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Can someone relate?



Sep 15, 2024
I understand every single one of us is somewhat insecure about the way we look. It doesn’t matter who we are, whether we are khhv, normies or foids, each one of us have our own individual insecurities. This thread is mainly about our physical insecurities. In particular, I am so insecure of the way i look, i cannot even go out the house. I cannot even fucking walk around my block, because i am so ashamed of how I look (bloated and tired). But the problem is, i keep eating goyslop and looking worser and worser day by day. It’s like a cycle of incessant torture, and my self-hate for myself increases. I have a thing where I gain weight quickly but also lose weight quickly, but I’ve never really delved into it, if itd a condition. Anyways, I’m 18 and ive lived in a specific area in the UK for all my life. Yet I don’t know much about it, because I rarely explored my area because im always fucking inside. I’m genuinely in despair right now and I want help. I know emotions change all the time, but i have literally no one to talk too. Well, Besides my bluepilled family and 6”2 athletic htn mates i knew only cause of primary school, (baby school) etc. yes I know people DNR my post, I understand but atleast 1 person can relate in some way. The more the merrier.
Fucking brutal i can`t really give you advice because their really isn`t any if you`re Sub 5 it`s beyond over i know that from being sub 5 myself
If you are sub 5 women will categorize you as a women hater by default but don't let IT hear that
Fucking brutal i can`t really give you advice because their really isn`t any if you`re Sub 5 it`s beyond over i know that from being sub 5 myself
I appreciate your reply man. It’s sad but it made my day, knowing someone actually read what I said and listened. Or maybe it was cause i was neglected most of the time. But i wish you the best, fellow sub 5 brocel
It doesn’t matter who we are, whether we are khhv, normies or foids, each one of us have our own individual insecurities.
did you just put on the same level incel and foid in term of difficulty lvl ?
Every cycle meets its end just keep that in your mind, also start symbolising your fears so you become conscious to them then start taking actions to ascend from those fears with things you love, that's the only way forward
I appreciate your reply man. It’s sad but it made my day, knowing someone actually read what I said and listened. Or maybe it was cause i was neglected most of the time. But i wish you the best, fellow sub 5 brocel
:feelsYall:I`d recommend you stay on this forum as this is the only safe place for Us as soyciety despises us
If you are sub 5 women will categorize you as a women hater by default but don't let IT hear that
That’s why I don’t to go outside and increase the likelihood of interacting with people. If like you said, women have a negative depiction of me immediately, what’s the point of me touching grass. When I’m comfortable at home. Yes sounds like an excuse, but what would realistically happen that is good, if i step outside into the public, besides me getting heavily anxious and nervous. Only 1 good thing is it makes my mum happy but that’s it.
did you just put on the same level incel and foid in term of difficulty lvl ?
Didn’t imply too. I intended to show that everyone has insecurities. Imo though, foids insecurities are just stupid, unless there heavily deformed. They have infinite smv anyways. For normies, insecurities do mean smth but not that bad at all, as the normies can just get by. With us incels, our insecurities are things that ruined us and caused our life to be ruined and miserable . So for your question incel insecurities is much more than foids.
very very much relatable brother. in the spirit of what the thread's about i hate most of all how fuckin graceless i am. im so fkin clumsy and its so frustrating, because if i wasnt a 2/10 people would think it's "cute" or some halo effect bs yknow. takes a lotta balls to open up online too bro, i gotta respect ur transparency. and ive lived in this same shitty spot in ireland too my whole life, atleast take solace in the fact you arent alone in that brother.
Didn’t imply too. I intended to show that everyone has insecurities. Imo though, foids insecurities are just stupid, unless there heavily deformed. They have infinite smv anyways. For normies, insecurities do mean smth but not that bad at all, as the normies can just get by. With us incels, our insecurities are things that ruined us and caused our life to be ruined and miserable . So for your question incel insecurities is much more than foids.
Foids:im so insecure because
very very much relatable brother. in the spirit of what the thread's about i hate most of all how fuckin graceless i am. im so fkin clumsy and its so frustrating, because if i wasnt a 2/10 people would think it's "cute" or some halo effect bs yknow. takes a lotta balls to open up online too bro, i gotta respect ur transparency. and ive lived in this same shitty spot in ireland too my whole life, atleast take solace in the fact you arent alone in that brother.
thanks bro. Your response comforted me. Upon joining this community, one thing ive learnt is that I’m not alone. Many individuals here, are going through the same shit as me. And i agree, when your sub 5, people take every flaw of you too be a de-halo. When I was 7, people said my smile was very cute. If i smile now especially in public, ill just get a slight expression of disgust from onlookers, if they even bother to look at me.
Sorry to hear that. How do you cope bro? And get by?
For the moment I cope with .is and videogames. I hope u can find some peace doing these kind of activity. But I am amongst those who believe that inceldom only solution is death. But ultimatelty to answer : is my life worth the trouble ? You can only seek the answer within yourself, as the 'worthiness' and 'troubles' inherent to your life can only be weighed according to your own subjectivity. I mean that only you can determine if your coping mechanisms outweigh the pain of the incel plight.
When I was 7, people said my smile was very cute.
Did you also get uglier during puberty? I was normie tier with shitty teeth before puberty, now I have descended giga-hard after.
For the moment I cope with .is and videogames. I hope u can find some peace doing these kind of activity. But I am amongst those who believe that inceldom only solution is death. But ultimatelty to answer : is my life worth the trouble ? You can only seek the answer within yourself, as the 'worthiness' and 'troubles' inherent to your life can only be weighed according to your own subjectivity. I mean that only you can determine if your coping mechanisms outweigh the pain of the incel plight.
Your absolutely right. In that case, I will reflect on whether or not, copes like video games and junk food, will last me until death. But imo, obviously not. I cannot live this life anymore man. I’ll never rope because i Love my mum (only foid i care about). But I’ll keep dreaming off a better life. I just want to be fulfilled. A part of it is reproducing. But even that would be look down upon, sub 5 reproducing boo!, It sucks so bad
Did you also get uglier during puberty? I was normie tier with shitty teeth before puberty, now I have descended giga-hard after.
Probably a daft question but was it entirely puberty that made you descend? If you had a really good lifestyle, would you have remained a normie? Especially if you got braces for your teeth.
Did you also get uglier during puberty? I was normie tier with shitty teeth before puberty, now I have descended giga-hard after.
Yeah, ive been told ive peaked early. “You was such a cute kid”. “What happened?”. Nan however, believes im a handsome womanizer chad lmao, eventhough she calls me chubby and big all the time.
My only friends are from school too, known them since year 7 and I’m 19 now. One of the few things I’m grateful for
Yeah i think primary school was vital for building friendships. i know very weird kids, like kids who cannot even communicate properly, have mates at primary school. If you was a loner in primary school, it’s over.

