Women will go for men that are higher than their looksmatch by a 2-3 point spread usually.
High trust face & good looking = Boymaxx
Low trust face & good looking = Chad/Alpha/High fighting success (perceived not necessarily true)
High trust face & ugly = Incel or betabux depending on factors such as how ugly, height, race, social status, wealth, NT/autistic.
Low trust face & ugly = Thugmaxx (attitude & not too ugly), Incel, Creepy, Ogre depending once again on how ugly, wealth, jbb.
You only have it good if you're good looking otherwise everything else is a cope or illusion, she only wants you for your assets & doesn't get wet for you physically.
Strong chiseled facial features will put you in the Chad camp assuming you have good frame to boot, working on your body hard will turn you into giga Chad.
Pretty boy, popstar face will make them think you're adorable, this will diminish as you age & turn into chad-lite as long as you don't encounter a terrible transition like baldness or something.
The effect either one has on you with regards to foids really depends on which they prefer, action hero/sports stars or culturally creative/emotionally intelligent types. Man or boy, both being attractive though obviously, otherwise better keep your fame/money on tap & hope she doesn't find something better.