours ago it was neck and neck. Now, Foid hater outnumber Chad haters by 2 to 1. More like what I thought
Foids are the ones enabling the worst of Chad behavior by rewarding it without reserve.
i can't tell u how i hate foids without getting raided by FBI (in minecraft) :dafuckfeels:
Wow. 2 hours ago it was neck and neck. Now, Foid hater outnumber Chad haters by 2 to 1. More like what I thought
It is 3 to 1 now ...

There is something about America that must explain this. Before the US woke up, Chad and foid haters were neck and neck. After they did, foid haters skyrocketed
Both, easily

Chads are like those dudes who got everything handed to him on a silver platter just because they won the genetic RNG lottery, yet they still act like assholes to mostly everyone

Foids, I don't think I even need to explain. Most if not all of them are just childish, emotional, manipulative, arrogant and extremely dumb, like they'll eat up whatever the mainstream media tells them to do.
Foid hater primarily. Foids are the ones who make the ultimate decision. But of course I hate promiscuous Chads as well.
Why more than Chad?
they dont use their newfound freedom, for the greater good of mankind instead they start to ride the caraosal and chase after chad.
I hate chads 100x more. Foids are just a minor annoyance. Chads should burn in hell for eternity, they slay because of their face and height but they think it’s their personality cause they are low iq and should be exterminated
I hate chads 100x more. Foids are just a minor annoyance. Chads should burn in hell for eternity, they slay because of their face and height but they think it’s their personality cause they are low iq and should be exterminated

Women. They will have sex with those who are considered to possess good personalities yet they will ignore those with genuine characters... women are only interested in the masks of man.
Discuss ...
I don't care if chad gets his stacy I hate them too I just want a looksmatch aspie gf :feelsbadman:

But since they always reject me I'm voting foid hater :reeeeee:
I prefer the Freudian consideration of sexual interaction among the sexes, that which argues that women are attracted to the actions of men, and men are attracted to the physique of women.

They both imply that the two sexes are attracted purely by the appearance of the opposite sex.

Man is, in my opinion, the more honest of the sexes. He admits to himself that the libido is the sole impetus to his sexuality, that his blatant desire for a woman that may satisfy his primitive urges is all that is necessary to alleviate his woes and concerns. That he needs only a mate that possesses the attractive physical form in order to be happy.

Woman, however, is the more pretentious, more superficial, more mendacious of the two sexes, for she argues that she care only for a mate that possesses a persona that may satisfy her expectation of man, one that can never truly be realized for such a man exists merely as an ideal in the mind of a woman. Women ask for a man that appeals to her through manipulating his mental form.

To quote Schopenhaur who constantly suggests that women lack the intellect to apprehend conscientious thought, "There is an unconscious propriety in the way in which, in all European languages, the word person is commonly used to denote a human being. The real meaning of persona is a mask, such as actors were accustomed to wear on the ancient stage; and it is quite true that no one shows himself as he is, but wear his mask and plays his part. Indeed, the whole of our social arrangements may be likened to perpetual comedy; and this is why a man who is worth anything finds society so insipid, while a blockhead is quite in home of it."

Essentially this quote indicates, from Schopenahuer's perspective, that women want men to surrender to their placement in society, to consider themselves obsolete and dependent upon their governance by others:—in truth, it is a governance by women through representatives.

Holy shit. This is literally my every thought, just a whole lot more eloquently. I think about this all the time. I had only heard of Schopenhauer’s philosophy but I am now an astute pessimist :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
I don't hate chads or foids tbh as much as I hate society and biology. Society and evolution is the reason why Chad gets all the girls and society is the reason why foids are selecting chad more and more.
I don't hate chads or foids tbh as much as I hate society and biology. Society and evolution is the reason why Chad gets all the girls and society is the reason why foids are selecting chad more and more.
I don't think it makes a lot of sense to hate "biology" and "evolution", no more that it makes sense to crush your own hand while punching at a concrete wall.

Hating society, I understand. Although the word "culture" would be more appropriate I think.

There are many possible cultures (including those not invented yet) and so, many possible societies. Some good, many bad.

I think you might like this one:
I don't think it makes a lot of sense to hate "biology" and "evolution", no more that it makes sense to crush your own hand while punching at a concrete wall.

Hating society, I understand. Although the word "culture" would be more appropriate I think.

There are many possible cultures (including those not invented yet) and so, many possible societies. Some good, many bad.

I think you might like this one:
True but it would be nice if evolution didn't make chad the most desirable while making high IQ dudes incels. Yes true, western culture is the one i hate in particular.

I'll check the thread out thanks.
I hate foids. Whenever I see foids especially beautiful foids, I become enraged.
True but it would be nice if evolution didn't make chad the most desirable while making high IQ dudes incels.
I am not sure that it really did that.

My own personal theory is that foids have sex with the male's status, not directly to his body. Of course, Chad's physique is what a top status dominant male would have looked like in the wild, and foids remember that in their genes.

However, even today, we have examples of foids wanting to have sex with males who are not Chads, like serial killers. The reason is that the serial killer is a celebrity and celebrity is a status by itself, even if it is for infamous reasons.

Also, in the past, there were many examples of men who were attractive to women because of an inherited title (of nobility, for example), regardless of their physical attributes.

It seems to me that Chads have become again the top choice for women today (like in the paleolithic) because the media industry has made handsomeness an obsession. In the 50s, I don't think women were attracted to Chad as much as today. Other forms of status still mattered (like wearing a uniform or money, social standing, etc). However, they still found male handsomeness appealing (for genetic reasons) and that is why the visual media put Chads everywhere, from News anchors to Soap operas because they noticed it had a positive impact on audience numbers. Then the Media expanded tremendously and everyone became used to be bombarded by Chad images 24/7. That made the Chad physique a status by itself, in addition to its baseline genetic attractiveness.

What I mean is that Chad's attractiveness today is not due to genetic factors only but is artificially enhanced to the point of becoming the top status.

Other cultures never did that and I think it is possible to again give status to non Chads, but that would require a big change in culture.

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