on a serious note, do at least 1 interesting thing per day. Could be as little as complimenting someone.
Probably a daft question but was it entirely puberty that made you descend? If you had a really good lifestyle, would you have remained a normie? Especially if you got braces for your teeth.
Possibly, acne and acne scarring is one of my main issues and apparently a good lifestyle helps in that. Also I'm skinny fat which kinda sucks. Not sure how it would help with my recessed chin, big pores (which cause acne), shitty teeth, NCT and autism. But I feel like everyone here would look better if they lived like an Amerindian in the USA back in the 1800s during their preteens and teens, eating bison to gain bigger facial bones and being outside all day.
Possibly, acne and acne scarring is one of my main issues and apparently a good lifestyle helps in that. Also I'm skinny fat which kinda sucks. Not sure how it would help with my recessed chin, big pores (which cause acne), shitty teeth, NCT and autism. But I feel like everyone here would look better if they lived like an Amerindian in the USA back in the 1800s during their preteens and teens, eating bison to gain bigger facial bones and being outside all day.
Exactly. American Indians had an amazing lifestyle. Eating mainly meat, hunting. No wonder they had such strong jaws and hunter eyes. But today we are brought up where eating unnatural goyslop like cereal is normal?? Tf. The result is skinny fat mfers like us. I have a recessed chin as well, but ive grown facial hair like a goatee to minimise it. Aint gonna do shit but allow me to cope atleast haha

on a serious note, do at least 1 interesting thing per day. Could be as little as complimenting someone.
I will note this. Tomorrow will be doing 100 push ups. I will actually do this.

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