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Story Can you recall the moment or series of moments that led you to being as angry as you are?



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
People say to the incel "Incel, use your brain. You're a misogynist and a racist and an anti-Semite and a general nihilist. Why would I or anyone wanna put up with someone who hates everything and loves nothing?"

First I'd like to say, not all incels are these things. A lot of us just want equal treatment. And for people to just admit that ugly people have a harder time of it than pretty people.

Second, not all people who are these things are incel. There are some real assholes out there who, for some reason, ARE attracting people. So what does that say? That these monsters are attracting people but not us?

Third, yes, some incels hate most people. But that's not what made us incel. We used to be like you. We used to try it your way. And our lives still didn't improve. So it must be a little more than being a good person that gets your human affection.

Something or some things somewhere along the road of life drove us to these bitter ends. What I wanna know is, do you remember what drove you here?
I'm too low T to be consistently angry. I'm more likely to be nervous than to show anger to a hard extension way if any such so psychiatric what nots and so forth should express themselves to be so.
I'm too low T to be consistently angry. I'm more likely to be nervous than to show anger to a hard extension way if any such so psychiatric what nots and so forth should express themselves to be so.

You don't have to be punching walls. I mean when did you attain the disposition you have now? You can be low T, but not like certain people or things.
yup i remember every detail of my life, would take hours to explain everything that contributed to my downward spiral and becoming as angry as i am now
The short version is lots of rejection, bullying, isolation, neglect, and poor parenting
You don't have to be punching walls. I mean when did you attain the disposition you have now? You can be low T, but not like certain people or things.
Yeah that true. My heart is black a lot. About certain things that disturb me. I thought you were talking about angER I guess.
yup i remember every detail of my life, would take hours to explain everything that contributed to my downward spiral and becoming as angry as i am now

The short version is lots of rejection, bullying, isolation, neglect, and poor parenting

Yeah that true. My heart is black a lot. About certain things that disturb me. I thought you were talking about angER I guess.

I want the long version. Take however long you need to go through it all. Type a little at a time per day if you like. I can wait.
Being rejected by every single foid I made a move on since middle school. Seeing them go for the tall white guys and talk shit behind my back. I was blackpilled at age 12 tbh. Now 24.
I want the long version. Take however long you need to go through it all. Type a little at a time per day if you like. I can wait.
Alright, but I haven't eaten in 26 hours I'm goon get some food and then I'll tell my story
that and my father has anger problems too.
So does mine, in fact so does my mother and brother as well. I seem to be the only one who can keep a cool head 90% of the time
When my mother blames every bad event on me in the past when my stacy sister has degraded herself into a drug addict roastie. When my mother used to deliberately go out of her way to call me ugly, worthless, and something she wished she never had.
I personally only remember being angry whenever I leave my house to go to school. I hate interacting with all the normalfags there, I'm lucky though because summer vacation is coming up.
I personally only remember being angry whenever I leave my house to go to school. I hate interacting with all the normalfags there, I'm lucky though because summer vacation is coming up.

When did you start hating people at school?
When did you start hating people at school?
Since the end of Grade 8 and since the beginning of Grade 9. In grade 9, my high school has a fuckton of junkies then they all got expelled or moved into a different area for teaching them. I also hate them because they know I'm "strange", "weird" or "subhuman".
Since the end of Grade 8 and since the beginning of Grade 9. In grade 9, my high school has a fuckton of junkies then they all got expelled or moved into a different area for teaching them. I also hate them because they know I'm "strange", "weird" or "subhuman".

So what you mean is, there was a time when people didn't know you were strange, and therefore you liked people back then?
So what you mean is, there was a time when people didn't know you were strange, and therefore you liked people back then?
Essentially yeah but I was already diagnosed with autism at a young age but I was able to chameleonmaxx until high school. Even then people can tell I was a bit strange because of how I acted in middle school and they learned quickly of my autism.
I think the kicker was the last day of junior year. I got a pity invite from my only chad friend (we both loved vidya) to go to a pool party at a Stacys house. I reluctantly went but was thinking Hey, maybe this can be the big turn for me!

Well, I got there and for about an hour I got weird looks from Stacys and some turbo normies who were there. Finally, the Stacy who was hosting and a couple of her Becky orbiters came up to me and basically said "Who invited you? None of us want you here." And her, the becky orbiters, and the turbo normies laughed (I will say my chad friend did genuinely feel bad, and was legitimately trying to help).

I B-lined to my car, drove to a Mcdonalds parking lot, and cried for two hours. Then I went home, took a bottle of my parents vodka, downed half of it, got alcohol poisoning, and when my parents got home they had to take me to the hospital.

Fuck I hated high school. Worst day of my life by far.

This is a lightly edited version of one of my older posts from several months ago but its much more detailed than the first one I made on this thread. I can elab on any point if you want

-Born to christfag parents
-Brother came along and replaced me
-Repeated beatings from both mother and father until the age of 14
-Sent to a private Christian school where kids in older grades constantly bullied me
-Made friends with kids in my grade but my parents never let me visit them
-Spent most of my time rotting
-Constantly targeted by teachers
-A kid my age tries to shank me with a sharpened piece of fence and bullies me until the 4th grade
-Attempts suicide at 10 after rejection from first oneitis
-Goes to a summer camp where I’m bullied relentlessly by almost everyone, I fight one of the kids, win and get in trouble with the camp counselors but avoid parents wrath through manipulation
-All previous friends transfer to public school or moved to a different state
-A thugmaxxed group of basketball players come to the school and become the popular group
-In desperation I make friends with some guy who’s relationship with me was shaky at best
-I become the main target of my 6th grade class for insults and mockery
-Brother starts to become more hostile and confrontational leading to many fist fights
-Other classmates start to join in on the bullying as well
-Attends another camp where the aftermentioned “friend” turns my cabin mates against me
-The following school year, said “friend” gets a gf and becomes popular, leaving me behind
-I make a new group of friends who barley tolerate my existence and often make backhanded comments towards me
-I’m accused of stealing one of the basketball players shoes and end up getting stabbed in the back with a pen because of it
-The nicest member of my “friend group” transfers
-Girls start using me for favors
-I discover porn and spend all of my free time watching it and playing video games
-One of the members of my group attacks me and gives me a swelled lip that hasn’t completely gone down yet
-Thugmaxxed basketball players try to jump me
-I complete middle school and transfer to a public school for highschool
-I develop a oneitis who I proceed to orbit for the duration of high school and watch as she gets with lowlifes, would be junkies and much older guy ( anywhere between 4-6 years older)
-Grades drop due to depression, parents start treating me with less respect and more contempt
-Despite making a few fairweather friends I largely remain a loner
-I discover ER and start heavily researching past school shooters and terrorists
-I get into right wing politics during the 2016 election and begin to view others in a way similar to the NPC meme
- I discover the redpill
-I try to looksmaxx through various methods such as going to the gym, getting a more stylish haircut, buying clothing that I saw my peers wear and I also stated altering the way I walked and my posture
-I try to personalitymaxx by trying to become more assertive and confident, I also try to quit porn and various activities which tool away from my "productivity"
-None of my methods work and I observe other guys who seemingly put little to no effort into their lives get attention from girls
-I begin to realize that my family looks down on me for reasons I couldn't understand (at the time)
-I contemplate shooting up the school
-I graduate high school and realize that I haven't had any true friends since my elementary days after my "friends" lie about not going to a graduation party
-Attempt to ascend on a cruise ship and end up reading my twisted world front to back for the 4th time
-I go to college and continue my 8 year long rotting streak
-Drop out of school
-Still a KHV

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