Like nothing is affordable anymore, working will never get you to buy a home or any level of wealth that you don’t have to work unless you have a high IQ and get some high paid tech job.
its actually just jealousy.
They dont care if andrew tate rots or other people that flex their rich rotter lifestyle.
They dont care if foids rots as single moms or housewives.
Always break their argument down into almost mathematical terms, like list out the criteria [criteria] like that.
If - then, because [criteria]
When you do this, you realize that the criteria are arbitrary often, because you can instantly think of 1000 situation where they dont apply.
So if they as a man you should work and being neet is bad because you are leeching or something
do tihs
if neet = bad, because [leeching]
but we can see that [leeching] is perfectly fine if government taxes you, billionaires exploit people, when you have useless shit pets leech of you that cost as much as a car a month, when foids leech off you, or single moms. Nobody calls school teachers leeches even though they have half the year off and barely fucking work. Nobody calls jordan peterson a leech, even thogh he literally makes like 1 million dollar a month talking gibberish.
So, we can tell that the criteria of [leech] is not inherently bad in their eyes.
if neet = bad, because
Whats left is
neet = bad
and neet is just another derogatory term for male looser.
So the whole argument is basically
man = bad.
They would never say to a female neet she is a looser or needs to get a career and become a warrior etc.
Not that female neets can even exist becaues women literally can not be socially isolated unless they choose to.
So the whole thing is basically just male vs male competition, they hate you for being male and for not being slave like them.
They are actually saying, neeting is a privilige and you are not supposed to have privileges like that as a man.
They take pride in being wagie, but only because it sucks, so they mentally do a just-world-fallacy thing + martyr complex where they claim they have moral superiority for being wageslave.
But deep down they hate themselves and would instantly become neets if they could do it (think about their endgoal - retiring, rich etc they want to be neets, but in socially acceptable way.)
Literally this shit basically: