Most obese and ugly people have sex, they just have sex with other obese and ugly people. I work in a government office right outside of Dallas Tx.(deep south.) Mostly black/Hispanic women. They could well be the ugliest and fattest group of people on planet earth. Their husbands/boyfriends are mostly overweight ethnic men.
I see 6/10 white male incels in college or who work middle class jobs and then I see 4/10 overweight, short hispanic men getting married and having kids in their 20s. Those hispanic men are typically fucking 1/10 morbidly obese hispanic women, so its not like they are really better off than a 6/10 incel who masturbates to porn.
Honestly, if it were between fucking some 1/10 landwhale in the deep south and masturbating to porn, saving $$$ and not having to put up with bullshit from a foid (an ugly obese one at that) , not accidently getting some obese, slob, foid pregnant than I would much rather just be single and masturbate to porn.