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Blackpill Can voice change your rating?



Cope Overlord
Apr 24, 2018
I really think many people underestimate the importance of having a good voice. You can be a normie, but I promise you that if you have some of that good ol' slav accent/ Curry accent/ Asian accent you are going to be considered less attractive. Same goes the other way around. Look at people like eggy for example, he looks really ugly but I believe the main factor that allowed him to get laid was his voice. One can assume he is a chadlite when hearing only his voice without seeing his face.
When females say they care about personality, the essentially mean they want someone with an attractive voice.
You can be an aspie with an attractive voice/ accent, and be treated better then a normie that looks the same but has a crappy voice.
my voice is super deep and AUTISTIC AS FUCK, seriously when i listen to recordings of it idk how people don't break out laughing when they hear me.

i'd leave a voice message but everyone is sleeping + my parents are home.
One dude once said i have voice of a alcohol addict, while in reality i hate drinking and i was never drunk. So i guess it's over for alcoholicels
I dislike my voice but the 2 users who heard it apparently like my voice so it can't be that bad
I dont think your voice increase your SMV, but i think it may DECREASE it.

May happen if your voice is too nasal or too thin.
When I was young I used to imitate the voice of death metal singers I listened to and now my voice is like theirs. I don't know if it's my fault or my genetic led up to that regardless. I'm not talking about the growls part, but the calm parts where they talk in a deep grievous monotonous voice.

When I'm in a bad mood for social interaction I can even stutter sometimes. That's a dry -10 points loss.
my voice is super deep and AUTISTIC AS FUCK, seriously when i listen to recordings of it idk how people don't break out laughing when they hear me.

i'd leave a voice message but everyone is sleeping + my parents are home.
Because you are a mentalcel. Deep voices are desirable.
Because you are a mentalcel. Deep voices are desirable.

no, trust me, i will send it to you later if you want over PM. literally sounds autistic.
no, trust me, i will send it to you later if you want over PM. literally sounds autistic.
I am 99% sure that it sounds normal and this is just your autism that is speaking to me.(If you even have autism)
yes and its also a big halo. for example if you live in the UK, youre a curry but have a british accent that sounds like any white man then you're much more likely to be accepted into social circles compromised of whites. deeper voices also show higher T.
no, trust me, i will send it to you later if you want over PM. literally sounds autistic.
I'm kinda curious to hear now too.
I don't want to tell you bluepilled crap, but I legit heard many people that think they sound like retards in recordings while there voice is actually fine.
One less thing to feel insecure about, boyo! :feelsokman:
Ain't gonna make you less mental/ugly, but it won't harm you either.
I wish I had a DEEP VOICE
Yes, voice and accent can absolutely change your rating.

Back when I was backpacking Eastern Europe I saw multiple Australians get laid just because of their accent alone.
So what happens when they see your face and its 3/10?
So what happens when they see your face and its 3/10?
That's what dark alleyways are for. Stacey can't reject you if she can't see your face.
Lmao what do you mean eggy has a chadlite voice? He's like 27 and his voice is still kinda high pitched af. I think you mean he's charismatic and can keep a conversation going well cause I've seen that.
I have a very autistic voice and it is shaky due to anxiety, people used to laugh when I did a presentation in school. A friend also told me my voice has no emotion and very monotone.
I have a quite bright voice usually, and while it is good at making females relaxed around me, they don't get turned on.
No, voice doesn’t mean a goddamn thing. I have a decent voice, has never helped me in any fucking way. Voice is COPE
I get a LOT done over the phone so voice has a use.
I have known Chads who I thought had very sexy voices. Some of them had voices that were quite soft but still sexy. These guys (Chad X) told me that women were always telling them that they had a sexy voice. They would go in voice chatrooms were you can use mikes and talk to the room and women would say, "Damn I love Chad X's voice! It's so sexy!"

If you are Chad, Chadlite or high tier Norman, a good voice is what I call an "add-on." Of course physical attraction is the first and main thing, but then you can add all sorts of add-ons or "extensions" to your Looks that improve your luck with women.

If you want to get women, you use everything you've got. Use your Looks or looksmatch, and then get as many add-ons as you want to and hone them to where they really enhance your attractiveness.
It might to a minor degree, I see a bunch of fat kids and nerdy kids at college use the Chad voice (you know the one) so that could be why
I don’t think it makes a difference,but just don’t have a high pitch tone.
Yeah a good voice is important. I hate mine.
What about fart sound? Do bitches find chad farts more sweet-sounding? What if an incel farts like jazz music? Can he get laid?
My voice is not that bad but I speak way too fast.

Also, I think it barely changes your rating unless it's COMPLETELY fucked up.
Some femoids are actually turned off by high pitched voices as they keep complain about voices of their actual BFs all the time. So, not a deal breaker obviously, nor something that will get you laid.
Also, male voice deepening evolved to intimidate other males, rather than attract femoids, so could be your voice matter more for other man, than femoids.

European accents help people slay in North America. British accent is top dollar though, I know normies that have straight up slayed in North America with running exotic (but still white) and accent game.

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