The whole "loss of sexual desire or of material possessions" is not really attainable. The only people that may have achieved such a thing all have said that one cannot become like them, but that they must be born into this life to become one.
The first hurdle is realizing that your perception of self is over identification with the body. When people talk about "ego death" what it really means is they lose all sense of their body. When this happens your consciousness loses all sense of separation of yourself from the environment. Your "life history" gets lost because it is just of history bodily sensations. Assuming you eventually come back to your body (ego death into ego rebirth) you will notice how your sense of bodily self gets reconstructed to an approximation of your former self, but with this experience added to the mix.
If there is any possibility for a whitepill, it would require some way to manipulate this ego reconstructive process into something not so constrained by the body.